E34 Install

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Dec 7, 2004
This one dedicated to AlCasanova...Many serious installations would most likely have some form of sound dampening applied especially on the door panels. There's quite a lot of options similar to Dynamat on the market that can get the job done (and at a considerably cheaper price) but for bragging rights, none quite matches having a load of shiny Dynamat Extreme advertised on every accessible panel (even though its only for a brief moment before all panels, trims and covers go back on). So this was where it started.
Double layers on the doors given the initial plan to have speakers mounted on them. Saved a little on cost of Dynamat bcos not practical to line the steel panel immediately behind the plastic door panel unlike my previous car. And it appears that it was no longer as good an idea to have speakers on the doors. And the way the door panels and power window mechanisms are designed on the e34, wouldn't be easy getting a deep mid-woofer where I wanted it and it would be quite a challenge to get them to hit hard and play low.Same goes for the rear doors. Initially felt additional layer of Dynamat on doors had gone to waste but can't discount the feel good factor from the nice inert thud when you knuckle-rap the doors.
Shiny boot covered in Dynamat Extreme. Certain areas again double layered as panel appears more prone to vibration, e.g. spare tyre well. You get a peek on the bottom of my cherished xtant 3300c. Sad to see it go but have to make way for new amps. However I know where to go to hear her play... AlCasanova, it is not easy to handle your 15-incher... not saying you need to be gentle with the knob but try to control yourself and not push too hard... I know you like to 'feel' it but painful man! For the amp...
Another view of the boot also showing the nice and relatively compact Nakamichi changer that is an absolute delight to operate as it doesn't require use of cartridges to load discs. Unfortunately it's the model without coax digital output so can't introduce external DAC into system. Anyway, there are always alternatives...
Starting mock up for the boot install...
It gets more exciting here onwards...
Yay !!!

The Master has started the ball rolling! We want more, Eric! Err, is that an Xtant amp in your boot, bro ? Bundy - go get yourself a bigger bad ass mono amp for the 15 inch subbie, la!

OMG this is awesome ... post more post more !! some details would be awesome as well .. where the job was done .. or was it DIY ?? etc etc :yes:
Erica, will drop by KF audio later...I will snap some pictures of your installation...its all looking good! :D
me limited knowledge in car stereo lah Van... u the man for ICE! here's the next part...
Picture of the sub built into the spare tyre well. Its my earlier Image Dynamics IDMax that had been sitting in a corner of the apartment for quite sometime gathering dust after being deposed an older model JL12W3. The JL was put in a sealed box built with 1-inch thick MDF, braced and lined with Dynamat. That dog could really pound (and was more fun to listen to) although it doesn't go as low or resolve as much low level detail as the IDMax.


Dem I hate the looks of that rear 3rd brake light... got to do something about that later...

Closer picture of the IDMax. Nicely cleaned up by the installer ready to play its role in the revamped system. I'm a big fan of Image Dynamics subs. Thought about doing 2 ID subs earlier (IDQ + IDMax boxed or 2 x IDMax free-air) but decided couldn't live with the design and installation compromise required.

You can also see the amplifiers in the background. They go into the floor recess behind the rear seat. They fit nice and tight like they were meant to be placed there. Can't help wondering what the floor recess was designed for. Definitely in trouble if car maintenance requires getting through the recess as this would mean removing the amplifiers. And then there's the Dynamat...


If you're wondering why the unit in the middle looks different, i.e. why not purchase 3 units of the same make, that's because its not an amplifier. Its the solution for the not so great (in terms of functionality and features) Nakamichi playback unit in my car. The main reason for its purchase was to handle the function of splitting line level signals. It was chosen over my preferred crossovers. Looks like Audio Control Overdrive, 24XS and EQTs won't be making a show this time around. Saving those for the next install using items from the last decade. Old school rocks...

Here's a closer picture of the items in the floor recess with a better view of the signal processor and the amps. Don't have a nicer shot of the processor at this point - its an Alpine PXA 701 in case you're wondering. A key factor that helped me decide on the PXA 701 is simply because of the looks! It doesn't look flashy like its bigger brother from the F1 range and the finish is such that it does not look out of place next to Genesis Profile amplifiers. I like the metal finish on Genesis Profile amps coz they're just like my old xtant 3300c...


