Hungry..!!! wanna go eat ?? CyberJaya

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Originally posted by naza2@Feb 24 2005, 04:25 PM
orang mabuk cinta.... he'll sell everything :D

joking ok, bos?
Yup, hope he will get so MABUK (the night after his wedding) that he will sell his BMW... :yahoo:
Originally posted by ALBundy@Feb 24 2005, 04:25 PM
Ahem ahem...I dengar ade chip lagi wor :nyehehe: :nyehehe:
Problem is, I am still waiting for comments of some of the chips that are currently being tested by others.
Sorilah, CJ/PJ too far from where I am working... sumore boss I sudah balik dari overseas... :ph34r: gotta be around.
tank kiu .. tank kiu ..

Al .. how come u know very cun ???? Malam-malam mana u boleh nampak .. summore ... u very fast overtaking me liao ...

Itu chip aaa .... hmmmm .. KOKO !!! Albundy tanya pasal 'control box' .. I showed u mine just now, right ?? :wink:


Ask Kev .. He is the tester. He is going to use it on Track Day ... SO better watchout ..

naza2 ... amboi amboi .... like dis, I dun want to introduce u to her lah..... bahaya .... :aggressive:
hahahah... no lah. i'm very loyal one. i got my own. why should i be mingling around with others? :D :lol:
Lu olang kuota belum habis ma :getyourfactsright: :nyehehe: :nyehehe: :nyehehe:
I am SO SO SOOOO c.untfused. 535i started his engine, then he showed us the Bosch DME unit. Then his car running without DME? How come? I am SOOOOOO c.untfused :dunno:

hehehe :nyehehe: What a beast 535i has under the bonnet!

Thanks to 535i for the lunch! Next time, we makan quick quick then hit the road!
LimaTigaLimaEye punya kereta not cuntrolled by DME anymore.... there are things in this world called mod chips :nyehehe: :nyehehe:

Chabutzzzz..... :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:
hey huys.....sorry i couldnt make it to join y'all for lunch 2day!must hav been fun.
got a call from rezzy1318 but we both decided tht it would b a lil too late by the time we get to cj.
bless rezzy for offering to pick me up from sepang circuit from all the way in seremban sumore! probs pheng ew!
jipster.....u joining klang tt 2nite?
i wont make it coz will b at kl sentral at tht time!
OSFlanker ... that's because i am running on K-Jet ... :nyehehe:
Then again ... hmmmmmm :p

No prob, guys ..

Sorry laa got to run just now .. kita org makan gaji maaa ...

Ehhh .. next time we can have early TT in CJ ..
After that, road will be deserted ... we can slide, glide, fly, whatever u want ...

Serious guys , the roads are deserted ... ony a few 'kereta rosak' ... :p
it was a fun lunch meeting.. B)

Mr.535.. thank you for the lunch and drink... and showing your car...

one superb DME there... :D :ph34r: :nyehehe:

thanks again...
The DME is for sale !! ..

Coz ... I am not using it liao .... :yahoo:

Alvin ..... :nyehehe: :nyehehe:
Looks like a good outing... I forgot all about it... was having lunch @ streetmall and was leaving when I spotted the dark maroon / red debadged E34 parked near the entrance... was that 535? ? :yes:
Nope .. it wasn't mine ...

Mine is black with silver skirting .. ..

with 518 badge .... :nyehehe:

Eh Schone .. u oso CJ kaaa ... call us laaa ..
Jips, naza2, myself, Feisaldzul always TT at streetmall ...
Originally posted by schone@Feb 24 2005, 07:38 PM
Looks like a good outing... I forgot all about it... was having lunch @ streetmall and was leaving when I spotted the dark maroon / red debadged E34 parked near the entrance... was that 535? ? :yes:
i parked my car over there.... :wink:
Originally posted by 535i@Feb 24 2005, 07:44 PM
Nope .. it wasn't mine ...

Mine is black with silver skirting .. ..

with 518 badge .... :nyehehe:

Eh Schone .. u oso CJ kaaa ... call us laaa ..
Jips, naza2, myself, Feisaldzul always TT at streetmall ...
535i... yeah.. I'm based in CJ...

TT sounds good - except I"m normally late off work.. like .. I'm still here now ... sob sob

Streetmall Hassan place amazing actually, isn't it? It's busy even at 12.30am !!!
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