Is our country safe anymore ???

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Club Guest
Mar 3, 2005
Reading an article about 'Malaysia my second home', some expatriates are worried about the rising statictics of Crime in this country.. many expats love this country and I too to a certain extend loved the harmony and lustre of this country. Is crime destroying this lovely country. Police figures show that crime in Malaysia rose 14 percent last year to 225,836 incidents against 198,017 in 2005, and the proportion of serious crimes, such as murder, rape and armed robbery, grew by 26 percent and from what I hear the bag snatchings and other crimes are not going down too well with the expatriate community. Is Malaysia is now a place where you need to be careful. Is it not considered now to be as safe as it once was ? I do hope that this country will once again be free from all these evils. I remember there was a time when we would only read about a murder, rape, theft etc etc.... once in many months. A time when it was considered safe to park your cars in dimly lit parking lots. A time when fights occur, its only injuries that one gets. SIGH ! I do hope the situation changes... for the better of all of us.
The is a goverment related issue... are you trying to criticize using the 'back door'? Save it for your blogg...and register yourself as a blogger... so they can easily use some C4 to 'diffuse' the situation!!! Ha ha... subtelty was never one on my stronger suits...
The answer to your question is NO. I had 2 incident for the last 6 month and the Police does not even give me a impression that they will do anything about it.
i'm jsut wondering is there ader statictical research correlating the increase in crime to say in Malaysia
1) economic situation
2) social herierchy
3) illegal immigrant
4) drugs
5) weahter/temp
6) any other factors

because crime rate in New York has gone down for the psat 5 year or something..there must be factors in the decrease of crime rate there come I'm not surprise.:)

Police..??? not that I wanna start. Last month alone,Police stop my truck. Saw Penang registration Vehicle. Transporting CKD parts, Niamah..!!!:eek:say must send to Custom for full 100% check...3 time sumore.!!!! :eek:Pundek!!!! :cool:Been doing that for more then 10 years,everyday must declares custom papers. Customs never kacau :cool:...the Police always kacau. cheh!!! :mad:cari duit pandai la....:D

When call them on emergency,break in....guess what they asked?
itu olang ada pistol ka??? Police station 1.2km away oni.:confused:came 2 hours after that.:confused: When ask them to yumchar ,open house....niamah! cepat cepat datang.:D

Sorry la if a Police personel read my post...wat to do?:(
Last year...Skar19 was at PNDC. We were chatting...A raped Victim walked to us for help.With bruises and half naked...pity her..:(Guess what, when we called the Police??

You bawak dia mali balai la.....niamah!!!! later we kena frame. Luckily Skar and his friend helped her.:cool:
Ain't no justice like gun justice :D

KL2DC;205572 said:
Ain't no justice like gun justice :D

How so ? Would that not incite more violence ? It's mind boggling to see the stats go up so high so fast.
sithwarrior;205590 said:
How so ? Would that not incite more violence ? It's mind boggling to see the stats go up so high so fast.

:p Well for starters our poor citizens have no ways to protect themselves as we cannot rely on the cops :rolleyes:

But seriously, the crime trend is a a result of several factors.

-Not enough funding for law enforcement. As it is the response rate for essential services is poor.

In NYC's case, Rudy Guilliani ruled the city with an iron fist when he was mayor. In the process he rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.
My gf's phone was stolen from her a few days ago, while she was waiting for a train. Anyway, some Malay dude stole her phone, she called me, and I told her to find the dude and kill him (she is well trained in martial arts). Anyway, the thief escaped.

Imagine this in S'pore, the US, or any civilized country with real police, same situation, she tells the station control, they radio the cops with the descriptions, and maybe, the cellphone network can provide whereabouts of the thief (the phone was not switched off), and she'd have her phone back.

Despite repeated self-denial from our police, every driver knows that our cops love their agongs, and hate real work. When my buddy's house was burglarized by illegal foreign workers, cops was just around the corner, and both the police and us saw the Bangladesh guys carrying my friend's ricecooker, microwave, and gas tank out of his house.

My friend motioned for the cops to stop the robbers, and the answer? "Dia orang ada parang!"

The punchline was when the cops said "tak apa lah, you banyak duit dalam rumah kah?" "kasihan dia orang, tak boleh masak..."
DrGoh...well the cops here wouldn't go to too trouble for a petty crime unless polically motivated. There's cost considerations as well for them i.e. how much manhours to the severity of the crime. BUT the train/metro stations etc often have their own dedicated police force and are well covered by CCTVs.

Was she mugged or pickpocketed? Sorry to hear that, it can be a traumatic experience either way.

For home invasion, the police response rate is ok to excellent, depends on your zipcode. Sometimes they overdo it, when my friend had an allergic reaction at a restaurant (close to an anaphylaxis state), the emergency services were called and within minutes the fire brigade, EMS and the cops came. A bit OTT but its amazing that its SOP to have the 3 branches called out for various emergencies. I wish we can have that one day in bolehland.

Let's face it, there will always be crime but if the response rates were better, criminals would have to think twice. Also, if our citizens were armed, criminals would think twice also :p
I think & believe that crime is rising rapidly because there are many more poorer people these days than there were 3 years ago. The money and funds which our government has so wonderfully professed, confessed, sworn, promised, etc; has evaporated into thin air before it can reach the ground for ordinary citizens to benefit.

