help, weird sound.

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by the way, the sound will go off every time i take a left corner. weird:stupid:
I have also some sound coming from my back as well. Change the shock bushing but it is still there when ever it go over a bump. Finally jack up the car and 3 persons were under the car shaking every thing under it. Found the culprit was a loose bracket for the exhaust pipe at the muffler.

BTW, the guy engine is very rough at low speed.
had the problem solve.
the its my front left bearing problem. get it changed and everything is so smooth now.
thanks jarance
jc@;461035 said:
had the problem solve.
the its my front left bearing problem. get it changed and everything is so smooth now.
thanks jarance

thanks for the feedback. at least you got your problem solved.

btw, how much did you change the bearing for?. how did the mechanic detect the fault?
i get it done by 280 (i think the price is consider cheap right? cause my collegue change her city's bearing at 200/pc). that was the first time i step out of auto bavaria to check my car. hehe...

he just sit in my passenger sit for 1 min while i was driving the car. then he know the problem.
i didn't trust him at first, but he said if the problem is still there then he will take his parts back and put my stuff back on with no charge. so i try.

by the way, he was once a mech from cycle and carrige SG. merc mech. he's my dad's mech actually.

the bearing is from germany, but not original i think
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