Front suspension noise

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Club Guest
Dec 7, 2004
This question is not from me but a previous forumer......E30 325i driver.His front E30 suspension making noise.....and according to him, makes more noise on longer distance distance drive - which I think he means longer than 20mins... Noise is like metal knocking, to his ears & comes from front RIGHT sidehis great mechanic say absorber died, hence noise....I say WTF? :blink: and told him to find out more......but he has "no time".please note above is summary are from his words.....and as he claims it, he is not a hands-on person.what's your advice to him? btw, I did tell him....check ball joint & absorbers does not makle such noises.....or do they?
Originally posted by fabianyee@Aug 2 2005, 10:34 PM
ttan is it????

Not enuf information... hard to diagnose....

Yup ... not enuf info ..

Current solution : change car .. :hmmph:
I understand he may have no time to investigate but without it, not possible to giv right diagnosis. :)
His mechanic could be the absorber is utilised during driving, it's internals will heat up. Maybe the seals of his absorbers have seen better days and exhibit freeplay after reaching optimim operating temperature......same goes for ball joints and tie-rod ends.

Again in conferrence with the earlier replies, not enuf info for a detailed diagnosis.

*Pssst: if it is ttan, tell him; if no time, drive japanese and donate the e30 to the club as a project car........heheheheh*
jules,1st of all.....congrats on the birth of ur baby :yahoo:

2nd,i think tht it may be either the tie rod or the lowerarm bushes/ball joint
as my ride had the same symptoms and after changing tht no more knocking noise.
it was also on the ride side.dunno y but according to my mech,thts alwiz the case.
hope this helps.
not revealing name here.....

but I agree that more diagnosis required and not just listen to one source, open wallet, pay and say I own complain.

mechanic apparently not even remove tyre to check....just look underneath "somewhere".

nevermind, thanks.
check the ARB bushes

check absorber mounts

check his ears......need to really know what sound is it.....
not just knock, knock who's there..........?
metal sound......
metal sound?.......

sound my A$$......
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