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Dec 10, 2004
Especially for our in house expert on Electricity .... Jarance SinghTHE BUS CONDUCTOR. Nice puzzle - try to crack it ...Once there was a bus conductor, who was very rude to his passengers.One day a beautiful young girl, of around 18 years,tried to board the bus, but he didn't stop the bus.Unfortunately the beautiful young girl came under the bus and died on the spot. Angry passengers took the conductor to the police station, who in turn took him to the court.The judge was not at all impressed with him and gave him capital punishment.He was taken to the electrocution chamber. There was a single chair in the center of the room and a single banana peel at one corner of the room. The conductor was strapped to the chair and high voltage current was given to him. But to everyone's amazement, he survived. The judge decided to set him free, and he returned to his profession.After a few months, this time, a good looking middle aged woman tried to board the bus but the conductor didn't stop the bus. Unfortunately, this time also, the good looking middle aged woman came under the bus and died on the spot. Again angry passengers took him to the police station, who in turn took him to the court. The judge took one look at the conductor and gave him capital punishment. The Bus conductor was taken to the same electrocution chamber where there was a single chair in the center of the room and a single banana peel at one corner of the room. He was strapped to the chair and high voltage current was given to him. This time also to everyone's amazement, he survived. The judge decided to set him free, and he returned to his profession. A couple of months later, an elderly gentleman tried to board the bus. This time the Bus conductor, remembering his earlier experiences, stopped the bus. Unfortunately the elderly gentleman slipped and died due to his injuries. The conductor was taken to the police station and then to the court, to the same judge. Though he hadn't done anything wrong, but considering his past record the judge decided to set an example and gave him capital punishment. The Bus conductor was again taken to the same electrocution chamber where there was a single chair in the center of the room and a single banana peel at one corner of the room. He was strapped to the chair and high voltage current was given to him. This time he died instantly !!!!!!!!!!!The question is why didn't he die on the first two occasions, but died instantly the third time??Try to solve it yourselves. This is rather interesting and answer is perfectly logical. If necessary read the puzzle once again.! Still you couldn't, Then look below....... ..think hard………common sense............ .tired.... ?wanna know the answer????Ok........ there is the Answer...... ......During the first two times, the conductor was a Bad Conductor, therefore electricity didn't pass through him. But during the third time, he was a good conductor, so electricity passed through him freely and he died !!!!!!!!Ha ha ha ha !!!!!!!! Obviously you’ve gotta revise your science chapter on Electricity ??? Don't look for me..I m already in search ofthe personwho has sent me this...!
Penebat.. penebat hebat.. :p

Btw, why no one get rid of the single banana peel at the corner of the room?:106:
The banana peel was meant to be a diversion..hehehe...I was hoping somebody would say that it's because of the banana peel..hahahaha
Well actually, in the first two case, the person in charge of the chair was on leave. but he did not leave any instruction to the next guy to turn "ON" the breaker for the chair. So the bus conductor did not die because there was no electricity.
In addition, the first two case, the banana skin was facing with the skin facing down. i.e. white colour. This means that the main breaker for the chair is OFF. The electrician have use this method to tell people that it safe to work on the chair. Now, you wouldnt want to strap a person to the chair when the main breaker is ON. Somebody could accidentally throw the switch during strapping the guy and might also injure innocent bystander. So practice safety first..

In the third case, the bus conductor die. why? simple. you see.. the elderly gentlemen is the electrician. He is the one who slipped and die when the conductor stopped the bus. So when the conductor got the chair again, this elderly technician was not there to OFF the switch when the strapped the conductor onto the chair. (Note; You should not work on live equipment. It is not safe). Hence, when they throw the switch, the conductor die instantly.

It has nothing to do do with a bad conductor or good conductor. Electricity will flow regardless of the resistance. Air is a good resistance but it will breakdown when the potential difference is great enough. This is what we call lightning.

Moral of the story: Have a professional person to do the job. LOL
......you see I told you he was the expert..:top:
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