gear box signal comes out

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Club Guest
Aug 5, 2009
alo to all sifoos..driving e39 528. Gear box signal suddenly comes out. The situation -> When driving, the signal comes out and i stop the car.when i turn off the engine and start it again, the signal will disappear, after sometimme, comes out again. If i drive below 80km/h it's ok, but above it, it will comes out. Above 140km/h it's ok.Did some diagnosis, and from the reading it showed -> " 049 symptom, gear monitoring" , "055 Gear monitoring 5(P0735)".So sifoos. what is really the problem. According to my my fren, if its the gearbox, the signal will come out everytime u start the engineit wont wait any longer. Or may its because other module/control unit etc.Any suggestion.tq very much in advance
Your gear ratio is out....check for wiring first, it selecting Fifth gear and you car goes into safe mode. if no wiring fault then your geat box is kaputing
Bro try driving your car in tiptronic mode and go up to 5th gear gradually. if you are at 5th gear and your car keeps dropping to 4th then you have 3 options.

1. Check for wiring fault.
2. gear box lubricants and filter change. Not sure if it will solve the problem.
3. Last resort - overhaul Gear Box.

Your car is slipping 5th gear.
the year make is 2000..

actually just got it a month back. The gear box was under warranty when the problem occurred.
The car dealer has change the gear i believe the gearbox is not kaputing. The tiptronic mode is ok..
But still the gearbox signal turns on when driving at certain speed. Everything is ok until the signal comes out. When it comes out, the gear is locked at 3rd gear. Its the only problem.

i will have to check the wiring.

tq for the suggesion..

So, is your gbox okay now? Did you check the wiring only ?
Mine gone to safe mode also, but i havent had the time for diagnostic due to raya and etc.
Some forumer's feedback, it could be due to simple sensor problem, up to major gbox problem !
Hmm, just need to standby the money i guess !

Please update yea !
bono2k;457604 said:
the year make is 2000..

actually just got it a month back. The gear box was under warranty when the problem occurred.
The car dealer has change the gear i believe the gearbox is not kaputing. The tiptronic mode is ok..
But still the gearbox signal turns on when driving at certain speed. Everything is ok until the signal comes out. When it comes out, the gear is locked at 3rd gear. Its the only problem.

i will have to check the wiring.

tq for the suggesion..

Bro If thats the case...then check your ABS control unit...that thing also causes the gear lock....that could be the one of the problems in the e39s.
bimmer73;460469 said:
Bro If thats the case...then check your ABS control unit...that thing also causes the gear lock....that could be the one of the problems in the e39s.

tqvm bimmer73... will check it.. if its the ABS control unit. ?

went to a mechanic.. found out that the gearbox ecu is for 523. already change to 528 gearbox ecu. still the gearbox error comes out. but better than before. maybe because i also change the accelerator cable.

diagnose again (using LAUNCH), the errors are :

pressure actuator 1 (P0748)
Symptom, gear monitoring
pressure actuator 4 (PO 0743)
pressure actuator 3 (P0700, P0778)
Gear monitoring 5 (P0735)

if anybody have this experience ? tired visiting the mechanic and ATM .

Just need to open-up the Tranny, then change 1 or 2 sensors,
Thats all, but first confirm with GT1.

Wan-PT Pantas Auto Service KB.
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