I bought the cooling coil by myself fr Spore. way cheaper SGD$197. the workshop quoted way too expensive RM2,450. So I just pay them their labour with Gas top up & compressor oil RM570 total. & make sure u order gas filter too tht will save u further.. for 320i yah..u hv to open yr whole dashboard...but if yr are 318..u r the lucky lot....as it can be replaced without taken yr out yr dashboard..it take 2 day affair to get it fix. The workmanship are superb as they fix about 30-40 E46 per year so they know how to open/dismantling yr dashboard..& so far there r no funny sound from dashboard while driving ..anyway..318,320,323,328 r sharing the same cooling coil...quite a marvelous enginering from BMW..as one part suit for whole range of model...I mean they really got economy of scale on this... manage to have a short chat with the mechanic who fix up my car..say E46 aircon weakness is on the cooling coil as it is made from aluminium, it easily rotten which cause the leakages of gas..normal life span is 5-6 year for this cooling coil..the workshop is "u need aircon" at ellis road..