An Appeal To All Forum Users - Past, Present & Future

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Welcome to the realization that there are more keyboard-warriors present here than there are actual car enthusiasts........sad but true
The club should go back to its roots when there was more discussion about cars and drives than about signature size, avatar size and whom to ban and etc.

We have came a long way from humble beginnings. Sad to say, we have lost focus along the way.

To all forumers, welcome to the club and let's make this a true BMW car club and put all bickerings aside. Afterall, we are all here because of the passion for BMWs.:top:

Well-said BerserkDriod, your good intentions noted! But hey, in my opinion, such things happen only in a PERFECT WORLD WITH PERFECT PEOPLE LIVING IN IT! We are all human being....human being who come from all walks of life looking at things from different perspective, different level and different backgrounds! Differnce in opinion, debates, arguement and disagreement sure to take place! Sometimes such differences make us better individuals but most of the time it does not.

I am sure without such negative aura in this forum, wouldnt you guys think it will be boring.....but nevertheless gals and guys, know your limits and your intentions. Dont go overboard as it will only reflect badly on yourself. Be constructive and intellectual...this is the BMW Club Malaysia you know!!!!

Just my 2cents!
Now meanguy sounded more human.. :D of course the droid is not wrong la.. :D
Sob..sob.. I go outside play guli better.. or go see party animal photos lagi shiok... this discussion is too serious for me.. am not interested..

Wish every human being good luck in whatever appeals the droid puts up..
Well written and well meant Berserkdroid!

Taking some points from Albundy's earlier post, the direction of our beloved club has somewhat diverted over the years. With fewer and fewer 'car related' topics for discussion, this might one day being just another 'chat forum'. Yes, to give our forum some balance and also to add some spice, we must also allow other non car related threads but it seems to me that these threads have become more popular than our intended ones.

In an 'open' forum there will be lots of policing needed as we atrract all sorts of people from all walks of life and the fact that this a 'free forum', surely doesnt help the situation.

People will be people... and with some with ego's larger than their brain can handle, 'keyboard' clashes will be a common scene. ....its how we, as mature members of this prestigious marque handle these sorts of situations that count. As stated before...sometimes 'it makes one a bigger person to walk away from a nasty situation'....perhaps..
"YOU are what you sow,
and from it you shall Reap"

......guess that totals my outburst.
Go placid on the face of the earth
love thy neighbour as much as your BMW
and the forum will be a better pedestal
FOR ALL..... I guessssssss
between a Stimulus and your Response.....

is your Freedom to Choose..... (taken from Stephen Covey's 7th Habits....)

so, choose wisely.....
Hey man...
After reading this...
You have my full support in forum wise...
You're the man...

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