E34 Install

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Hey Eric,

Fabulous sound system you got there! thanks for the demo the other day at naidu's, I really enjoyed it.

will take a few more pics this weekend... guess missing piece is that of the kickpanels and perhaps the control unit for alpine processor... headunit install is stock standard and the headunit itself lagi boring coz it's an old nakamichi... been playing with the crossover settings and must admit, although initially sceptical, I am glad to have followed KF's recommendation to include the Alpine processor and RUX controller. Very impressed with its flexibility and the ease of tweaking the system... managed to dial out sibilance particularly on female vocals which i find dem irritating...
Update. Some changes since...

Replaced Nakamichi receiver+changer with Alpine 7939 last year. I bought the 7939 in 1998 iirc. Got it serviced and replaced with new parts - quite good they still stock parts for a player this age.

Changed the 7939 to Alpine DVA 9861ri last month. 7939 was very nice but loving the 9861 bcos:
1. Running optical. Also possible from 7939 and I think output from 7939 appears to sounds better but a hassle coz can't control processor.
2. Direct control of processor from headunit without using RUX controller
3. ri model has amber lighting option :)

Also removed 3-way Dynaudio kickpanels and switched to Boston Acoustics SPZ Reference speakers all round. Front active, rear passive, all stock position. Car looks absolutely stock but sounds better than stock :)
Wah....must sit in your car again :) Am sure it sounds better than the Premium Harman Kardon! kkakakaka

Sure thing. Can do a comparo ;)

Pleasantly surprised with how good it sounds given the use of all stock speaker position. Forgot to mention, also added Brax voltmeter at center console.
Fried all front Boston SPZ tweeters when system was powered up after engine top overhaul. Battery was probably disconnected for some time and crossover at processor defaulted to full range signal for all channels... Planning to overhaul the system in the next month or two. Going to remove the rear pair of Boston SPZ speakers (tweeters survived as rears ran of stock passive crossover) and replace with a pair of Image Dynamics ID8v3 subwoofers on the rear deck for more punch. Will switch out the Genesis Profile 2 ultra powering these with a Genesis Profile sub.

Was looking through my spare amplifiers and realised that i've got quite a few.



Some bought to keep as spare just in case any on this install needs replacing. Haven't needed to as haven't blown any amp and all still running well for the past few years.

Thinking of get rid of the Profile 2 units that were bought to do an install on my e46 as since decided to go another direction with planned setup for e46. If you want to do a full Genesis Profile amp setup, can probably sell u the Profile sub too, i.e. 2 x Profile 2 + 1 x Profile Sub. Few pics of the Profile 2 amps. PM me if interested.




Slim and compact amps. You can see pics of how they look like in an install on this thread. On my install I use Profile 2 to power the front tweeters, i.e. 75watts to each. More than enough to fry them... as it turned out even on relatively low volume when sent full range signal.
Initially planned to swap out the Bostons for Focals. Just to try something different since the Boston tweeters are gone. On a fairly tight budget so just Polyglass. Plan was to run the Polyglass Anniversay edition as the main speakers and the 130V2 as rear fills.



Then i figured since will be at least 5 more years before I next do something to the system, should do more than just replacing speakers. There were occasions I felt how nice if the system could pound harder around the 40-80Hz region when listening to pop/rock songs. Therefore, instead of regular rear-fill speakers, decided to switch these to little subs. My personal preference is to stick with Image Dynamics since already using the IDMax for sub duties.




The Profile 2 ultra should still have enough juice to power these. If not, will swap the Profile 2 ultra with a Profile sub or two. Even if I need two sub amps, it'll not affect the design of the existing amp rack as there an idle amp that used to power the Dyn midrange when I was running 3 way active up front. That's another reason to keep spares... especially when having an install with custom amp rack.
Since will only be needing one set of comps, thought about getting something else so that can keep the 2 sets of Focal Polyglass together and use them in the e39. Bought some tweeters and mids for the e34. Tweeters have arrived and mids are on the way. Will be updating more when I receive these.

Back to the Focals. After getting the Polyglass, saw a nice set of K2P. I remember really liking the lively, dynamic, clear and 'fast' sound when I heard them but driven active. Will most likely be selling the Polyglass 165V30 provided the K2Ps fit in the e39 front doors without any cutting. Will be a waste just using these for rear fill. Few pics of the of the Polyglass Anniversary and the reason they'll be up for sale. Since they're new in box didn't want to remove for pics to avoid hassle putting them back in.



And here's a couple of pics of the Alpine PDX amps that'll power the Focals in the e39. M6 mono pictured on top of the F6 amp box. They look the same physically. If amps are not hidden I like them presented symmetrical in the boot. Although might still decide to use Genesis Profile amps. Depends on what is leftover after deciding what is needed for the e34.


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