Factors of A Failed Radiator

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the last time the "check coolant level" appeared on my dash, the water pump got busted (plastic) and my whole family was stranded on the hway. this happened cos i changed the radiator and the coolant without checking the water pump!

chances are there is a leak in your system; dun just tambah air saje; my advise is to pressurise the cooling system and see if there are any leaks...
anyway based on some say due to Head gasket that's causing pressure to rise at radiator , what then causes the Head gasket to go bonkus ...is it due to unproper changing intervals of the engine oil ?

i've noticed that many beemers that had overheating problem and so on , upon checking the dip sticks shows that the engine oil is BLACKEN in colour...

i had 2 radiators changed in less than 2 years as average 1 rad worked only for 9 months...but now what's i've found based on my self assesment is that a frequent oil change had stop me from having such problem...

How true ... been doing that since mid 2004 and never encounter any problem of radiator kong. Also i usually flush off the coolant in the radiator every 6 months ..
Hi all,

I actually topped up with water three days ago and have checked the reservoir's level daily.... it has stayed there since. I'll continue to check daily and update later. FYI, I drive ~80kms daily commuting to and from work. Drive is roughly 20% urban, 80% "Fed route 1" cruising....(I consder meself lucky I can drive like this daily:cool: )

P/S: Oh yeah, the "check coolant level" alarm disappeared with the topping up, of course!
geoffreylee;191697 said:
where to have the car diagnose to check if all sensors are working... scary...

Buy the Fault Code reader loh.. You can check the status of your car everyday, if not every hour. Cheap only. Only RM650. That's equivalent to 3 times full modic check.:D
i've experienced the "check coolant level" today in my '98 CBU E39 guys. it got me worried, needless to say, a big thankyou to all the forumers in here as i remember reading horror stories of overheating and whatnots. so i did the prudent thing and pulled over at a residential area near where i live and got my gf to come pick me up. the engine temp indicator registered normal termperature.

some 3 hours later i went back, checked and found the coolant level in the expansion tank was near full (as opposed to half full when i left the house in the morning). ignited the engine and everything seems fine with no more warning on the coolant level. so i am thinking, what on earth caused the OBC to light up with "check coolant level" ??

water pump failure ?? i dunno. perhaps it's off to chu seng come monday morning for me. but in the meantime, have you guys experienced such an event before ??
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