Advice need on used e36 328i

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Club Guest
Jan 8, 2009
Hi guys, I'm new here. Previously owned 2 BMWs but don't own any atm.I was thinking of buying an e36 manual. Either the 1.8, 2.8 or m3.I saw a 2.8 today but there are a few things I need some advice on.1. What to check on the car? Since it's used.2. Mileage is 208,000km. a. When will I have to rebuilt the engine - I'm worried about piston/crankshalf/crank corrossion? b. And If I rebuilt, will it last (refering to the engine only)? Cost to rebuilt?c. Or is it better to buy a new engine? Cost?d. The engine cover has been replaced too. How do I identify what engine mods he has? 3. Interiora. Its a 4 spoke steering, how much to change this to 3 spokeb. The gearknob is not original. Some cheapo one. How do I get the original part?c. Can I releather the dash and also the door? Is it possible?d. Seat railing is rusty, how do I fix this?Any sifu out there can help with this matter or knows any e36 manual for sale please let me know.Appreciate any help at all.
you said you previously own 2x BMW, this mean you lelong it at half price and no more at the moment..:34:

FIRST; i want to ask you what is your EDUCATION LEVEL? :34:,
SECOND; what is your background?; engineering? scientist? Bank manager? Doctor? Rich people? movie star? Lawyer? Minister? mafia leader? Apek-Apek?

i never heard about the piston/crankshaft/crank? to be corroded,
maybe Erroded?,

my advise for you is to get the M3..., if you can afford it :34:

you must be very careful, alot of heroic bastard ass of ASSean doing DIRTY work
on that car.... GOOD LUCK..
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