MOderating and being moderated

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Originally posted by Iqlima@May 6 2006, 05:44 PM
I'm hoping this thread to be "pin" on top of the post message so Committee or Moderator need no answer for future but so far very gray answer given.

There will come and go "not normal" forummer give challenge, fact of real life.

Mr. Skar said "soon" last Nov 2005, A bit scary "soon" .....

600 pages more The Chronicles of Narnia to go.......

Need more time ? I wait .......
As far as forum administrating is concern, we will try our best to give as much time, but bear in mind that the FORUM is not the main priority the committee was voted into the office. The tasks that the committee should be doing are the organising of events and making sure the other aspects of the club is taken care of.

This is an online forum, open to all. We have now 3000 registered FORUM members. We can't afford to put sizeable amount of time into governing the forum and neglect the tasks in hand and CLUB matters. The forum matters were handed to the moderators, namely Skar19 and The_NECC with the committee members overseeing it. But now only Skar19 would be doing the job. Anyone else in the forum who thinks that they have wat it takes to be a moderator, u can PM the committee members to be request to be one.

We didn't have SUPER concrete rules as there wasn't a real need to it. New rules were added onto the existing rules. In fact, our Rules and Regulations are combined rules and regulations from various forums, locally and abroad. In the end, it's still down to self-moderation in open forum, if the postings or individuals are deemed to be breaking the rules, the moderators and administrator have the final say.
If there's queries on forum matters, please PM the moderators. U can still PM the committee but matters would be forwarded to the moderating team.

If there's query on the Club matters, please PM the committee.
Originally posted by three28@Nov 10 2005, 05:15 AM
Dear Committee

Just an enquiry.

Moderation Practice and Procedures


Will there be any explanation on edited posts ?

On the post itself or PM ?

Via SMS ( ekekekek Jking)

Deletion of Posts

Will there be any warnings?

Will there be any PM notification before ?

Will there be any PM notifications after ?

Requested to edit or delete by owner of post itself ?

My humble enquiry .

Deletion and Locking of thread

Will the owner of the thread consulted and asked first?

Will there be an announcement before ?



Just curious and enquiring .

Not intended to flame anyone .

Thanks Guys .Cheers.

Cheers and happy moderating !!!!!!!
thanks for the reply but

1. I give again what three28 post as I mention earlier, can somebody answer "yes" or"no" on each of this.This will become very good reference for future I believe.

2. Can "pin" this thread for future reference ? "yes" or "no"

The Chronicles of Narnia Chapter Eight "In the house of the tisroc" page 256 , can't believe this kid book ! Good out from real world for a moment.

If you want an answer to the above and strictly abit by the rules and
regulation of the forum, then the answer is


and if we follow the rules strictly, then the forum would be boring.

That is why the moderator allows certain topics to be carried
on cos we can't talk about cars all days and nights... :eek:k:

I don't think we have to PM a person to delete his/her posting
when for eg.. he/she post a picture with pornographic nature.

With more than 2000 person registered, can you imagine how much
workload the moderator have to do if there are 2000 PM to be sent to each
individual parties for various offences, etc.

Honestly, the moderator are here on voluntary basis.. The are NOT PAID
any wages nor get any special previledges for managing and moderating
the forum.

Let help the moderator job to be easier by posting sensible.
Just a reminder, the policy is available for everone viewing.

Here the Link. Forum Policy

Forum Posting Policy

Messages posted to our forum, Q&A, help or public areas by members/users are solely the opinion and responsibility of the person posting the message. We are not responsible for messages left by the members/users. Instead, we merely provide access to such content as a service to you.

We do not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy or reliability of any communications posted in the forum/public areas or endorse any opinions expressed in the forum/public areas. You acknowledge that any reliance on material posted in the Site will be at your own risk.

The following types of postings are cause for immediate post removal, warning, forum and/or Site suspension, termination of your registration and/or such other actions as we deem fit in our sole discretion. This list is not exhaustive and you are advised to refer to and read the User Agreement.

1.Posting contact or personal information about another individual without permission.

2.Posting material containing profanity, vulgarity, hate speech, or threats of violence.

3.Posting material (graphic or text) that is obscene, pornographic or adult in nature.

4.Posting material (graphic or text) that is politically and religiously sensitive in nature.

5.Using JavaScript, active or other coding, making repetitive posts, or other actions that interfere with site operations.

6.Starting any inappropriate threads in the forum/public areas.

Deletion of threads: Final decision is on the moderating team. You may appeal and give reasons but moderating team still makes the final decision. No explanation should be expected when a thread is deleted as we may have our reasons, but rest assured that we will be fair in such matters.

Member banning or temporary suspension: Applies to individuals who show themselves to be trouble-makers and do not contribute in any positive way to the Forum. No explanation should be expected for our actions.

News article from another site: Please provide URL (link) when incorporating articles from outside source in the message posted. This is to ensure that others can verify that it is authentic. In cases where such information cannot be verified, they may be deleted.

Signatures and Avatars: Please be courteous with content and size of signatures used. Commercial links and contents deemed offensive would be requested to be removed. Avatars and Signatures which are deemed offensive would be requested to be removed as well. Advertisements in the signature for any form of products and/or services are strictly prohibited

Forum policy will be updated from time to time, so please view it occasionally to be aware of prevailing policies and/or rules.
Last the answer come out, great !

I decide to stop here but your statement below will make me bring something in future, for time being let thing "forget by time". Some people rather get "benefit" rather than obvious "payment" on paper.

From Jarance :

Honestly, the moderator are here on voluntary basis.. The are NOT PAID
any wages nor get any special previledges for managing and moderating
the forum.

Thanks for entertain me .

Originally posted by Iqlima@May 7 2006, 06:35 PM
From Jarance :

Honestly, the moderator are here on voluntary basis.. The are NOT PAID
any wages nor get any special previledges for managing and moderating
the forum.

Thanks for entertain me .

Unless I am wrong, is there some doubt on this issue by Iqlima?
to add to what's been explained:


Will there be any explanation on edited posts ?
On the post itself or PM ?

Explanation would be given on edited posts on the posting itself.
No PM required.

Deletion of Posts

Will there be any warnings?
Will there be any PM notification before ?
Will there be any PM notifications after ?
Requested to edit or delete by owner of post itself ?

Deletion of postings would be on moderator's discretion based on the situation. Warnings would be given if possible but on circumstances which requires immediate action, postings would be removed without warnings.

Deletion and Locking of thread

Will the owner of the thread consulted and asked first?
Will there be an announcement before ?

Deletion and locking of thread would be on moderator's discretion based on the situation. Warnings would be given if possible but on circumstances which requires immediate action, threads would be closed or removed without warnings.
Fabian, Skar, Blackrobe etal,

I will not lace my words with things like how great but thankless no-pay job the Moderators are doing under such extremly hostile circumstances.

I do however note that the following two key operands are needed in the moderating guidelines:

1. Fair and even handedness

2. Respect

Mull on them.

Old Man Saat
Sensibly, a forummer who posts or enters a forum is but only a guest so he/she should not so much as ask/ demand anything - guests should behave properly as guests and guest previleges should not be misconstrued as club membership rights, at least not until the ROS has recognized the club & its members...just my 2 cents worth. :D
my opinion,

i believe that if everyone toe the line, then the forum will be a lot 'fun'..with the guidance of the committee of course..

however, as pointed out by the committee we will face all kinds of hostile, rude, interuptive postings..of which the committee will have to moderate..

regards to the committee.
Can you people address the topic on hand & not deviate. Please proceed to autobahn or General discussions or do we need to announce this also?
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