Discussion on Threads and Post Deletion

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Club Guest
Jun 4, 2008
ramsing;801206]This not Mercedes club la. BMW club policy is delete straight. To make the page less cluttered said:
LOL ... it just shows how the CM think of us then. Up until now no response or queries from any of the CM.
gamenoob;801207 said:
I think I kinda of know why it's a skill drive now. It's all about having the skills to peel the udang as neatly as the pic which is why it wasn't deleted. Look at how neat and clean the separation of the kepala udang from the body... Absolutely skillful driver to be able to execute such incision. I say this driver deserve a title of driver surgeon. Because anymore milimeter to the new or body would have rendered the mee udang tasteless... Learn some thing new again today... Kamsia
Hahahahahahaha ... now i see the relevance. It's requires such dexterity and precision only a top surgeon or racing driver will be able to do it :top: :4:
Greetings Syed.

With all due respect, we have no negativity towards anyone, least of all our OMs and CGs alike. As to why there was still no response from CM, I believe you forgot that only the VP and myself will be replying to Questions put forth. This will be done usually after we have deliberated on it nd agree on what to reply. We do not want it to be a "free for all" as any reply frm all CM can easily be misunderstood or mis-interprated and can cause "mayhem". Its a lesson learnt from previous experiences that had cause numerous resignation and so on.

To respond to your remarks, Do you think we are taking you or anyone else for that matter as fools!! Common man, whts up with you guys la? Benda2 kecil macam ni pun nak dijadikan isu. Is it so wrong to do "cut and paste" to explain the meaning of "Skill Driving"? I believe what was CP is frm a documented journal by experienced and knowledgable people, and Kojak posted it here (be it copy paste or duplicated or what not) to share among fellow members and friends.
Tak semua org sebijak anda Syed and they are people who do not have good command of english to explain in detalis or just to answer questions from others.
In the first place, not a single thought is given to the effort put in by Kojak to organise and plan for Drives but rather questioning him this and that. You guys think people like him got no feelings ka?

"Bro Kojak, can u kindly clarify why is it called "Skill Drive".. is it the species of d prawn (like "Melandak Drive") or is it for drivers of a certain skill only?"

Is there any mention of "spirited drive ", "twist and turn" and what ever terms you can come up with, I dont know coz from the question posted by _M_ , tak der mention pun all that.
Kojak tak la sepandai anda (Syed) to explain himself in english, so he did the next best thing by going thru excerpts or journals or from some reliable sources (God knows where) and do whts best by copy paste the info for all to read. Salah ker??

Some of you guys think you are smart and yes I believe you guys are no fools. However what is lacking is compassion and gratitude to appreciate effort from others, I say :frown:....
Bro Kojak is not paid to do all this and even when his Core responsibilities took him far south (was transferred from Lumut to Pasir Gudang) at the time of the "Sekinchan Drive", he still came to see the Drive thru, leaving his family behind to do the unpacking and he does that without one bit of complaint or even a small sigh!

Like wht bro Alvin (xxx) had posted, "what la, Drive title pun ada issue ka".... !! and yes how true xxx statement is :.... and when defination of Skill Drive was "Cut Paste", tak bole terima pulak. Macam2 pulak.

Talking about Drives by the Club, most of you guys I see prefer spirited drive to show off how good and powerful your car is and at times do drive with reckless abandon. Nothing at all about skill in mention but only with heart so dry that you can metal to metal most of the way!
Infact we have been ticked by a number of OMs on numerous ocassion how dangerous our Official Drives has been at times. So much so, they have even shun our drives most of the time for fear of risking any incident!! Thus far you guys have been lucky but I say, dont push your luck too far.

Like bro mizhan had posted, changed the title and take away the "skill" and replaced it with other words and I say thank you bro for the thought. We will changed it to Taiping Drive or Drive to Taiping or even Mee Udang Drive and we hope constructive questions will be posted instead of questioning the intent, which is basically to have a good Driving Event for all to enjoy.

Last but not least, to all concern, we the CM are not taking things for granted nor do we take any OMs and or CGs for a fool. Please bear in mind that we are not idoits too and like everyone here, we too have our limits and lately it has been very2 testing ... :4:...


