Increasing Air Flow into MAF

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May 25, 2005
Any1 tried doing this ? u have done , your feedback please?i've already done it this morning on my e46 330cic , the fuel consumed like vapour...but after awhile , not so bad .. waiting for a few more trips as mentioned before i see the exact fuel consumption.response & throttle feel is fantastic ... usually if i kick down it will touch only 110/120 before gear change , but now , it touches 140 before gear change .// i'll try a few more times to find out.
hie dude,

what is the diference between the two photo on above website ??

is it the wires screen had been removed ???

do u have some photo on what u did ???

glad to view it..

Do you have a step by step pic of how it is done. Im planning to try it myself. Any side effect so far?
Hie Dude,

Just to share these are some of the photo i taken from my hot film mass air flow sensor.
There are 3 small slot with something like melted plastic in order to hold the gate screen. the wire mesh screen are follow by the gate screen.

u can try to use the pen knife to cut it slowly and then pry it out with screw driver.

my MAF have 3 screen. the one after the sensor which is facing the engine side one just need to pull it out with some strength.

Make sure don't damage the hot film or temperature sensor.
especially the hot films are extremely fragile. it will easily break.

its better not to touch all the sensors.
I've removed all the 3 screen.

But don't have the Ground control Air Gizmo to replace on it la of coz :p :p

Stock air filter box is recommended for smoother air intake to prevent the small particle/dirts damage on this hot film mass sensor.

Last but not least, Do it at your own risk. :getyourfactsright:
From what i have read, the wire mesh is there to smooth out the air flow and help give your maf a more consistant reading. Some guys just take out the gun sight looking thing and leave it at that.

My opinion is that, it is restrictive but bmw would not have put it there if it didn't think it was necessary. Worst case scenario, it protects the hot wire and any damage to that is RM1800.

Just remember when you do anything to your car there are side effects.
thanks for the pics kinaka. . i only remove the wire mesh , the rest i still leave it inside the maf :>
little bit only especially when 2000 rpm onwards.

i using open pod filter and the intake sounds changed from vacumn sound to vraaaw sound.. duno how to explain.

as if u can hear the explotion in the engine... slurpp..

let's meet up to compare..
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