Hungry..!!! wanna go eat ?? CyberJaya

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Dec 4, 2004
Cyber Jaya Lunch Time and Tokin Kok sessionDate : 24th Feb 05 time: Lunch Time....!!! ;) name it and I'll be there!!! B) now...Jipster,Naza2,535i...??? now you kenot hide liao...!! :) I smsed those guys and they FFK me...we make it tomorrow!!I wanna go see the BMW CyberJaya opit liao..I heard got a forumer that work inside the building wor..!!! Now you dare or not!!!????even if you guys FFK...I'll still be a mission to do!!! :aggressive: btw..??? got pork or not???? if not apalanci@u oso can lah!! :) :p Here the list and I'm the first.... ;) 1.zoggee2.3.4.5.
2. 535i .... cum laaa ... scared aaarrrr ....

Koko .. road very wide liao .. can do drift, doughnut, pancake, goreng pisang, slide, glide .. whatever ... ehhh . but make sure tank is full aaa ..
No petrol station here (got 1 PETONAS laa) but nok yek open ..
what time is lunch time? Zoggee, we meet at PNDC first? What's good for lunch (if any!) in Cyberjaya? How will BMW Malaysia react if 10 or more BMW whiz past their office at 160kph? Zoggee, you call Roland kah? Maybe he can take out the Z4 for us to test drive?
Originally posted by OSFlanker@Feb 23 2005, 01:39 AM
what time is lunch time? Zoggee, we meet at PNDC first? What's good for lunch (if any!) in Cyberjaya? How will BMW Malaysia react if 10 or more BMW whiz past their office at 160kph? Zoggee, you call Roland kah? Maybe he can take out the Z4 for us to test drive?
I am thinking of calling him...but dunno wheter he still reconize me or not??? :)
Originally posted by 535i@Feb 23 2005, 01:35 AM
Koko .. road very wide liao .. can do drift, doughnut, pancake, goreng pisang, slide, glide .. whatever ... ehhh . but make sure tank is full aaa ..
No petrol station here (got 1 PETONAS laa) but nok yek open ..
2. 535i .... cum laaa ... scared aaarrrr ....
3. naza2

petronas is opened since feb14th maa.. where were you ma fren? busy dating aarr??? :D :D
535... can tumpang ah?? my car's in the shop. waiting for the 360hp transplant.

errppp... really???

Can can .. waa u aaa 14/2 date remember like the back of ur hand .. Ba-lentine is it ????

Hey .. ayam not using PETONAS laaa .. Me use FleetCard ..

Woit .. 360bhp .. shutdup .. can or not ? :aggressive:
can... got the biturbo what?? scared ah??

oh yeah btw, we can start toking kok here too. just a warmup before the real session tomorrow.
1. zoggee
2. 535i .... cum laaa ... scared aaarrrr ....
3. naza2
4. magicfox

me coming also..... wanna visit bmw office..... small little mission there.... :nyehehe: :nyehehe:

btw... if you're reading this... and you know what's going on .... this's for you........ "you can hide... but you cannot run away.... " :aggressive:
1. zoggee
2. 535i .... cum laaa ... scared aaarrrr ....
3. naza2
4. magicfox
5. feisaldz (tentative)
laa .. ni aper tentative .. tentative ni ....

kon-pom aje laaaa ... Ehh ... jaga .. traffic lite dean HSBC dah go koo-koo .. Jgn nak tarik pick-up lak ..
1. zoggee
2. 535i .... cum laaa ... scared aaarrrr ....
3. naza2
4. magicfox
5. feisaldz (tentative)
6.tyke(cunt very firm but can anyone pick me up from SIC ah?)
so how?
anyone can pick me up from sepang circuit or not?
i buy a drink!
haiya c how lah...mebbe got no mood to go out oso!
call or sms me if anything ok please?my line kena barred!
535 - Petronas in CJ has opened .. finally, and it's 24 hours...

(This means at 1am you can still go out and buy some snacks and sugar laden soft drinks to survive the night)...

hiya.. all this lunch talk.. but where you guys want to meet.. there's only two places to eat...

1) food court (???)
2) street mall - which incidentaly is next to BMW's head office!

I'll probably pass... have to clear out my work b4 the weekend!! :)
Can I join you all to CJ BMW HQ or not as I see all 5 series aja I only drive my faithful E30 if so how and what time are we to be there and where to meet? I am keen to see the HQ. please reply someone. :yahoo:

you're welcome to join. i don't know where and when to meet... zoggee will probably call me when he's heading that way...

so.. come join us..

Originally posted by magicfox@Feb 24 2005, 12:59 AM

you're welcome to join. i don't know where and when to meet... zoggee will probably call me when he's heading that way...

so.. come join us..

I will try to call TYKE and fetch him as he needs to be fetch see how it goes
Thanks bro see you there hopefully.
regards to you to. :yahoo:
Originally posted by feisaldzul@Feb 23 2005, 04:07 PM
1. zoggee
2. 535i .... cum laaa ... scared aaarrrr ....
3. naza2
4. magicfox
5. feisaldz (tentative)
FeizaldZul, come test my Apex springs!
how's 12.30pm sounds? place: one of the restaurants in streetmall?? any suggestion?
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