B33mEr;801211 said:
LOL ... it just shows how the CM think of us then. Up until now no response or queries from any of the CM.
Hahahahahahaha ... now i see the relevance. It's requires such dexterity and precision only a top surgeon or racing driver will be able to do it :top: :4:

B33mEr;801186 said:
Bro please don't cut & paste answer - http://lounge.zohocrm.com/link/driving-fast
Understand the question then answer ... what _M_ is asking whether is it a spirited drive event? does the route consist of turns and twist? is it a fast moving convoy like the one we had during the batu pahat drive.
The CM need to answer accordingly queries given by OM and not giving us OM members a cut & paste answers or the standard official line.

Answer properly next time and don't take us OM and CG as fools!!!
dzuljazz2001;801232 said:
Greetings Syed.

With all due respect, we have no negativity towards anyone, least of all our OMs and CGs alike. As to why there was still no response from CM, I believe you forgot that only the VP and myself will be replying to Questions put forth. This will be done usually after we have deliberated on it nd agree on what to reply. We do not want it to be a "free for all" as any reply frm all CM can easily be misunderstood or mis-interprated and can cause "mayhem". Its a lesson learnt from previous experiences that had cause numerous resignation and so on.

To respond to your remarks, Do you think we are taking you or anyone else for that matter as fools!! Common man, whts up with you guys la? Benda2 kecil macam ni pun nak dijadikan isu. Is it so wrong to do "cut and paste" to explain the meaning of "Skill Driving"? I believe what was CP is frm a documented journal by experienced and knowledgable people, and Kojak posted it here (be it copy paste or duplicated or what not) to share among fellow members and friends.
Tak semua org sebijak anda Syed and they are people who do not have good command of english to explain in detalis or just to answer questions from others.
In the first place, not a single thought is given to the effort put in by Kojak to organise and plan for Drives but rather questioning him this and that. You guys think people like him got not feelings ka?

"Bro Kojak, can u kindly clarify why is it called "Skill Drive".. is it the species of d prawn (like "Melandak Drive") or is it for drivers of a certain skill only?"

Is there any mention of "spirited drive ", "twist and turn" and what ever terms you can come up with, I dont know coz from the question posted by _M_ , tak der mention pun all that.
Kojak tak la sepandai anda (Syed) to explain himself in english, so he did the next best thing by going thru excerpts or journals or from some relaible sources (God knows where) and do whts best by copy paste the info for all to read. Salah ker??

Some of you guys think you are smart and yes you guys are no fools. However what is lacking is compassion and gartitude to appreciate effort from others, I say. Bro Kojak is not paid to do all this and even when his Core responsibilities took him far south (was transferred from Lumut to Pasir Gudang) at the time of the "Sekinchan Drive", he still came to see the Drive thru, leaving his family behind to do the unpacking and he does that without one bit of complaint or even a small sigh!

Like wht bro Alvin (xxx) had posted, "what la, Drive title pun ada issue ka".... !! and yes how true xxx statement is :.... and when defination of Skill Drive was "Cut Paste", tak bole terima pulak. Macam2 pulak.

Talking about Drives by the Club, most of you guys I see prefer spirited drive to show off how good and powerful your car is and at times do drive with reckless abandon. Nothing at all about skill in mention but only with heart so dry that you can metal to metal most of the way!
Infact we have been ticked by a number of OMs on numerous ocassion how dangerous our Official Drives has been at times. So much so, they have even shun our drives most of the time for fear of risking any incident!! Thus far you guys have been lucky but I say, dont push your luck too far.

Like bro mizhan had posted, changed the title and take away the "skill" and replaced it with other words and I say thank you bro for the thought. We will changed it to Taiping Drive or Drive to Taiping or even Mee Udang Drive and we hope constructive questions will be posted instead of questioning the intent, which is basically to have a good Driving Event for all to enjoy.

Last but not least, to all concern, we the CM are not taking things for granted nor do we take any OMs and or CGs for a fool. Please bear in mind that we are not idoits too and like everyone here, we too have our limits and lately it has been very2 testing ... :4:...


Prez ... And the reason for deleting the post would be??? That was my simple question.

My original post did not contain any sort of personal attack to Kojak at all. The post was directed to the CM as a whole and the post was relevant. I even wrote a P/s at the end of my post asking Kojak not to get angry (in case he gets offended) as we're learning from each other.

If you re-read back to what was posted by _M_ he did not ask for definition nor the dictionary meaning of skill driving. He ask the reason and meaning to the title of 'skill driving'.

