Aiyaa... rubber is wear and tear la.. just like condom..
How come u can get fish tail?
Isn't your DSC functioning? Very dangerous speeding in the wet le... better check to see if it works..
This morning took my E90 out early to send kids to school, roads are clear, both DTC and DSC off, engage "DS", approached a U-turn slow, to let the traffic ahead clears off, when its my turn, whack the pedal/floor the pedal/"lapp yau" and listen to the N46 growl follows by all 4 tyres screeching sound around the bend, can feel a little oversteer, end with a 10-15% counter steer and keep pedaling... Damn syiok and satisfied.. :top: (no fish tail
Took this photo at the next traffic light with a big grin on my face.. to confirm and help me remember that this is my favorite drive mode! :top: (did the same yesterday but the electronic drive assist system intercepts when tyre screech started, total engine cut, POTONG STEAM!!)
This is what BMW is all about!