Experienced engine overheated a few weeks ago. Prior to that, noticed that the air-cond fan was spining at a very high RPM causing loud noise. My mechanic said the high RPM of the air-cond fan was due to to much of air-cond gas being pumped in. He released some and the loud spinning of the air-cond fan solved. However a few days later, I experienced the dreaded engine overheating. After further check by the mechanic, he said the radiator fan was spinning at a very low RPM. He could even stopped the fan with a finger!. Changed the fan clutch, thermostat, water pump and wahed the radiator as well.
Now, I am concerned whether the "radiator outlet sensor" is faulty or not. If this sensor is faulty, would it show up in the diagnosis? So far, the radiator temprature is ok.