There were so many complaint from OM and CG about the deleting threads by the CM and this issue were recently hotly debated and yet this practice continues. I know it has been very very testing for the CM but then again if the CM's keep doing the same thing then don't blame it on us OM's as various times we have highlighted this issue and complain about the deleting post/thread indiscriminately. It does seems that CM choose to ignore it and continue this practice which, let me be honest here, it is arrogant to say the least. Even the post by _M_ is also deleted ... sigh

What do we have to do for CM to listen and take notice? Seriously do let us know ... this indiscriminate deleting of posts and threads is just too much.

P/s: I work with you guys (CM) closely during the annual dinner and it has been a great pleasure and an honour working along side with you guys. Take my complaint as it is. It's nothing personal and i respect for the job and work done thus far. I really hope this issue does not disrupt my friendship with the Committee Members and also with the Prez and VP. I love you guys but behind keyboard arrrrr .......
After reading all the above ...perhaps the best solution is face to face meeting to iron out the issues...possibly via TT or small meeting...just like in the office....rather than solving the problem with the continuous e-mail flying around...a meeting to be conducted to solve the differences....just a suggestion...no offense yeah....
Prez ... And the reason for deleting the post would be??? That was my simple question.
My original post did not contain any sort of personal attack to Kojak at all. The post was directed to the CM as a whole and the post was relevant. I even wrote a P/s at the end of my post asking Kojak not to get angry (in case he gets offended) as we're learning from each other.
..the reason? only Kojak himself can answer that accurately as he is the thread starter and he was questioned on tht matter. However I did not say it was personal nor did I say your posting was irrelevant but what do you expect from a person so new to the Committee when all he gets was loads of queries for trying his best to fullfil his responsibility and mind you, personally, I believe he was a bit offended by it all. Maybe thats the reason he deleted those "posting" in haste .. Being new to the Committee, I believe he had sincerely overlook the responsibility on whos who, when it comes to "moderating the forum" ..

If you re-read back to what was posted by _M_ he did not ask for definition nor the dictionary meaning of skill driving. He ask the reason and meaning to the title of 'skill driving'.
... yes I hv read thru the posting and it was ask of Kojak to "kindly clarify why is it called "Skill Drive".. is it the species of d prawn (like "Melandak Drive") or is it for drivers of a certain skill only?".
No dictionary meaning was requested, I agree, and NONE was given. The actual intent I think, from Kojak's point of view was to stress on Safe, Controlled and Enjoyable Drive and like I have mention earlier, being Kojak, the next best thing to do was to address it (copied, duplicate it or simply CP it) for everyone's awareness. Is that so wrong??

There were so many complaint from OM and CG about the deleting threads by the CM and this issue were recently hotly debated and yet this practice continues. I know it has been very very testing for the CM but then again if the CM's keep doing the same thing then don't blame it on us OM's as various times we have highlighted this issue and complain about the deleting post/thread indiscriminately. It does seems that CM choose to ignore it and continue this practice which, let me be honest here, it is arrogant to say the least. Even the post by _M_ is also deleted ... sigh
First and foremost bro, only the appointed moderator will be doing the moderating and what Other CM had done (should not have done) has been explained above. Moderation will only be done if it deems irrelevant to topic, abusive and against the forum ruling. Time and again we have advised in the forum of this moderation thingy. No post will be intentionally moderated/deleted indiscriminately.
Infact under the Ancillary Rules, The Club reserves the right to edit, refuse to post or to remove any info and/or materials in whole or in part that in its discretion considered objectional or in violation of any applicable law or condition of use. The moderator however has been very lenient and had exercise a lot of discretion on this.
Complaints are aplenty but basically comes from the same people. No matter, all complaints are taken into account by the Committee and will be dealt with accordingly.

What do we have to do for CM to listen and take notice? Seriously do let us know ... this indiscriminate deleting of posts and threads is just too much.
Like I have mention bro, no post will be deleted indiscriminately unless you are a spammer. Avoid abusive, irrelevant or any sensitive posting, that will help in post being moderated.

P/s: I work with you guys (CM) closely during the annual dinner and it has been a great pleasure and an honour working along side with you guys. Take my complaint as it is. It's nothing personal and i respect for the job and work done thus far. I really hope this issue does not disrupt my friendship with the Committee Members and also with the Prez and VP. I love you guys but behind keyboard arrrrr .......
It was a pleasure having you working with us Syed and please do take my response as it is. Nothing personal and rest assured that all complaints, comments and opinions will be taken into account by the CM for our own improvement.

Let this rest like what others have done and I hope you will sleep easy tonite. Cannot say I love you though but I do love my wives as always :4:

Cheers :top: ....
seewai;801321 said:
As usual, may I suggest to have a separate thread to discuss about "other" items? It's quite a turn-off to me, to have all these soap operas.

