price for 2.5ltr compare to m3 engine?

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Club Guest
Nov 9, 2005
Hi all, im new here, actually im looking for a e30. currently interested at 1 quite nice 2.5ltr e30.i went to & saw a white color e30 with M3 engine, year 1985, asking for RM35k. i called up de owner & he told me de reason y his car price is much higher is bcos of the M3 engine. he told me hardly can find M3 engine for e30.i would like to ask all sifus here. - How much does a e30 M3 engine cost? wat about installation? & 2.5ltr got 170hp, M3 is 200hp, does it make so much different till de car price wud b more than 10k compare to same year made but jus different engine?any info are welcome... :)cheers...
Originally posted by reedoor@Dec 7 2005, 02:39 AM

he told me hardly can find M3 engine for e30.

If thats the case, what happens if the engine goes kaput? Where are you gonna find a replacement!!!!! :blink:
hahaha... true true...

bro, ur e30 sold already? i called u twice, remember?
hmmm i tend to agree with al

with 35k, u can get good/newer base car & can toss in newer engine

i've never been impressed with s14 anyway, i think around 170~181 lb/ft of torque big me, the total package of m3 that made it a great car
Yup,have to agree with shaifulo...the s14 is only excellent with the complete package.
reedor, what kind of other mods are in the E30 aside from the M3 engine? Is it a complete conversion like Alvin J's E30 ? or is it just a mere engine transplant job without changing any other things. ?

35k for an E30 is a little high... you can look for an E36 318i Manual at about 40k..
The S14 is a high revver and screamer. something like the VTEC engines. low on torque, high on hp.

That car has all the suspension parts replaced with E30 M3 parts. Just the chassis itself is not an M3 chassis.

Basically it's like the E30 320is in Portugal (or was it Italy).. E30 2 door chassis with de-stroked S14 engine with similar hp and even lower torque...
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