how to lighten a e30?

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Club Guest
Nov 9, 2005
Hi all,Would like to ask you guys... heard fr a member saying e30 318 is 300kg lighter than a 320, rite? (correct me if im wrong)So wat r de differences between these 2 body? other than engine weight, is there any other different? & wat makes it so heavy?& is thr any way to lighten a 320 body other than taking away those seats/interiors (wat track car did), as this is my daily driven car, so... would like to know if thrs any way to lighten it. Thx alot in advance...hope u guys wont mind my mayb stupid question. cheers... :p
HI bro
last time you say got 3 E30 in JB
where is it?
haha :D

E30 318 and 320 got differeces
318 more lighter
320 is more weight

because 320 6 potter and engine more bigger and heavy-ma

am i right?

thank u
have a nice day
Yup... Just differences in engine weight.

Any other ways to lighten it? Ask Ding Chavez :rofl:
300kg??? that's about 600lbs..

definitely not...

AFAIK, the only weight difference is the engine weight..
Maybe that member shud state his reason why is it 300kg lighter?

if it's a daily car, then don't bother lightening it. ligthen the driver instead.. :D
bro joe,
huh? i didnt say i hav e30 at JB wo... mine is here in KL le...

bro fabianyee,
mayb i heard him wrong... but isit jus de engine weight differ? how much is de engine weight differ than?
heard few frens said 320 really under power wo compare to 325, how come a? 500cc makes so much differ meh?
im ju bout 60kg la... if lighten me somemore... then i can sing de song liao... "i believe i can fly... " hahaha...

bro jeffreyewe,
hahaha.... gud question, hmmm... how to say le... honestly, i owns a GTi b4 this, de push feel is definately better in a japan base design la. & wat i feel bout e30 is "heavy, heavy & heavy" especially go over bump... its a nice car i can say & im liking it more & more... jus tat... im thinking of how to make it mayb "lighter"... so tat de pick up feel is better (im driving auto :D )

bro aRRrgghh,
how much is lightening de flywheel?

bro chairoger,
im thin enough liao... cannot eat less le... my plan now is to gain weight le... hahaha...

Originally posted by reedoor@Feb 14 2006, 11:05 AM
bro jeffreyewe,
hahaha.... gud question, hmmm... how to say le... honestly, i owns a GTi b4 this, de push feel is definately better in a japan base design la. & wat i feel bout e30 is "heavy, heavy & heavy" especially go over bump... its a nice car i can say & im liking it more & more... jus tat... im thinking of how to make it mayb "lighter"... so tat de pick up feel is better (im driving auto :D )

bro aRRrgghh,
how much is lightening de flywheel?

bro chairoger,
im thin enough liao... cannot eat less le... my plan now is to gain weight le... hahaha...

but my 318 can play with GTi and VTEC woh....:D

can also play with E36 328i auto (manual 328i cannot lah)

I think it's the final drive ratio, u're probably using a 3.45/3.46 final drive.
What's your engine RPM when the speedometer is showing 100kmh?

You're driving an auto? and u expect it to be fast??? aiyoyo...
*** slap forehead***
recipe to lightening your car.... By Ding

Take 3 year of weather from a tropical country (Malaysia would be the best)
1 Pre 87 E30 (non galvanised body)
Lots of water (rain would be fine)
Lots of sun
small tree for special effects


Leave car under a tree for 3 years. Liberally sprinkle water and let water dry up by a liberal amount of sunlight.... VOILA... lightened car. Why? Rust mah.... car lightened because metal will start falling away as rust :D :D :D

on a serious note.... E30 not fast. was never built to be fast. somemore auto? aiyoooo. bro you want acceleration, change to manual lah. lighter somemore as the gearbox is lighter (i think).
Originally posted by reedoor@Feb 13 2006, 08:44 PM
Hi all,

Would like to ask you guys... heard fr a member saying e30 318 is 300kg lighter than a 320, rite? (correct me if im wrong)

So wat r de differences between these 2 body? other than engine weight, is there any other different? & wat makes it so heavy?

