M54 Water Temperature

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Dec 10, 2004
Need advice/ comments: Just realize that my CBU M54 330i water temperature seems to rise a bit when I got stuck in traffic during COLD (less than 28 deg C) weather. During our hot normal day, water temp seems to stick at the 12-oclock position (stuck in traffic or no traffic). Has checked the followings:
  • Fan clutch – OK
  • Aux Fan – running when a/c is switched on
  • Radiator – compression test find no leak
Was informed (not sure if accurate) that this could due to Aux fan start/ stop settings? Any insights?
normal at 12 oclock at 11 oclock if raining /night on highway
mine aways at 12'o clock within 5 mins of starting engine and driving off... it has never fluctuated....

Could yours be a thermostat issue? Has it ever passed the line after the 12 o' clock position?
Yeah, it do pass the 12 o'clock line when I got stuck in traffic during COLD weather. Could this be the thermostat?
dude...please send it to ur mechs.

I've seen some M54 oso like that....some are cos by leaks injectors. some caused by faulty thermostate.some runs on safe mode to protects ur engine...I might be wrong.

I'm not saying I'm right..just send it in ur mech for further diagnostic.
Send to diagnostic and found out that the ambient (outside) temp sensor is giving false reading (not completely kaput). Has changed the sensor (rm200).

According to the mech, aux fan refer to the sensor data to speed up/ slow down. See what happen..
On my M50 beemers (E36 and E34) - 12 o'clock rock solid (come rain and shine). But of course, I am happy as long as it does not rise above 12 o'clock.

E46 2.2 said:
To correct or actual reading should be 11 or 12 oclock??

flash said:
On my M50 beemers (E36 and E34) - 12 o'clock rock solid (come rain and shine). But of course, I am happy as long as it does not rise above 12 o'clock.

Thanks Flash:D
Why not install auxillary temp. gauge? I did it on mine coz i realise that most of the time even as the temp. is rising, the instrument gauge will still show 12pm position until it's too late and the gauge pointer just starts shooting up to overheat. Optimum temp. on a bmw engine should be at around 95-101 degrees on a hot day stuck in a traffic jam.
This issue has been fixed. Apparently there is a problem with the ambient temperature sensor.

Thanks to everyone that provide comments & feedbacks.
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