Help! Gearbox issues....

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Aug 6, 2007
Hello All,Today something wierd happened to my Year 2000 E46 gearbox. It was although the gears were stuck in 3rd gear and even when I stopped the car it did not engage to a lower gear (it remained at 3rd gear!). The panel was showing an exclaimation symbol surrounded with gears. I read the manual and it states that if this indication lamp comes on there is a malfunction in the transmission system. All level selector positions can still be engaged, but in a forward driving position only certain gears are actually available when the vehicle is driven. Bring the vehicle to a stop. Move the transmission selector lever to P. Set the parking brake and turn off the ignition - ignition key to position 0. If the indication lamp goes out after a few seconds, normal transmission performance has been restored. You may continue to drive as usual. I did that and now the car and the gears seem fine. BUT I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this before. Is my gearbox kaput-ing? Or is this just a pretty common problem among E46's. I have been driving slow as I am not too familiar with the roads in Penang!Perhaps the gears were stuck! :)
Happened 2 my E46 325 twice between Oct & Dec 2008. Did the procedures that u have mentioned & the gearbox worked just fine. I don't think its' gearbox kaput. Mileage 4 my car is just slightly below 60,000 km.
BTW forget 2 mention that first time when I was driving slowly across a patch of loose gravel near Rasta. Second time when it happen was when I was reversing very fast near my house, after reversing & when shifted back 2 D mode, the exclaimation appeared.
just monitor it for a while, sometimes it happens, dun worry until it really poses a problem.
i also xperiance the same problem on my way back after the melacca drive last time..
it happens when i often use the manual gear. i started getting worried tot maybe my gearbox 'kaput' alredy but its bck 2 normal the next day..
I read somewhere around this forum that it is the problem of sensors in your gearbox. Pls have it check
geoffreylee;388146 said:
I read somewhere around this forum that it is the problem of sensors in your gearbox. Pls have it check

I agree this would be the problem. Some sensors maybe were out of range or have intermittent problems indicating they are on the way out.
Thanks guys! Ever since the problem hasn't occurred! But am keeping a close watch.
Diagnostic will show Error Code 100...

Gear Monitoring Sensor
Speed Control Sensor

There is a problem wt transmission... could be solenoid valves...

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