No worries bro and appreciate your concern :top:. my personal apology to have dragged this trivial issue this long. I have said my peace and this matter is closed as far as I am concern :4:..
dzuljazz2001;801316 said:
Prez ... And the reason for deleting the post would be??? That was my simple question.
My original post did not contain any sort of personal attack to Kojak at all. The post was directed to the CM as a whole and the post was relevant. I even wrote a P/s at the end of my post asking Kojak not to get angry (in case he gets offended) as we're learning from each other.
..the reason? only Kojak himself can answer that accurately as he is the thread starter and he was questioned on tht matter. However I did not say it was personal nor did I say your posting was irrelevant but what do you expect from a person so new to the Committee when all he gets was loads of queries for trying his best to fullfil his responsibility and mind you, personally, I believe he was a bit offended by it all. Maybe thats the reason he deleted those "posting" in haste .. Being new to the Committee, I believe he had sincerely overlook the responsibility on whos who, when it comes to "moderating the forum" ..

If you re-read back to what was posted by _M_ he did not ask for definition nor the dictionary meaning of skill driving. He ask the reason and meaning to the title of 'skill driving'.
... yes I hv read thru the posting and it was ask of Kojak to "kindly clarify why is it called "Skill Drive".. is it the species of d prawn (like "Melandak Drive") or is it for drivers of a certain skill only?".
No dictionary meaning was requested, I agree, and NONE was given. The actual intent I think, from Kojak's point of view was to stress on Safe, Controlled and Enjoyable Drive and like I have mention earlier, being Kojak, the next best thing to do was to address it (copied, duplicate it or simply CP it) for everyone's awareness. Is that so wrong??

There were so many complaint from OM and CG about the deleting threads by the CM and this issue were recently hotly debated and yet this practice continues. I know it has been very very testing for the CM but then again if the CM's keep doing the same thing then don't blame it on us OM's as various times we have highlighted this issue and complain about the deleting post/thread indiscriminately. It does seems that CM choose to ignore it and continue this practice which, let me be honest here, it is arrogant to say the least. Even the post by _M_ is also deleted ... sigh
First and foremost bro, only the appointed moderator will be doing the moderating and what Other CM had done (should not have done) has been explained above. Moderation will only be done if it deems irrelevant to topic, abusive and against the forum ruling. Time and again we have advised in the forum of this moderation thingy. No post will be intentionally moderated/deleted indiscriminately.
Infact under the Ancillary Rules, The Club reserves the right to edit, refuse to post or to remove any info and/or materials in whole or in part that in its discretion considered objectional or in violation of any applicable law or condition of use. The moderator however has been very lenient and had exercise a lot of discretion on this.
Complaints are aplenty but basically comes from the same people. No matter, all complaints are taken into account by the Committee and will be dealt with accordingly.

What do we have to do for CM to listen and take notice? Seriously do let us know ... this indiscriminate deleting of posts and threads is just too much.
Like I have mention bro, no post will be deleted indiscriminately unless you are a spammer. Avoid abusive, irrelevant or any sensitive posting, that will help in post being moderated.

P/s: I work with you guys (CM) closely during the annual dinner and it has been a great pleasure and an honour working along side with you guys. Take my complaint as it is. It's nothing personal and i respect for the job and work done thus far. I really hope this issue does not disrupt my friendship with the Committee Members and also with the Prez and VP. I love you guys but behind keyboard arrrrr .......
It was a pleasure having you working with us Syed and please do take my response as it is. Nothing personal and rest assured that all complaints, comments and opinions will be taken into account by the CM for our own improvement.

Let this rest like what others have done and I hope you will sleep easy tonite. Cannot say I love you though but I do love my wives as always :4:

Cheers :top: ....

Well then may i suggest give the moderating rights only to those that are appointed ... I'm pretty sure access rights can be set by the administrator. Even though no apologies were given by you I'll give it a rest and consider this just an oversight.

But if this happens again you can be assured that I will not be afraid to speak my mind freely in this matter again.

dzuljazz2001;801329 said:
No worries bro and appreciate your concern :top:. my personal apology to have dragged this trivial issue this long. I have said my peace and this matter is closed as far as I am concern :4:..

