E28 Instrument Cluster problem

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Sep 14, 2008
Hi Guys..im new here..my dad recently acquired a 1987 E28 520i big bumper model with manual transmission and fitted with the classic chrome hubcap rims..presently the instrument cluster is dead except for the fuel gauge and a few warning lights..opened up the instrument cluster and discovered that the battery had leaked and corroded the whole circuit board and the circuitry is in bad shape.Even the ribbon connecting the fuel/temperature gauges with the main circuit board is damaged..so would like to ask if the small circuit board which houses the battery is still available brand new or would be more feasible to instead get a used instrument cluster..and what would be the going rate for this item and is this item still easily available?..
Brand new rm1,800
recond rm1300
second hand rm700
all with installation & confirm the working condition at my place.
is the top speed of your meter 220 or 240? have you found your meter yet?
I have a used one... if you interested, please PM me... cheap2....
hi guys..managed to get a meter which works except for the odometer..need to get the gears changed..speedo is until 220..but the service indicator light comes on whenever the car is started..lights up frm yellow to red..cold start is okay..after awhile..idle drops to 500RPM and sometimes even lower and acceleration is bad..flooring the throttle doesnt help..it just refuses to accelerate..basically the car cant accelerate when its hot..no idea why..but after switching off the engine for awhile and restarting again..the problem goes away..but only for awhile..then it comes back..hope you guys can help me out here..thanks..
you can get a new odometer gear set (3 piece gear set) for about RM135, check with local stokist. Changing the odometer gear isn't too difficult as well. Your other problem sounds like a sensor problem to me, i better let the sifus answer that :)
do a compression test. your engine is losing power thru leaking gasket.

check also the spark plug and coil and ht cable for leak
the problem is what you already wrote, the battery thing. this is corroded and you should try to find another plate for this. allmost all E23 and E28 cars have the same problem or will get the same problem. there is no other technical problem like vacuum or what so ever, so engine test or repair does not change this. if you buy one at the dealer it will cost you around €400,-. in germany is


now they sell completly renovated clusters for about €250,-. maybe this is some help to you.
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