& is thr any way to lighten a 320 body other than taking away those seats/interiors (wat track car did), as this is my daily driven car, so... would like to know if thrs any way to lighten it. Thx alot in advance...

hope u guys wont mind my mayb stupid question.
cheers... :p
redoor.....e30/m40 is lighter thn e30 320i by 300kg???
by 300lbs yes but 300kg???no way man....
engine plays a role in the weight of the car too....and not to mention wht other stuff u might hav in the car...i.e full ICE loadsa stuff in the boot(i knw this coz my boot like storeroom)....all this hampers the performance of the car too...not to mention the drivers weight.....coz if ur 97- 100kg like me....then car heavier lah :D

i think i knw who u got ur car from.....

anyway,try this,change ur rear diff to a lower ratio....or like fabian says.....change to manual lah.

join us for tt and we will help u out further....

hi all,

Sorry la wee... hahaha... my car is really a AUTO... hhaha... yea i understand tat de pick-up wud definately b much slower... but i was jus asking only ma... dont flame me la we... :D

bro fabian,
ur car really can play with e36 a? hmmm... manual?
while my car is at 100kmh, my rpm is not even 3k.

haha... but i do enjoy it when i pull my auto to 3rd gear... de feel is really gud, i can see my car runs, jus tat donno y, i cant feel secure... 1 think, my car's brake is not gud (de seller said changed new brake pads, ^&%&$*^)(*&(*U)+(_O">?... for sure something thr gone liao... sigh...) & 2nd thing, i feel like de car is goin to fly (not like Gti), how to make it more stable? other than lowering de car? is bilsten yellow good? (its currently on my car)

so, mine shud b 3.45? or 3.75? sorry i donno all this ratio...

bro DingChavez,
hahaha... understand wat u mean... but i don wan it to rust la we... i still got lots of plan on this car wee.... :D
manual will definately b in in de future, together with a jap engine... hahaha... but not so soon la... hahaha... day dream awhile...

bro tyke,
mayb i heard it wrong. but, how much weight differ isit then?
my car now is like "just tat". jus basic seats, engine, bonnet, boots, tyres... nothing else... the boot is empty!!!
even de speaker i jus hav 2 in my car, which 1 is at de passenger seat's front & 1 at my back... sigh... alot of parts are rusted, quite badly, hightlight not working, folding passenger seat rosak, no reverse light, brake light, sigh...
dailly drive shudnt b a problem la...

Ooo... u no who i got my car from?! u no him well? sigh... dont tok bout de guy anymore la... sigh...

thx for inviting me to ur TT, hope to join u guys but really recently was jus too bz with my work already... will do will do. :lol:
Originally posted by reedoor@Feb 14 2006, 12:52 AM

bro tyke,
mayb i heard it wrong. but, how much weight differ isit then?
my car now is like "just tat". jus basic seats, engine, bonnet, boots, tyres... nothing else... the boot is empty!!!
even de speaker i jus hav 2 in my car, which 1 is at de passenger seat's front & 1 at my back... sigh... alot of parts are rusted, quite badly, hightlight not working, folding passenger seat rosak, no reverse light, brake light, sigh...
dailly drive shudnt b a problem la...

Ooo... u no who i got my car from?! u no him well? sigh... dont tok bout de guy anymore la... sigh...

thx for inviting me to ur TT, hope to join u guys but really recently was jus too bz with my work already... will do will do. :lol:
if i aint mistaken,it should be no more thn 150kg difference.

join us for tt and we will help look see whts wrong with ur ride okies....
Last I checked,there's a short shift kit for E30 lying somewhere in Eurocar Motorsport. :nyehehe:
I'm guessing you want more power rite? So instead of lightening your car, why not upgrade?? I know these guys are more than willing to help you with that transition... :nyehehe:
bro tyke,
sure will make myself free to meet u guys... hopefully next week will do... :rolleyes:

bro chairoger,
short shift doesnt help to lighten de car nor gaining more power ma... rite?

bro PiedPiper,
i think yea gain more power... but then now my car drink petrol like water la... cannot imagine with bigger cc engine lo...
wat to upgrade?
Originally posted by reedoor@Feb 14 2006, 05:17 PM
bro PiedPiper,
i think yea gain more power... but then now my car drink petrol like water la... cannot imagine with bigger cc engine lo...
wat to upgrade?
reedoor, wrong... the b23 and b25 consumes less fuel than b20. it's because you have more power to move, you use less throttle to get to the same speed. it's more pronounced in a auto. my 1996 660 kancil auto is using more fuel than my 323i.

Proof! :D
Originally posted by reedoor@Feb 14 2006, 05:17 PM
bro tyke,
sure will make myself free to meet u guys... hopefully next week will do... :rolleyes:

bro chairoger,
short shift doesnt help to lighten de car nor gaining more power ma... rite?

bro PiedPiper,
i think yea gain more power... but then now my car drink petrol like water la... cannot imagine with bigger cc engine lo...
wat to upgrade?
NOt BRO PiedPiper...its "SIS Piedpiper".....
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