F###ing Motorbikes

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Mar 10, 2005
This morning I was driving to work on LDP. Not going fast... just cruising... B) SUDDENLY!!!! a motocycle swerved in front of me going fast :blink: AND THEN.... He fell directly in my path :ph34r: :ph34r: so I braked and elak and swerved. No way to go, I clipped the middle kerb about 6 inches high. I heard my tyres blew and my car spining and missing a lorry by about a foot or so...... and my first thought was I'M ALIVE :yahoo: Damage to my beloved car....Tyre front right blew, a patch of side wall missingRim front right scratch... no sign of bengkok but still needs to be checkedfront right fender is lifted up about 1/2 cmalignment out..... DUHHPossible chassis bengkok......Possible kah :dunno: the motorcyclist? got up and rode away.....so the question is1. should I langgar the motorcyclist and save my car.... or 2. should I do what i did and save the motorcyclist... What would you do???Although I know it's wrong, but actually i feel i should have taken option 1 :blush:
those fxxkers, if thats what they ask for... I would have close my eyes and bang him sorry I just hate those bastard, alway give others in trouble but they just go off thats what always happen. :aggressive:
Originally posted by DingChavez@Sep 25 2005, 05:59 PM
1. should I langgar the motorcyclist and save my car.... or
2. should I do what i did and save the motorcyclist... What would you do???

Although I know it's wrong, but actually i feel i should have taken option 1 :blush:
Sorry to know about your mis-fortune :( !

If u langgar the motorcyclist, the damage will be even greater as he & his bike will stuck under ur ride, & damage your lip, radiator, power steering rack & pump, oil sump, lower arm, under-carriage etc etc.

And worst thing is, he will come after u at night :blink: !!
Sigh!....what can I say?

Sorry to hear about your mishap. I'm glad you took option 2, but deep down...you wished you took option 1.

Motorcyclist here are basically a hazard to traffic.( No offence to those big bikers, refering to the kapchai..only).
Motorcyclist here are basically a hazard to traffic.( No offence to those big bikers, refering to the kapchai..only).

Yah thats what I mean too so sick of them anywhere the same.

Would u believe me if I tell u that no matter what, you will never ever take Option 1?

What you did was pure reflex and a spur of the moment kinda thing. I dare say that even if you are faced with a similar scenario in future, your reaction will be the same as today. Nyawa first, kereta kesayangan later.

Betul tak? :D
Ya man, if ya bang him and happens that he is alive....trust me 90% of such cases you are innocent....and not him...surprise...but that's the living truth....upppss(in malaysia). Infact did ya hit your ride straight into the road side or juz sreeeech by...if ya hit it...get ya car checked well...chasis tilt always bear in consequences...lucky though...you are here to tell

Gosh... Bro... So sorry to hear that. Look on the bright side... you're safe, and you're cu... I'm not gonna say it... :p
Sorry to hear that... sometimes these bikers comes out of nowhere and appear out of the blindspot...

Anyway, he'll won't live long if he continues to ride like that. if u're driving a lorry or trailer, he would have gone 'under'...
From what Ding told me, the motorcyclist was overtaking him and going at 90-100km/h and fell over. At that speed he must have injured himself badly. The damage on Ding's car doesnt look servere. But like cklim said if you had hit the guy it could have been worst. from the looks of things his rim might be slightly dented and fender has shifted upwards. the arms and the front towers look ok. most of the impact was taken by the suspension and the tyre. the jack railing area also was damaged but that can be repaired.

drove his car today;....his allignment is completely off. but there is no vibrations while moving.

Be glad you are safe..nyawa tak boleh dibeli..that F-ing MC will get his just rewards under a 20-tonne trailer coming soon.. :nyehehe: :nyehehe:
If I could avoid the f*/king motorcyclist, I would but if I know I cannot without endangering myself, oh what the heck, sorry f/*ker.... :angry:
Whose fault would it be?

1) You're driving, signaling right. When you turn, a motorcyclist from the right speeds pass you and swirls to the left. U hit him, he falls. Whose fault?

2) Traffic jam. Motor cyclist squeezing their way pass from left to right. Hits your side mirror's. Mirror's cracked, side holders scratched.
You horn at the bugger, he gives you the stare and finger and rides off?

3) Traffic jam. Motorcyclist squeezes between your ride and the front car. Dents and scratches the bumper. Cause you felt a nudge.As usual, honk but get the same treatment.

I've personally experienced these incidents and had to bear the cost by myself. I mean, is this how un-responsible our motorcyclist are? or is this basically the "malaysia tidak apa attitude" amongst motorcyclist.

There were incidents where the motorcyclist sarcasticly say's, " Lu kaya apa, bole beli kereta".......WTF?

Have no intentions in creating an issue or debate, but something has to be done.
Originally posted by jeffreyewe@Sep 26 2005, 09:40 AM
Whose fault would it be?

1) You're driving, signaling right. When you turn, a motorcyclist from the right speeds pass you and swirls to the left. U hit him, he falls. Whose fault?

2) Traffic jam. Motor cyclist squeezing their way pass from left to right. Hits your side mirror's. Mirror's cracked, side holders scratched.
You horn at the bugger, he gives you the stare and finger and rides off?

3) Traffic jam. Motorcyclist squeezes between your ride and the front car. Dents and scratches the bumper. Cause you felt a nudge.As usual, honk but get the same treatment.

I've personally experienced these incidents and had to bear the cost by myself. I mean, is this how un-responsible our motorcyclist are? or is this basically the "malaysia tidak apa attitude" amongst motorcyclist.

There were incidents where the motorcyclist sarcasticly say's, " Lu kaya apa, bole beli kereta".......WTF?

Have no intentions in creating an issue or debate, but something has to be done.
Yes I've bin ther too, Jeff.

However, in situation 1) u may still b at fault, Jeff. Signalling doesn't giv u the right to turn, u r only asking for permission to do so. U still hav to ascertain that the situation permits u ...& is safe to make a turn. :D
Skar checked my car last night....

at least my tyres bore the brunt of the "collision with the kerb". Just afraid chassis bengkok... but most probably tidak kot... what to do :dunno:

At least I'M ALIVE :yes!:
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