Mr. Prez DONT tempt me pls .. It is anything BUT trivial. It just shows the attitude really.
Attitude is about how you precieved it Syed. Explanation has been given and you chose not to read and understand it clearly. If you did, you would not raised this issue again and again.
I say this again for the last time, moderation right is only given to the VP and myself if the need arises. It has been spelt on my last two postings and also on why one CM had done soft deletion on certain posting. If you look (scroll) back, that had been remedied as well and the post deleted by him had been reinstated.

Yes to me this is a trivial matter BuT if you so choses to think this is something big and also an attitude issue, take a step back and look at what has happened and what has been done. Look at ourselves first before saying other people has an attitude. Dont you have one? The choice is yours though.

Rights to moderate is at the moderator's discretion and it will stay that way until anyone chooses to propose an ammendments to it. Bring it to the AGM for approval and we will forward to the registrar for their endorsement. We have no problem with that.
We dont set and make the rules here Syed. We are only implementing and enforcing it the best we can. Rules are rules and no one, the CM inclusive is not above it. It has been here since and we the current CM are just doing our job to ensure that the Forum is kept in check.
Yes you are free to speak your mind, its your right and others too can speak out if they like but if anyone goes out of line, you will be reprimanded. That goes to everyone too, CM included :4: ...

Peace be with you bro and have a great week ahead :top: ....
Prez ... I just got this to say as a peasant of CG. Rules are not enforced evenly across the board. That is the main issue. Nothing else. Also, many, be it new or old (oh yes, I speak to many) feel elitism has cropped in. The love of an automobile has become the love for a brand only. At all cost, rusty seats included.

Hence, you see queries and comments. I shall leave it as it is as I am a mere peasant guest. Who am I to say much?
tIANcI;801355 said:
Prez ... I just got this to say as a peasant of CG. Rules are not enforced evenly across the board. That is the main issue. Nothing else. Also, many, be it new or old (oh yes, I speak to many) feel elitism has cropped in. The love of an automobile has become the love for a brand only. At all cost, rusty seats included.
Hence, you see queries and comments. I shall leave it as it is as I am a mere peasant guest. Who am I to say much?

Since we took office bro, we are trying our best to fine tune many things for the benefit of all. There are still much work to be done and members, OMs and CGs alike can assist by posting responsibly. That helps a little. Rather than finding faults, best to give constructive ideas on how best things can be done :top: ...
Most times, only complaints and grouses we get and they expect us to answer each and every query. Sometimes almost like "immediately" :frown:..
Darn, we are doing our best to accommodate but some people just want to have the last say. No answers seems to satisfy them. We all have a life outside this forum you know ... :frown:... Everything must be perfecto so it seems for some ...
dzuljazz2001;801359 said:
Since we took office bro, we are trying our best to fine tune many things for the benefit of all. There are still much work to be done and members, OMs and CGs alike can assist by posting responsibly. That helps a little. Rather than finding faults, best to give constructive ideas on how best things can be done :top: ...
Most times, only complaints and grouses we get and they expect us to answer each and every query. Sometimes almost like "immediately" :frown:..
Darn, we are doing our best to accommodate but some people just want to have the last say. No answers seems to satisfy them. We all have a life outside this forum you know ... :frown:... Everything must be perfecto so it seems for some ...

Prez ... Let's not hijack kojak's thread. Unfair on him. I would say those with probs meet up and dpeak openly. Since they got time to lepak at MMZ so no excuse. Simple? Like I hear from Russell Peters ... Be A Man, Do The Right Thing.

ps I am sure being CM is nuts. I would not dare to be one BUT the issue is the uneven manner of the enforcement of rules. Not numerous complains. That is the fact in issue. Stick to that, problems will be resolved
Discussion on Thread and Post Deletion.

I have created this thread for all to contribute, provide suggestion and comments responsibly with regards to the above. Feel free to post your opinions and suggestion for us all (OMs, CGs and CM) to discuss healthily and constructively on the above topics.
I will be towing and merging a few postings from the Official Drive Thread for better compilation and we can start anew post or continue from where we left ... :4:...:top: ...

This thread will be closed once it has reached its purpose or if there is nothing to discuss with regards to the above.

My opinion is the creation of this dedicated thread is long overdue. However, this matter will only be ultimately resolved at MMZ. Forum is a good medium to put points across, but lousy for achieving consensus on arguments.
Just be fair. I think that is the essence of all the unhappiness. Let's be matured and frank about it. I for one have raised issues with Herbert in a clear and concise manner as to how he selectively metes out his authority. NOT ONCE has he bothered to reply.

I had asked why rules are clearly not enforced evenly. Pleas note this is a forum issue. Don't la tell people they are a CG. Do I speak out about the club? No.