Speaking of amps, here's the mock up for the vertical amp rack. Three Genesis Profile Ultras lined up with next to no gap between them. More is not necessarily better but in this case they definitely are giving the visual impression of one long amp , providing that 'complete' look for the amp rack - that's exactly what I'm after (although still not quite like having cutesy Zapco Studios in a row).

Selected Genesis Profiles based on their looks as they have the same finish as the old school xtant (again?!), small footprint and size given their rated power output. Of course they sound decent too... although I'm not sure if I'd like them over the older xtants.


Do I hear anyone say WTF?! xtant again?!! What's this fetish with xtant u say? Well, that's because my initial plan was to power the system with xtant 3300c and 2 units of 2200ix (and perhaps a 1001dx) but subsequent change in system design priority meant shelving the idea. Like the 90s Audio Controls, these amps my sentimental favourite... Old school rocks...

You'd probably noticed its the looks... it's got to look good... I like good looks... looks good-sound good, looks good-performance good... that's hot! Definitely watching too much ms hilton... Stay tuned...
erica.. it is having good looks in your boot now..(soon to come too)
Originally posted by ALBundy@May 24 2006, 04:42 PM
Pray to heaven that your fuel pump doesnt failed! :D
jialak liao la like that...

you mean the fuel pump is only accessible through the recess in the trunk floor where the amps and processor are mounted ka? isn't there any other way of getting to the fuel pump? don't scared me until like that la woi...
Don't worry about your fuel pump lah..., :eek:k:

Normally.., is last very very long... :yes:

But do you know how much heavier you car now with those dynamat & MDF woods on board?? :D :D
This one's for Van... xtant 3300c


Nice but power on the low side given its size and compared to current day amps... 2200ix + 1001dx would be better... Now that's what Al needs for his sub, a 1001dx...
Thank you, kind Sir. Yes, I have a fetish for ol school Xtants / PPIs / Zapco / Phoenix Gold / Linear Power ! Was looking for a pair of 2200i/x for my tweets and mids but could not find em here. Looks like I mite settle for a Genesis Dual Mono or 4 Channel ... waiting for price confirmation.

Al, you can also look at the entry range A6001 mono ... 300W @ 4 ohms and double that into a 2 ohms load. Your sub will go as low as you want em to.

Originally posted by erica34@May 24 2006, 12:35 PM
me limited knowledge in car stereo lah Van... u the man for ICE! here's the next part...

The real ICE Master here shud be Affan but he's been missing for a while. I'm forever a enthusiastic noobie !!!! :nyehehe: Eh, mana itu WJ aah ? I need his input on the new range of PHD amps la!
Whoohaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Upgrade major upgrade... sudah lama tak drop by kedai uncle. Is your car still there, or has it finish. Want to enter competition kaa
A couple of pictures for the weekend...

Midbass will most likely go into stock speaker position. Would definitely require some panel modification in order to get them to fit.


And here's one with the midrange. Quite tight in terms of the space available to house both drivers hence still exploring options...


More when I get some pictures on latest progress...
So you're going with some Danish Butter Cookies, eh ? Nicey! Why not pin the MW170 at the stock location and push the MW140 (I assume ?) and the tweets up to the A-pillars ? The width of an E34 cabin allows you to do this without any loss of detail, imaging or staging!

Options considered included having the midrange up on A-pillars as well as on the dash but don't think I can adjust to the looks of either... So down on the kicks they go... Tweeters on the A pillar should be ok though and will most likely be located there...
what an awesome setup! Just wondering by putting the subwoofer into the spare tyre compartment, does it compromise the sound quality compared to the standard subwoofer box?

I've been toying with the same configuration myself, especially with my small boot space.
Eh..no more setup tales and pictures aledi???? Ask big boss daughter to take some pictures lor...I mean her pictures kakakaka :D
taukeh, u say want to help me take pictures but never take any... how lah continue setup tales and pictures when i got no more pictures... just tales only people read also feel boring... put la some pictures of your king size 15 inch thing here...
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