Is the Haze choking you yet?

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Club Guest
Dec 4, 2004
Here are some photos on how bad the situation is. Although these are not the latest photos, it gives you an idea on what's going on over there. Take particular note of the "hot spots". Satellite pictures of haze in Malaysia.
This picture depicts how the smoke from peat fires travel across the Malacca Straits to Malaysia.
Red spots mark the hotspots.
Wow, it's kinda big haze covering the whole Malaysia, gosh.....

This turns out to be very bad, i wonder how long it will be like that???
good info & knowledge okow, hope not to hav tis kind of smoke at yr cafe ya..........
But i guess these few days the haze are picking up and it's getting thicker everyday, i wonder what's next..... sigh>.....
well..i dont know what our neighbouring country government is doing.every year the same thing is happening..
eau-rouge said:
well..i dont know what our neighbouring country government is doing.every year the same thing is happening..

This is normal bro, last year Tsunami before that SARS, sigh..... :(

Wat's coming up next (still wondering) it's like waiting for ur funeral, argh...:mad:
According to CNN weather report, this haze will not go away anytime soon. Looking through my window, today's haze is a lot worse compared to yesterday.

Our only hope is a change in the wind direction.
ALBundy said:
According to CNN weather report, this haze will not go away anytime soon. Looking through my window, today's haze is a lot worse compared to yesterday.

Our only hope is a change in the wind direction.

That's wat i'm afraid off coz i'm moving back to Melaka t'row so will the haze become a threat to me, sigh......:(
Sarawak even worst than west malaysia. This morning, Kuching airport visibilities is 400M only, but if u refer to the news paper, they will double it. If this continues, I think the airport might have to close soon like in 1997~8
daan said:
Sarawak even worst than west malaysia. This morning, Kuching airport visibilities is 400M only, but if u refer to the news paper, they will double it. If this continues, I think the airport might have to close soon like in 1997~8

Wow, daan how u coming back to KL, swimming ar :p

well look forward to meet u bro (wanna test drive ur manual again lar - addicted already) :cool:
Swimming also cannot. Nowadays, sarawa rivers full of crocodiles.......LOL
et5 said:
must wear yellow colour rubbers like taikor Zoggee's !:D :D :D

* cough*...*cough*...*cough* *cough*

been sick lst two days...I got Sinuses and went to have the doctor check my nose. was given nasal drops.

The doctor shocks me by sayiong that if this haze worsen and IF the Indonesian Goverment over these....

In The NEXT 10 YEARS...MOST MAlALAYSIAN will will die of INTOXICATIONS becos of the HAZE.:mad:

Its been going on for so many years now...what are our govermant gonna do about it?:confused:
Guys, not sure how true this is, but once I heard that the plantations in Indonesia practising open burning were owned (or partly owned) by Malaysians... sigh... maybe that's why its no wonder that our government is not making some big noise to its neighbour...
The haze in Sarawak is getting worse and worse due to those inconsiderate Indonesians. I can barely last 15 minutes outside without getting a dry throat. Moreover, every morning when I wake up I tend to smell some burnt smell, the haze of course...dammit when are the authorities going to solve this matter?
Let us think how to solve the problem. Can give them a bill or charge them something for the people who paid the doctors ?

The indonesia will deny. Perhaps they will say this is a natural disaster. Let say indonesia earthquake and cause tsunami in malaysia. Can we blame them also ?
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