E39 Overheating

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god save the queen eh salah god bless u lah hehehe

mike keep us update yeah
my cylinder head is starting to crack. If i rebuild my enigine it will only last for a couple of months. sigh.....anyways im changing my engine. next week my wheels will be back on the road. Anyone got contact in JPJ.
tomorrow start engine. all system complete......Bailey next TT I will bring the car.
wah Datuk Bailey...upgrade to E60 long time ago ah???no wonder saw ur ex-e39 changed back the original rims...
mike, cant wait to experience 3.0 engine wit yr driving skills hehehehe

funfer & wang, dont listen to rumours, bad for health
Bailey;432479 said:
mike, cant wait to experience 3.0 engine wit yr driving skills hehehehe

funfer & wang, dont listen to rumours, bad for health

What rumours? As an official member of BMWCM I have the right to know. You owe us an explanation. Please don't just sit there and keep quiet. And don't leave us guessing in the dark.
funfer_fahrer;432485 said:
What rumours? As an official member of BMWCM I have the right to know. You owe us an explanation. Please don't just sit there and keep quiet. And don't leave us guessing in the dark.

hahaha sounds so familiar............wei get back to t topic lah

mike when will t 3.0 engine ready for a romp?
so i guess we'll meet at El Kenchana TT tonite yeah bro................vroooooooooooommmmmm
Hi guys, I'm newbie..

juz got mine..I do have a question..why is my temperature indicator always in the middle? how can i reduced the temperature probably 1/4 of the stick?
norizm72;453336 said:
Hi guys, I'm newbie..

juz got mine..I do have a question..why is my temperature indicator always in the middle? how can i reduced the temperature probably 1/4 of the stick?

every engine has got its optimum operating temperature.
if its always 1/4, you will have a lazy engine.. heavy consumption.. et cetera.
Bailey;436263 said:
so i guess we'll meet at El Kenchana TT tonite yeah bro................vroooooooooooommmmmm

bro you punya gambar sudah tukar.....nampak macam and D kat belakang tu
IsaacVky;453349 said:
every engine has got its optimum operating temperature.
if its always 1/4, you will have a lazy engine.. heavy consumption.. et cetera.

sorry if i may ask a question here, i have m20b20 in my E34, i have just change all hoses, water pump and new bmw coolant last month.

MY TEMPERATURE INDICATOR HARDLY POINT TO 12 'clock EVEN IDLE FOR A LONG TIME, usually stays a little more than 1/4 mark, is that normal?? I thought for BMW it should stay at 12 o clock?:stupid:

I got rev my engine near redline occasionally, whenever i back Johor through highway...
maybe because your engine is M20B20 smaller. At Idle? on highways at high speed the engine temp tends to be slightly lower the 1/2...Not sure about E34..but the e36 525i engine temp does drop below half at nights
bimmer73;455270 said:
bro you punya gambar sudah tukar.....nampak macam and D kat belakang tu

only 525 D maaaaaaaaaa not 530 hehehe but enuf la
bimmer73;455284 said:
maybe because your engine is M20B20 smaller. At Idle? on highways at high speed the engine temp tends to be slightly lower the 1/2...Not sure about E34..but the e36 525i engine temp does drop below half at nights

yeah i know on highway temp will slower, but in city driving or stuck at traffic jam also seldom stay at half :stupid:

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