e36 newbie"need some advice here"

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Club Guest
Dec 17, 2010
Hi to all the sifu, i'm new here..i love BMW cars since in high school.now i'm planing on buying 1 e36 for myself but many of my friends said that BMW cars is a high maintenance car and will have a lot of prob. The spare part also is hard to find and expensive. I need advice about this matter.is it true? I don't want to have any doubt after this. Is it worth it to buy the e36? Please advice and help me.Thanks.
Welcome bro. Before you kena tembak, intro yourself and all the sifus will be happy to help out :cool:
>> http://www.bmwclubmalaysia.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?30-Newbies

Secondly, below is derived from one of the member's signature::smokin:
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This question has been discussed countless times on the forum, so feel free to browse the E36 section:

And finally, enjoy your stay & there will be no turning back once a BMW owner ! :rock:

Yes Duan, you'll enjoy your stay here after introducing yourself in the newbie section..welcome bro
duan;590558 said:
4my friends said that BMW cars is a high maintenance car and will have a lot of prob.

I'm sure none of those friends have ever driven/owned a BMW.

Quality & finish of a German car cannot be compared to a Japanese car. No offense to Japanese car owners (all my previous rides were from Japan). Looks, feel, power, cant be compared to an equivalent Japanese rival.

If a product is of a good quality, it will cost more than a product of average quality. ;)
For me, the E36 is cheap to maintain if DIY and know where to get new or used parts. Don't be surprised, some parts are in fact more cheaper than japanese car parts. Must have passion to own one.......other than that i just love how it steers when going thru turns heheheheh
Thanks guys. appreciate it. will introduce myself b4 i kena tembak in newbie section..sorry hehehe...anyway my name is duan. im working some where in cheras in IT industries..anyone knows where to find or knows anyone wanna let go their e36?
duan;591091 said:
Thanks guys. appreciate it. will introduce myself b4 i kena tembak in newbie section..sorry hehehe...anyway my name is duan. im working some where in cheras in IT industries..anyone knows where to find or knows anyone wanna let go their e36?

check this http://www.bmwclubmalaysia.com/forums/showthread.php?38850-BMW-E36-318i-Manual-93-96]E36 318 MANUAL YO

Manual transmission for the win. Plus its already kitted with M bodykit, and LM replicas. What more do you want eh?
duan;590558 said:
Hi to all the sifu, i'm new here..i love BMW cars since in high school.now i'm planing on buying 1 e36 for myself but many of my friends said that BMW cars is a high maintenance car and will have a lot of prob. The spare part also is hard to find and expensive. I need advice about this matter.is it true? I don't want to have any doubt after this. Is it worth it to buy the e36? Please advice and help me.


It's not going to be like owning a Proton, that's for sure! LOL

When you buy something as complex and well engineered as a BMW, you're bound to end up paying a premium for parts and servicing. Quality never comes cheap! ;)

Good luck with your hunt for an E36!
pick the wrong e36 would land you in the non stop spending world ....and if you're gonna pick a good one make sure you don't try to nego further ....cuz good ones don't come easy and cheap ...

so make sure you've set your budget and keep it at a little higher side rather than squeezing it ...

another advise : get a 6 potter ...
duan;591091 said:
Thanks guys. appreciate it. will introduce myself b4 i kena tembak in newbie section..sorry hehehe...anyway my name is duan. im working some where in cheras in IT industries..anyone knows where to find or knows anyone wanna let go their e36?

Hi Duan, my friend is selling his e36 328i year 96..if you are interested just give me a PM i will give you my contact no......sure cun one, dont worry bro...
hi jft63 can u upload some picture n the car spec of ur friend.will appreciate it.thanks.
Do sms me this is my hp no 013 7405039..will reply you some pics..
Find it hard to upload the pics from my hp to my laptop..kind of IT illiterate bro..kindly sms me for the pics..dont worry, i am no threat..

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