Forum dying slowly but surely, how to avoid such a happening!

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tIANcI;821665 said:
Prez ... Not easy trying to keep a plce exciting all the time. It takes a lit of time and effort. Still last year plans were made and a Calendar of Events was put up. How is it coming along? Bimmerfest?

Life is never easy :4: ... As for the calender, it was an initiative that is subject to changes (except for the AGM). We try as much to fulfil what has been drawn out but with major events happening off late, cople with co-organizer backing out the last minute, a few events from our calender was affected.

Tentatively the bimmerfest is put on hold and we had one track day done to compliment the change. Another TD is being planned (hopefully on a much bigger and exclusive scale) next June.

We will keep you guys posted :).

Cheers :top:
Boss D'zul, I know the classifieds issue don't need an AGM to be called, but I remember it was mentioned in the AGM that the matter will be discussed with the members before a decision is made. Anyways, I'm not arguing, but just wondering why say something then, and do different later. To me it looks like the Classifieds was opened because this thread came into being. Cheers.

dzuljazz2001;821618 said:
No worries bro ramsing, no offence taken whatsoever n no rwason to marah2 one.

As for the Classified is concern, to close or to open it, I believe we do not need have the AGM to vote on it. The forum is the forum, with its own sets of rules and regulations. So is the club, which is govern by its own sets of Constitution. What was address in the AGM was a clarification on queries on the status of the forum which we stress that the Classified is stil closed at that point of time and will be reviewed from time to time.

The CM met earlier today and much was diacussed including the forum status and we believe that as far as the Classified is concern, everyone (OM n CG) had understood the intent of restricting the Classified and as such decided to have it opened albeit with a very close monitoring.

God willing bro, we the CM will refrain from saying this and that (full time job, volunteering and wht nought) as we believe that since we have accepted this responsibilities in managing the club, we will do our level best and give our best to the club. We are not perfect but that will not stop us from giving the members and the club our best.

Feedbacks are vital to us to work on our short-comings and that is how we can improve to make the forum or the club better. Your (and others in the forum too) comments, opinion and suggestions will always be welcome and rest assured we will always try to be open and positive towards it. We appreciate it all the same.

Cheers and have a good sleep bro :top: ...
ramsing;821747 said:
Boss D'zul, I know the classifieds issue don't need an AGM to be called, but I remember it was mentioned in the AGM that the matter will be discussed with the members before a decision is made. Anyways, I'm not arguing, but just wondering why say something then, and do different later. To me it looks like the Classifieds was opened because this thread came into being. Cheers.

What I can remember is that we (The CM) will discuss this and revert to the members on any decision made on the status of the Classified section. I stand corrected though. I will need to look back at MoM of the AGM to confirm this bro :4:. I must be getting too old for this laa. My memory seems to be failing me I think :frown: ...

Usually the CM meets on a monthly basis but since the AGM, due to some heavy committment from the majority of the CM, we only managed to get the quorum to sit and delibrate on the AGM issues a couple of days ago.

Much was discussed and a few critical decision was made. Prior to the said meeting, on a few occasion the Classified status was discussed but no decision was made as we did not have the "majority" to agree on it.

We will post the MoM of the recently concluded AGM in the EL for all OMs to view and comments soon. Feel free to do so bro. We will pick up all comments with an open mind and work on it :top: ...

This forum has definitely seen better days, only hope it can relive its former days.....
In order to revive bmw club malaysia forum is not as easy as opening up the classifieds to everyone.

To me thats just a short term solution to halt the continued slide in the stats for visits etc... to the forum.

It is my honest belief that the forum has to be replaced with a more dynamic platform to cater to bmw owners in malaysia while adding in some income streams to complement the clubs revenue in order for the club to be more proactive.

I am already building something to that effect and already have development plans in mind. I'd honestly prefer to work together with the committee on this if they're open to a collaborative effort. But thats entirely up to the committee, which ever way the pendulum swings I will be proceeding with the development of the platform I have in mind.

Apa macam committee... you fellas interested?

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Most definitly bro. Please bring in to us your proposal and we are all ears to any new ideas or proposal of any sort for the betterment of the forum and the club. :top: ...

Do pm us (our VP and or myself) of your availibility and we will glady meet you up on this.


insomniac;822737 said:
In order to revive bmw club malaysia forum is not as easy as opening up the classifieds to everyone.

To me thats just a short term solution to halt the continued slide in the stats for visits etc... to the forum.

It is my honest belief that the forum has to be replaced with a more dynamic platform to cater to bmw owners in malaysia while adding in some income streams to complement the clubs revenue in order for the club to be more proactive.

I am already building something to that effect and already have development plans in mind. I'd honestly prefer to work together with the committee on this if they're open to a collaborative effort. But thats entirely up to the committee, which ever way the pendulum swings I will be proceeding with the development of the platform I have in mind.

Apa macam committee... you fellas interested?

