How often you topup radiator ?

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Originally posted by safrul@Apr 3 2006, 10:23 AM
ooh every 2 days? err...thats kinda often. ok, have u ever see ur tank suddenly dry?

eveytime the tank dry, we need to bleed the radiator right? or dont need? hmm...first time i hear you have to bleed the radiator.. :eek:

to open the bleed screw, turn clock-wise or anti-clock (same direction as openning the radiator cap) ?
hi safrul,

do check out this website for the bleed screw-->

under the heading. BMW E36 Thermostat Removal n Coolant Flushing.

aduhhh, i had the same prob la the last weekend.. how come u also the same wan.. this kinda prob follow season wan.. this season is radiator.. my last season was the steering rack prob...

thks lee, i've sent it to mech. M speed . ah meng kow tim le( hopefully le.). cox radiator got blockage.... sent for radiator flushing.. if still cannot, then have to do a thorough check !.. pray prayyyyyyy...

charges, check here -->
I had a similar problem not too long ago, keep topping up the radiator every other day. Send for compression test; found a small leak at the radiator housing area. Took care of that, but the problem still persist. Had another compression test done and this time found the water pump leaking. Change the pump and was ok after that. Sometimes with hairline fractures, you can't see the leak visually and most times, it's either the hoses, radiator or water pump. Worst case scenario would be leaking into the engine compartment. Check the dipstick, if its like teh-o, then you're in deep sh*t (kena overhaul). Apparently that's a common problem with the Carnival.
Well for the Carnival is the car is considered new compare to some of us our cars are more than 10yrs old hihihihiihihihiihih
The compression test is for the cylinders to determine the amount of compression each cylinder generates.

The pressure test is for the cooling system, radiator, etc, to identify leaks.
oooookie....guess what, i found 2-3 drop of coolant on the floor this morning. so confirm lah...its leaking. no oil in the radiator and no white smoke in the morning (phew !!!).

From the top hose, i didnt see anything. its from somewhere below, maybe at the water pump since the leak drop is about centre of the engine..not front part.

on this topic, I just met a fellow forummer who's cooling system leak went unchecked and eventually cost him a warped head, cracked core, and much damage to his wallet.

Do have your car checked as soon as possible. Good luck.
Yep thats the most common if u dont know when was the last time you water pump was changed. Dont wait too long now hehehehhe hurry to the workshop.
Originally posted by Lee36328@Apr 3 2006, 04:58 PM
I did not realise how common it was for people to top up their water level until I read threads like this.

Instead, I monitor the temp level gauge and record the fuel consumption religiously.
err..u know what.... if I name the topic as general instead of just E36, maybe berjuta juta people will respond to this topic...
Subsequently when this problem became so prevalent, BMW started making metals/alloy ones.
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