Let's keep things on issue and not digress. No need grandmother stories. Just plsin facts. I have stated mine. Herbert should explain why he suddenly cannot reply to FAIR and PROPER queries.

dzuljazz2001;801348 said:
Attitude is about how you precieved it Syed. Explanation has been given and you chose not to read and understand it clearly. If you did, you would not raised this issue again and again.
I say this again for the last time, moderation right is only given to the VP and myself if the need arises. It has been spelt on my last two postings and also on why one CM had done soft deletion on certain posting. If you look (scroll) back, that had been remedied as well and the post deleted by him had been reinstated.

Yes to me this is a trivial matter BuT if you so choses to think this is something big and also an attitude issue, take a step back and look at what has happened and what has been done. Look at ourselves first before saying other people has an attitude. Dont you have one? The choice is yours though.

Rights to moderate is at the moderator's discretion and it will stay that way until anyone chooses to propose an ammendments to it. Bring it to the AGM for approval and we will forward to the registrar for their endorsement. We have no problem with that.
We dont set and make the rules here Syed. We are only implementing and enforcing it the best we can. Rules are rules and no one, the CM inclusive is not above it. It has been here since and we the current CM are just doing our job to ensure that the Forum is kept in check.
Yes you are free to speak your mind, its your right and others too can speak out if they like but if anyone goes out of line, you will be reprimanded. That goes to everyone too, CM included :4: ...

Peace be with you bro and have a great week ahead :top: ....

Thats the problem isn't it? Here I am writing and postings several replies in earnest about the post deletion in this thread and you think it's trivial even though we just got off from a heated debate about moderations issues last week which resulted in a suspension of a member ... God knows what you think is a major issue. I think Mr. Prez it is you that needs to step back and look back what has happened so far.
Bro Yianci, best to discussed on how to improve keeping the Forum healthy. Make better sense to focus on constructive suggestion. Moreover PM are suppose to be private and not post in this open forum. Pls be kind enough to edit or delete your post to avoid further misunderstanding ...

tq bro.
dzuljazz2001;801382 said:
Bro Yianci, best to discussed on how to improve keeping the Forum healthy. Make better sense to focus on constructive suggestion. Moreover PM are suppose to private and not post in this open forum. Pls be kind enough to edit or delete your post to avoid further misunderstanding ...

tq bro.

I am being constructive. The rules need to be enforced evenly. As for the PM, sorry la. Was an official communicae so I thought ok to say. Ok ... I go edit gua punya post.
There are problems everywhere bro and I have step back many a times and abstain from replying to plenty of provocating posting. There are so much of negativity floating around here and people who choose to post which such negativity, will see it as BIG! I have stepped back bro and had try to remain positive when answering to some posting.

How many times do I have to tell you that the forum have rules for everyone to adhere to and if posting are violating such rules, it will be moderated and or deleted (soft deletion or permanently removed). We are not the one setting the rules here but only managing it by implementing and enforcing it the best we can.

You dont seem to understand ka or you simply dont want to understand. You want things to be the way you want it to be, is it? Come to the AGM bro and get yourself voted and elected and see if you can run it they way you like it :4:...

Countless time I hv told you that we dont simply delete posting at our whims and fancies la. You are arguing about posting being deleted even before this. You think we never discuss this among us and just ignore your concern? Think again please!

Eventhough we can "delete" posting that violates forum rules without even the need to inform the poster, we dont do it bro. We will pm the person concern of the violation and the need to comply to the ruling, then only will we do a soft deletion. ..
Yes bro, I have an attitude and I am not ashamed to admit it but I always believe its a positive one that I had planted deep inside me. I was taught that way bro and will always try to portray the positive side to every issue.

If you still feel you want to bark on this matter more and more up to you bro and I will indulge you till the break of dawn if need be ... :4: ...

Cheers :top: ..
I'm going to bed. It is frustrating to see both of you talking about two different things; itik cakap dgn ayam!

Both of you have been repeating your points over and over without acknowledging and addressing each other. Go to MMZ la, look at each other' face and talk about the same thing, one thing at a time. Send the teh tarik bill to me.
.... :top:....

mizhan;801395 said:
I'm going to bed. It is frustrating to see both of you talking about two different things; itik cakap dgn ayam!

Both of you have been repeating your points over and over without acknowledging and addressing each other. Go to MMZ la, look at each other' face and talk about the same thing, one thing at a time. Send the teh tarik bill to me.
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