Lots of E60 in Motor Trader

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wah so jialat? how come ur so exp 1? maybe ur mechanic know tat ur filthy rich tat y charge u a bomb. mine only RM350 and also 6-7hours programing. lol?? im not joking here...mine only charged with RM350
chookleng;372582 said:
wah so jialat? how come ur so exp 1? maybe ur mechanic know tat ur filthy rich tat y charge u a bomb. mine only RM350 and also 6-7hours programing. lol?? im not joking here...mine only charged with RM350

:eek: omg! I will call for 2nd opinion right away!!! if I found out that they treated me as "water fish"... no more future business for them
u better do so dude. u may probably want to do some research from here about this topic on re-programing(on e60) which had been previously discuss before about its price. if i remember correctly, all feedback is around RM300-RM500 (the most exp). whilst mine only been charged for RM350. good luck to u bro
chookleng;372590 said:
u better do so dude. u may probably want to do some research from here about this topic on re-programing(on e60) which had been previously discuss before about its price. if i remember correctly, all feedback is around RM300-RM500 (the most exp). whilst mine only been charged for RM350. good luck to u bro

AB charges about rm900++ max nia afta i see the quotation of the iPod retrofit they sent me...

in this case i think thule kena kapak liau...
wee....bro thule really kena "water fish". thule next time don simply flash out ur plantinum card or cheque book for no reason ma....see now kena cut throat liao
never flashed anything... even if flash only to the girls :D
yeah, kena kapak, parang... feel so stupid right here. If not action is taken by tomorrow... I will post the place's info on this forum... let him kena gao gao.
That's the disadvantage of driving a BMW... those people think that they are so clever... and can charge exorbitant price to the customers... they think that we only have money and don't mind paying... f**k him!!!
lol thule....i feel u. yea exactly, they thought all bmw driver can be easily kapak 1 n tat we earn money as easy as abc...reali dumb ass
RM2200 for software upgrade is really too much....for god sake it is just updates not buy new softwares...sometime those outside workshop has no idea wat is the justification on selling software as they have been selling hardware and labour all this while...
funfer_fahrer;372693 said:
Thule, thule,

Apa sudah jadi? Did you flash the cheque book or not?

haha i think he flash more than cheque book...perhaps a briefcase full of money...
lol...i seconded tat....thule next time try to keep in low profile a bit la then wont kena kapak liao
nah...we not rubbing salt into bro thule wound. was just trying to perk him out wit some light joke. thule we merely kidding here don take it seriously k. between do keep us post here on ur case. hope u able to get some refund back from the PORKY shop
you know what??? I don't really mind if the price that he charged is a few hundred $$$ more compared to other people... but we are talking about 4 digit here people... hey, even AB charges RM1k plus tax... what gives him a dumb idea to charge more than 2k???

He might make a lot of money... but damn sure he's messing with the wrong guy!!! I am considering to go to the tribunal... and smear his name here in this forum... let me say something here "f**k that son of a gun!"
he thought after earning ur money then the prob + issues consider close wit u happily drove off ur babe. but he never imagine after SERVICE....too much for him to over pricing u. n he even told u tat while programming, if encounter any faulty moudles they need several hours to fix right? i ask my mechanic liao he say no such things le when progamming.perhaps they thought of earning u more later on by telling u got some faulty moudles...but after second thought no dare chop u further than tat,
that is why i still go to AB for car services even afta my car warranty expires coz even though it is more expensive but i can be assured on the job done and with warranty on the job as well...and they can never charge as they like...

just did my car windscreen claim (RM4400) and ATF change (RM2100) last week...now my auto tranny very the smooth...
the thing is that they claimed no faulty modules... the progman was silky smooth until the end... I have all his details in my hand already. Anything goes wrong... I will make official complain in this forum and check if the club can do anything about this or not. worse comes to worse... I will post every details of the shop in this forum...
waseh bro thule...u really been provoked. point ur m16 at tat shop...then tembak everything u wan wit all the bullet u have so tat he refund u LOL...if he say lifetime free programming for u...better say no coz i don think we need to re-program it often. only once in a blue moon we need tat lol
Do you think that I'll even consider to go back there for 2nd time???
there's a saying "if you get cheated the first time, it's their fault... second time, it's my fault".. or something like this la...
haha yea, precisely. if u go back second time after tis...mean u urself wan kena potong coz ur filthy rich till don no how to spend ur $$$$$ haha

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