Frustrated With Last Night OTT

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rezzsya;827666 said:
Because of their attitude,i dont have mood for the whole night,lucky theres a z4 group ask me to join them chat.i felt like going back home before that.sory for the thread title,i just culture shock with all the bmw e46 owner attitude last night,im think im gonna sell me e46 Ci after that incident happen.haha.(thats a joke):eek:

dont sell la bro.. just give the key to me hahahahaha
gendong;827711 said:
Kompom la bukan those fm the mlm ni mmz? 10pm....jom le....
malamni ada TT jgak ke at MMZ?kalau ada gerak dari KJ skali la.:top:
slayer7815;827712 said:
dont sell la bro.. just give the key to me hahahahaha
Awal bangun?Pegi jogging ke apa?Bila nak tow kete pg uma aku?tangan aku dah gatal ni nak merepair e28 tu.:love:
Bro, nothing to do with you driving an old car la. Actually most of us are quite interested to see old bmws, not look down on them. Chill bro.
haywire;827721 said:
Bro, nothing to do with you driving an old car la. Actually most of us are quite interested to see old bmws, not look down on them. Chill bro.
Thanks bro,Cheers..: )
rezzsya;827715 said:
Awal bangun?Pegi jogging ke apa?Bila nak tow kete pg uma aku?tangan aku dah gatal ni nak merepair e28 tu.:love:

standard bro... 7am oredi terbuka tis mata n go to to find parts ihihhihi.. searching a tow truck that can give a good deals la bro hihihihi
gendong;827706 said:
The e46 group u encountered was not fm BMWCM. First e46 to arrive was Shahrezan, a newbie and was parked outside. 2nd to arrive was bro BlackCat with his e46 M3. I arrived at 10.30pm and u wer already with the z4 guys. Only after 11 few other e46 arrived. Chill bro.

alamakkk... he is talking about us is it?? since not many e46 las nite. Anyway bro rezzsya, IF its true the 4 e46 u said about was us, then i would apologized for it. 1stly at the parking area was dark, 2ndly we were talking to each other, 3rd n most important is we are focusing on my car as 'my sayang' buat 'magic show' yg memalukan mlm td..... bro gendong can conconfirm it. hahahahaha
_M_;827688 said:
Bro.. mcm la x biasa kat MMZ main musical chair.. takkan hang sorang je nak dok tepi u know who.. :D

Hehe ... kalau pindah nak bersembang tak pe ni tgh dok main game kat phone lol lebih baik tak payah ... plus I was in a discussion too before the toilet break :D

Maka tutup lah drama minggu ini ... Sekian terima kasih lol :4:
Walauweiii....pity you rez ...but maybe there was a hot chick passing by till they missed ya hand wave ...

Next time shout out loud ....or bring along a chick like ya signature,ll see all the ulats then
I play an online game called World Of Warcraft, even my gear is high end top of the notch , when I joined new guild...they treated me as's normal bro..entering new pack of the wolf...those things will happen :D Just smile

p/s : I got more business if I drive my rusty e30 more than my e39
rezzsya;827653 said:
-This is my first time OTT at Borneo Rainforest,I reached there around 10pm,and no one was there,and after that theres a 3 or 4 e46 owner passed by,and i angkat tangan to them then they just look at me and buat muka innocent and after that they park their car and chat with their gang.
-Luckily theres two Malay guy drove flatblack e60 approach me and ask me about the OTT.
-I know i drove rusty an e28 but doesnt mean u can judge me by what i drove last night,even when i reached the table to shake their hand,they just shake my hand without looking at me.
-With that attitude what is the purpose of OTT?
-But others so far very good and the president,hes a nice person,and the Z4 gang was very friendly even their car is more expensive than e46 fellas.
-Guys try to approach all newbies if u saw them every OTT or TTS so that all bmw owners can get along all together.
-This is just my 2 cents,im just share what i felt as a BMW owner.
-Sory for my bad English.

Bro u always welcome in my heart~~
Salam bro rezzsya ...

Sad to hear you feeling dejected on you first TT. Like some of our members had mention, we do not judge nor measure you by what you drive. Envy you maybe :4: coz of you having a well maintained "old skool" ... :top: which is hard to come by these days ...
Jgn risau sgt bro with the earlier cold reception. It happens to almost everyone. Personally I hv gone thru it myself with the same feeling and negative thoughts but after a few "interaction" I find the people here are a cool bunch :top: ...

Do come to more of the TT session which is held on almost every Friday and you will see and feel the difference :4: ....

Salammm .....

rezzsya;827653 said:
-This is my first time OTT at Borneo Rainforest,I reached there around 10pm,and no one was there,and after that theres a 3 or 4 e46 owner passed by,and i angkat tangan to them then they just look at me and buat muka innocent and after that they park their car and chat with their gang.
-Luckily theres two Malay guy drove flatblack e60 approach me and ask me about the OTT.
-I know i drove rusty an e28 but doesnt mean u can judge me by what i drove last night,even when i reached the table to shake their hand,they just shake my hand without looking at me.
-With that attitude what is the purpose of OTT?
-But others so far very good and the president,hes a nice person,and the Z4 gang was very friendly even their car is more expensive than e46 fellas.
-Guys try to approach all newbies if u saw them every OTT or TTS so that all bmw owners can get along all together.
-This is just my 2 cents,im just share what i felt as a BMW owner.
-Sory for my bad English.
Think the issue close hehe...
Bro rezzsya will be our regular oarticipants at mmz huhu...
Last nite every body at mmz feel very comfortable....

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somehow I feel not very comfortable at MMZ already...somebody keeps wearing a swedish marque t'shirt la....huuuuhuuuu
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