The increased sales of BMWs, for example, does not necessarily mean that the economy is doing well. Ballooning overall debt should not be used as a yardstick of a good economy.

If you realised, I have not yet made any comments about our police force, which by the way happened to have solved more crime cases than Interpol and Scotland Yard, in a recent newspaper report (if I am not mistaken). Not to mention that many of our constables are degree holders. No, to a great extent, I don't blame our police, as they many a times, have limited resources.

I believe that an equal distribution of wealth, would help reduce crime greatly. Instead of it going to a few controlling interests.

Malaysia is a great country and I am proud of it. My 5year old daughter, does not have any racial polarisation in school. All the kids there are best of pals. We come from a mixed marriage. Our best friends come from all races. This is how Malaysia is, except for some crummy politicians.

So, I am sure you will all agree with me - if there is a better distribution of wealth and Malaysia for all Malaysians, I think crime rate can be drastically reduced.
Agree on wealth distribution, but enforcement also have a very big part to play to reduce crime. Personally, I am not surprised on the rise in numbers from what I have heard or experienced. If you don't have effective enforcement, these criminals will not hesitate to rob, kill, rape, etc.

Even my friends or business associates from Australia, Singapore, India, Hong Kong or Jakarta will ask me whether it's safe to travel to KL from all the stories they have read
let's all do what we can as individuals and not depend on the govt machinery alone .... setup rukun tetangga and know your neighbors....
dumeort;205661 said:
therefore, is our country safe anymore ???


Why you said NO? it's bcos of ALONG searching for you day & nite:D Kidding.

Our country not that bad lar, it's still safe to move still can enjoy ur Teh Tarik in the midnite without worry somebody come kidnapp or sod*m*** you lar. Our country still the safest place to be around compared to certain asian country...

Have you living in somalia or sudan or cuba before?....hehehe:)
KL2DC;205572 said:
Ain't no justice like gun justice :D

that's a sweet looking glock 29. This semi-automatic gun is quite rare in fact, because it's in the ultra compact category but uses the 10mm ammo.... hmmm if not for the double recoil springs, this baby would be unmanageable....

here i go again, waltzing into the sunset, speaking nonsense:p
Our country not that bad lar, it's still safe to move still can enjoy ur Teh Tarik in the midnite without worry somebody come kidnapp or sod*m*** you lar. Our country still the safest place to be around compared to certain asian country...

Have you living in somalia or sudan or cuba before?....hehehe:)[/quote]

Cant say whether its safe in Somalia or Sudan ....never been there but I can definitely vouch that its very safe in Cuba. One of if not the safest country in the Caribbean.

As for home, its unsafe and becoming worst cause of many factors:

- Corruption
From high ranking Govt officials who are supposed to keep watch at our borders till the uniformed staff that "patrol" our streets. Do we see enough cops walking the streets?

Illegal immigrants, workers brought in under a false pretext (vice etc), smuggling in of firearms from neighbouring country, etc. There seems to be more firearm related crime nowadays than before.
Corruption from departments that issue official documents, from our NRD that issues MyKard to Immigrations to Road Transport dept who issue vehicle permits and licences.
As I have stated before:
If vehicle number plates cannot be forged or duplicated illegally, we wont have that many snatch thefts, kidnapping, drive by crime and much less "run after a hit"cases.

- Tidak-Apa attitude
of our forces in investigating crime..only high profile crime get thorough investigation. Sometimes I wonder why they dust for fingerprints at crime scenes, especially goldsmiths and bank you really think they have a fingerprint database of all citizens? Have you heard of any case or suspect caught due to finger print matching.

Is it safer now than before?

You can also take into consideration these factors: the population has increased, more people have move to urban areas, much more foreigners (legal and illegal) than before = more ethnic conflict. We used to have only/mainly Indonesians and some we have practically every foreigner here and not only from our region but also as far away as from Africa and S. America which incidently brought along their "black money", prostituition and airport luggage theft syndicates.

Well, reporting and highlighting crime related cases has also been made easier and coverage wider, now with the internet and all that so nowadays we get to receive news from every corner of our country.
Mont-o;205667 said:
Why you said NO? it's bcos of ALONG searching for you day & nite:D Kidding.

Our country not that bad lar, it's still safe to move still can enjoy ur Teh Tarik in the midnite without worry somebody come kidnapp or sod*m*** you lar. Our country still the safest place to be around compared to certain asian country...

Have you living in somalia or sudan or cuba before?....hehehe:)

I tought you were comparing between the asean countries... Somalia ?? Sudan ?? :confused: Apart from cambodia I see malaysia as bad in terms of security. Ok lets look at it logically. Cambodia is nuthin more than a cowboy town, but KL is a developed and all, should security not improve as well...
It's doesn't matter to which country did i compared...I think our country still the safest place and not that bad in term of security.
Like Thailand & wouldn't know when or where the bomb going to "KABOMMMM"....that scary and unsafe i think.

Okay guys...don't go out to the street, our country is not safe anymore. Anytime bullet going to explode you brain:D . Don't fire me ya.
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