Really gwumpkus?Well,i just hope dat theres some gathering here at Malacca..Chicken rice balls?Huhu..Set ! But hope dat day didnt clash wif my classes..LOL!
hahh...i guess if theres a little grp there meeting up for makan or TT...i can always arrange a trip up....heheh..if only to drive faster than i can possibly here, without getting pulled over by the cops..
Last nite,i saw some bmws in front of MMU(bukit beruang)..Isk2..Was about to join but damned !!!!,i dont know who r those bmws owners..Hahahaha.. :blush:
Any TT to arrange? Kinda bored la during Melaka weekends
i memang in melaka, not going anywhere, not for now la at least. and free actually i'm bumming for a while. sorry forgot to add, if possible change venue can? maybe subaida or some hwere else got noise a bit.
Hello every1, I will join U guys 2 at Malacca TT. Will come wif my fren (bro Donald). If U guys wanna hv some BEER, I suggest "RINGO", just opposite Geographer :yes!: . If not that mayb just can go 4 a drink. I'm alrite wif it, anything will do
List down please :
1. Donald
2. pimprider ( meet before)
3. Zul (Cooper-S)
4. C-squal (meet before)
5. Insaniac (not meet before)
6. gwumpkus
7. Ade 8. Alvinkoo