MOderating and being moderated

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Dear CommitteeJust an enquiry. Moderation Practice and Procedures Editing Will there be any explanation on edited posts ?On the post itself or PM ?Via SMS ( ekekekek Jking) Deletion of Posts Will there be any warnings?Will there be any PM notification before ? Will there be any PM notifications after ? Requested to edit or delete by owner of post itself ?My humble enquiry . Deletion and Locking of thread Will the owner of the thread consulted and asked first?Will there be an announcement before ? PM’s? OR ALL MODERATION PROCESS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO BE EXPLAINED . Just curious and enquiring . Not intended to flame anyone . Thanks Guys .Cheers.Cheers and happy moderating !!!!!!!
I am popping this enquiry cos i just wanna know how its gonna be done . Looking at recent deletion of posts withou notification .


Editing in "Selected" threads only . :nyehehe:

cheers :p :D
Wow Apoo!!! you have the entire issue covered. ;) Exactly the questions that some of us have in mind.

In all fairness, the committee being new, should be given the time to come up with solutions. I believe they have their hands full working on a lot of issues. However, with the recent distasteful events, this has to be given top most priority. :yes: ... just my 2sen
Maybe my naivety is getting the better of me...WHY DO WE NEED POLICING ON THE FORUM?

This used to be a fun forum where people had fun reading and posting. Now it’s getting bleedin boring with all these talk of impending policies to govern every aspect, like we are a bunch of pre pubescent toddlers. Yea, I agree that some of us do sometimes cross the line, and at times so far beyond the line that the line is not in sight, but can't a little slap on the wrist be sufficient to get things back on track? Or even like it was suggested, a PM to the delinquent individual(s)? I understand why the committee is concerned, which they have a right to be…but maybe we should stop giving them reasons to be.

Now we start on deleting words, postings, pictures and even threads, so where does it all end? If every single posting is gonna be governed by hard and fast rules, I foresee the inevitable.... a mundane, boring, straight laced forum where many will be less than excited to visit.

Like Bundy mentioned something about self censorship.... something to ponder on dun you think?

Before things get out of hand, let’s get on track and have fun….like how it’s supposed to be…

But, I think we can live with a few delinquents, dun you think? Its not gonna tear the ‘delicate’ fabric of society… ;)

this concern was brought up before and the committee are reviewing it and coming up with something soon.
I was lucky enough to see what going on with the "government "and "action" of this forum. I'm wondering the above matter even answer by the "government" ?

Or classic way " people will forget " ?
yeah, why bother ? mmmmm

The Chronicles of Narnia have 767 page, 700 page to go . Where's the book ??

does the forum really need hardcore policeing. There will always
be somebody or individual who will always want to test the limit.

Just because we are silenced about it that does not means we are
being complacent about things that are going around the forum.

We believed that a majority of the forummers are here to learn a thing
or two about their udm and in the process make new friends.

We also believed most of us like to share or show off the mods that
we have done to our udm.

I personally do not believe that any of us joined this forum just to
make trouble or get into argument for the sake of argument.

I remember a time when a long time forummer by the nick of khs was spaming the forum just to prove his point resulting in him being ban from the forum.
Even though his intention was good, it was the way that he use was wrong.

I am abit disappointed at some of the forummer who intentionally or unintentionally bring polictical and sensitive issue on this forum.

you guys know who you are... :eek:k:
Originally posted by jarance@May 5 2006, 07:04 AM
does the forum really need hardcore policeing. There will always
be somebody or individual who will always want to test the limit.

Just because we are silenced about it that does not means we are
being complacent about things that are going around the forum.

We believed that a majority of the forummers are here to learn a thing
or two about their udm and in the process make new friends.

We also believed most of us like to share or show off the mods that
we have done to our udm.

I personally do not believe that any of us joined this forum just to
make trouble or get into argument for the sake of argument.

I remember a time when a long time forummer by the nick of khs was spaming the forum just to prove his point resulting in him being ban from the forum.
Even though his intention was good, it was the way that he use was wrong.

I am abit disappointed at some of the forummer who intentionally or unintentionally bring polictical and sensitive issue on this forum.

you guys know who you are... :eek:k:
I believe this answer from"government" and I think some or maybe few or a lot minority forummer here want to know : I take it as very polite way to say " don't ask, don't like it , go away "

We Asian , be polite
Originally posted by Iqlima@May 5 2006, 08:14 PM
I believe this answer from"government" and I think some or maybe few or a lot minority forummer here want to know : I take it as very polite way to say " don't ask, don't like it , go away "

We Asian , be polite
To assist us in answering your queries better, perhaps it helps to list down your grievances as detail as possible the way u feel it to be. It has been an eventful period and a lot of things has happen, by listing down what u felt as inadequate, helps.. For us to answer everyone and to cover every inch would be a taunting and time consuming task.
I, for one, as a part of the committee would like the club and forum to be run as transparent as it can be. So your opinions matter.

To answer the question... The answer is Yes and No..

Yes.. If you request for an explaination in grey area.

No... If the rule and forum policy have been clearly violated.

The deletion or editing of forummer posting is up to
the descretion of the moderator. If the moderator feel
that there is a direct violation of the forum policy or regulation,
he will either delete or towed the offending thread to another
area for viewing by other personnel concerned..

eg.. If a saleman want to advertise his product and he post
it in the forum.. The moderator will not hesistate nor will give
any notice to the offending party.
I think it would be unfair to the moderator to be still nice and polite
to the would-be offender who try to.

Imagine the situation of the moderator... where the moderator have to inform
the offending party..


Dear Sir/Madam,

We are grateful that you post in our forum. But we are very sorry that
this is against our forum policy. We humblely request your esteem self
to remove your valuable posting.

Thank you very much...

Your humble servant..


IMHO, I don't think the above mesaage would be effective.

I would appreciated that the cooperation of the forummer to
post sensible. This would help to reduce the workload of the moderator.
saleman?..if i claim that items was my own new collection for sale can arr :D
Originally posted by Mont-o@May 6 2006, 09:11 AM
saleman?..if i claim that items was my own new collection for sale can arr :D
of course can lar.... but some smart alex will use this loop hole to
continue to sell the same items over and over again... :D

Just like a saleman who can claimed that he is selling
a car on behalf of his wife, gf, uncle, brother, sister, niece,
father, mother, mistress, aunty and friends.
I'm hoping this thread to be "pin" on top of the post message so Committee or Moderator need no answer for future but so far very gray answer given.

There will come and go "not normal" forummer give challenge, fact of real life.

Mr. Skar said "soon" last Nov 2005, A bit scary "soon" .....

600 pages more The Chronicles of Narnia to go.......

Need more time ? I wait .......
If in doubt, please feel free to PM the moderator for clarification.

and as I have said earlier... You can't go wrong if you post
sensible. :eek:k:
Originally posted by Iqlima@May 6 2006, 05:44 PM
I'm hoping this thread to be "pin" on top of the post message so Committee or Moderator need no answer for future but so far very gray answer given.

There will come and go "not normal" forummer give challenge, fact of real life.

Mr. Skar said "soon" last Nov 2005, A bit scary "soon" .....

600 pages more The Chronicles of Narnia to go.......

Need more time ? I wait .......

Which part of Jarance's answer did you not understand? If you can digest the volumnious syntax and plot twists of Chronicles of Narnia, then surely the short paragraphs of his answer are clear enough and within your grasp?

Would you like elaborate, kind sir?

Thank you.
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