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
The reasons I seldom post on forum

1) I play a MMO game, world of warcraft since 2007 until now....I can't stop playing..everyday is grinding. it's a game where adults like me enjoy so much.
2) Daily workload , I should watch 1987 Wall Street and let the others work for me
very good thread! i owe BMWCM a lot in terms of getting a lot of informative info and leads when i was restoring my E21.priceless as well are the great fellow E21 owners i met along the way, it is sad to see the forum being less interesting as before. maybe the newer beemers not as DIY as before so no one is taking their cars apart and throwing engines in as before? hehe.. but then again, maybe we need a fresh look at how to revive this. for me, as long as the inflow of information and leads are there then ppl would definately be on board reading thru threads.. as for 'repaying' the forum, it comes in many other forms, not only just paying a membership fee, as i have always been free to share information i have learnt and even when i sold things whenever it was a bmwcm member who bought there was always a special discounted price.. i guess what i am trying to say is that we need to make the forum be something ppl talk about again, not some forum ppl associate with rules and payments as i think that i the image i get when i talk to newbies about the club..
hope it helps. have a great work week everyone!
e21manic;822786 said:
very good thread! i owe BMWCM a lot in terms of getting a lot of informative info and leads when i was restoring my E21.priceless as well are the great fellow E21 owners i met along the way, it is sad to see the forum being less interesting as before. maybe the newer beemers not as DIY as before so no one is taking their cars apart and throwing engines in as before? hehe.. but then again, maybe we need a fresh look at how to revive this. for me, as long as the inflow of information and leads are there then ppl would definately be on board reading thru threads.. as for 'repaying' the forum, it comes in many other forms, not only just paying a membership fee, as i have always been free to share information i have learnt and even when i sold things whenever it was a bmwcm member who bought there was always a special discounted price.. i guess what i am trying to say is that we need to make the forum be something ppl talk about again, not some forum ppl associate with rules and payments as i think that i the image i get when i talk to newbies about the club..
hope it helps. have a great work week everyone!

Totally agree bro...
Unless your forum contain everything anything. The most successful forum I've seen now is
Still standing strong until now. rock solid
The current forum problems are mainly self-inflicted wounds by the club. This used to be a fun place where everyone felt like members of 1BMW and many came many times a day just to hang around and contribute. The suddenly, the caste system was brought out and many left in disgust.

Let's hope the club treat the new CG and OM's better to spice up the forum's life.
And very very LOW is interested in replying if CG open a thread & looking for a source contributing unless the CG is female and most are the contribution are mainly come from others CG's itself...
Yes let turn this forum into lowyatt, mudah and lelong to keep the forum alive.

where are we heading? This forum is ONLY a platform for the BMW Club Malaysia.

If the forum is in ICU as some claimed, it should be address by the all the OM and CM.

I can see the traffic is back and a number of peoples are lurking around. Just because people are not posting
it does not means the forum is in ICU.
Bro & Sis

I believe this forum is one of the most alive ones at the moment if compared to other forums esp. those properties talks. Although I am not an official member (not yet), I wish the club and forum to continue for as long as it takes. As 1st time owner of BMW I have personnaly learned a lot from the forum especially the enthusiasms expressed on different BMW varieties - in F30 for instance, we could appreciate views on 320d, 320i, 328, etc..and not to mention how owners looked or rationalised teething problems...what way to go, such good discussions.

For F30 series, the rollcall has now reached 150, way more than when I registered at no. 65. That itself gives good feeling abt BMW.

I do note however, some forumers had totally disappeared and hopefully they will come back to share their comments on the cars.

Best Regards
Glad to see the classifieds opened to all.

p/s jarance..thanks for you know what....hehehehe
errr, lets not turn this place into another lowyat! IMO quality of the posting is more important than quantity. if you guys want, i can post a couple of hundred one liners consisting of "WTF!" & "LOL's" to spruce things up :p

jarance;822822 said:
Yes let turn this forum into lowyatt, mudah and lelong to keep the forum alive.

where are we heading? This forum is ONLY a platform for the BMW Club Malaysia.

If the forum is in ICU as some claimed, it should be address by the all the OM and CM.

I can see the traffic is back and a number of peoples are lurking around. Just because people are not posting
it does not means the forum is in ICU.
gimli;823713 said:
errr, lets not turn this place into another lowyat! IMO quality of the posting is more important than quantity. if you guys want, i can post a couple of hundred one liners consisting of "WTF!" & "LOL's" to spruce things up :p

Quality vs quantity.. Frankly, we have been thru this many times for the past 10 years. We have gone thru a few 'generations' of members and forumers. and every 'generation' has new challenges. There are low times and there are high times. But ultimately active or not active is really in the hands of the members and forummers.

But we had good popcorns time with 'The Necessary' having many rounds of debates and intellectual face-off with Eeric, and they became good friends off the forum. Enjoyed taking punches at each other on the forum. Not forgetting the legendary Kinghamsap and Latuk Beemer328. Oh those early days.

Pop corn dramas are good fun as long as ppl don't start personal attacks.
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