Front Speaker for E46

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Club Guest
Jan 23, 2005
I was wondering if you guys have installed a 6.5" Speaker to replace the original speaker behind the door panel on the E46.I have this itch to install a pair of Rockford Fosgate FNX2614 Component System while maintaning the original HU and add an amp as well as a sub.Top Mounting Depth for the speaker seems 2.62" as per the spec I have. I know it will involve cutting and modification to the metal for the speaker to fit a 2.62".Any comments whether the size fit, the quality of this speaker or your personal experience on a 6.5" speakers on E46 appreciated.
try not to increase the size of the speaker hole, coz if it is not done right it will cause you a headache. unless you know someone who can do it properly and not screw up your car and ofcourse money talks

I am not to sure of the size of the speaker compartments in a e46, but i think it can fit 3 speakers.

get a set of alpine type-R component (SPR-136a), they are well worth it, i am using the same set, very satisfied. see pic below. got them for RM650 last year, comes with crossovers and tweeters, should be cheaper now

you have to also check how many pre-outs your head unit have. if you want to run an amp for your front speaker and sub.

come by the tt and i can show you my setup, its simple and does the job.
You gotta watch to see if the magnet fits in as well. I didnt want to cut my doors so i opted for smaller sized speakers (and suffer the consequences)..
if you want the spec pdf format for the 5 1/4 and 6.5 inch i can email to you, the type-r has pretty big magnets
just wondering what is the speaker size for front & back for E36?anyone can help? TQ!!
Originally posted by weechoon@Sep 7 2005, 07:07 PM
just wondering what is the speaker size for front & back for E36?anyone can help? TQ!!
front is 5.25 inch and i think the rear is 4 inch
Skar19 and 3er,

Thanks for your reply. I opt for Rockford Fosgate FNX2614 as I managed to get a set at a very good price...(below RM650). By the way, Rockford also owned MB Quartz since 2001/2002.

It also come complete with crossovers and tweeters and the mid speaker magnet is big as well. That is the reason, I have to modified or cut the metal behind the door panel as the depth required is 2.62".

If there are forumer out here who has done such job on his/her beloved E46, then I will take note of the possible consequences. I am from Penang and thus would not be able to join your TT as I seldom go down to KL nowaday but I did join the JB TT/HH yesterday
. B) Thanks for your invitation.
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