Originally posted by Zackary1@Oct 11 2005, 01:37 AM
Long Wheel Base Models as in IL have self levelling and the 16K replacement cost (which will happen at some point or other). I wont reccommend changing it to Non Self Levelling so if you dont want to dump 16K into suspension i suggest u look for a short wheel base model as in 728I,
735il is a V8 but very rare! Less than 10 in Malaysia
730il E38 is also a V8 but thats only for 1994 and 1995 manufacture. From 1996 on the 730 was replaced by the 735.
On another note, if youre expecting similar maintenance costs of a 5 series think again, dont fall for the "mechanics" advise aka...sikit lebih saja!!!
Trust me mate, its a hell of a lot more than a 3 or 5 or 6.
Just to give you an idea - power steering hose costs 1250 each and must be changed at 80K intervals if you want to avoid major issues while parking should it blow and they are about 10 different hoses that need to be changed along with it....i spent close to 6K in hoses alone. Transmission Fluid - even though its supposedly lifetime...think close to 800. Brake Pads close to 500. Radiator..almost 1800
Door handle - 900, alternator 2000, water pump 680 and the lists goes on....
If you really want a seven, get the 728. 740s are expensive to maintain, difficult to source for parts (friend's 740 had to wait 3 weeks for simple radiator)....gearbox on 740...costs 40K and any remanufactured (in malaysia) aint worth lookin at!
My suggestion after owning a 750 and a 740....get a 728 and supercharge it if you really need more power.