KL Chapter . All Are Welcome : BMWCM CMs OMs,CG & Future Members

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Salam....to all My Beloved Brothers and Friends.. :)

As tomorrow is Friday , If any of you in KL City Centre please do come and joint

us for a simple dinner cum teh tarik plus Relax and meet the rest...

I am also will bring some items for some Official Members to come and collect

from me on behalf of Affan66. I will try and collect more ftom him more items so that

I will be able to hand over who it to all the OMs that are still waitind for their items...

All CMs , OMs and CGs plus Newbies are also invited to come for this TT.

Look forward to see all of you again ...:)


TIME......08.30 ONWARDS...


Please list your name for me to know how many will be coming...

1) Anakin

2) Fleming

3) Anaksarawak

4) Tamade7


Special Message to .... INSOMNIAC , TAMADE7, DENNIS CHIEW
Please give me a call to this number
019 2738008 you can make it
As for OM AH-SINGH , I will hand over the items to your brother tomorrow
before his way to JB...:)

Love Always From Me,

Alby325i :):)
Salam...and Good Morning to All.

Please add your name in this threat for KL tt
And Starter Pack plus Renewal Jacket ..

Tqvm again

Alby325i;818309 said:
Salam....to all My Beloved Brothers and Friends.. :)

As tomorrow is Friday , If any of you in KL City Centre please do come and joint

us for a simple dinner cum teh tarik plus Relax and meet the rest...

I am also will bring some items for some Official Members to come and collect

from me on behalf of Affan66. I will try and collect more ftom him more items so that

I will be able to hand over who it to all the OMs that are still waitind for their items...

All CMs , OMs and CGs plus Newbies are also invited to come for this TT.

Look forward to see all of you again ...:)


TIME......08.30 ONWARDS...


Please list your name for me to know how many will be coming...

1) Anakin

2) Fleming




Special Message to .... INSOMNIAC , TAMADE7, DENNIS CHIEW
Please give me a call to this number 0193328008 if you can make it
As for OM AH-SINGH , I will hand over the items to your brother tomorrow
before his way to JB...:)

Love Always From Me,

Alby325i :):)

Hello .....AS...How was your Birthday? Good i hope !!!

Okay do come over KL tt and celebrate your Birthday with all if us..

Plus for all the beloved friends born in month of April...:)

Come and drop by before or after your area tt...plus if you happened

In town please do come by please don't be shy to new members or newbies...

We will be here plus let me know call or sms if you wish to joint in

So that i prepare better for all of us.... 0193328008..:)


Alby325i :):)
sis...cam tak ada sambutan je...maybe coz there's a lot TT's around tonight..we got MMZ, Ampang..so on..its ok with me, I can be anywhere as long as I can collect my goodies..:cool::cool:
anakin;818383 said:
sis...cam tak ada sambutan je...maybe coz there's a lot TT's around tonight..we got MMZ, Ampang..so on..its ok with me, I can be anywhere as long as I can collect my goodies..:cool::cool:

Salam...Anakin , :)

Please don't worry, because ada yang akan datang tanpa tulis nama..:)

By the way , good news for you , i have both size that Anakin minta....ya .

Plus will keep for you and see you later at KL tt in Tugu View Cafe..:)


Alby325i.. :):)
Alby325i;818309 said:
Salam....to all My Beloved Brothers and Friends.. :)

As tomorrow is Friday , If any of you in KL City Centre please do come and joint

us for a simple dinner cum teh tarik plus Relax and meet the rest...

I am also will bring some items for some Official Members to come and collect

from me on behalf of Affan66. I will try and collect more ftom him more items so that

I will be able to hand over who it to all the OMs that are still waitind for their items...

All CMs , OMs and CGs plus Newbies are also invited to come for this TT.

Look forward to see all of you again ...:)


TIME......08.30 ONWARDS...


Please list your name for me to know how many will be coming...

1) Anakin

2) Fleming

3) Tamade7

4) Anaksarawak.

5 ) Alby325i


Special Message to .... INSOMNIAC , TAMADE7, DERREN CHEW .
Please give me a call to this number 0193328008 if you can make it
As for OM AH-SINGH , I will hand over the items to your brother tomorrow
before his way to JB...:)

Bayaran makan dan minum please don't worry harga mamak.
Jika tak cukup Alby tambah...ya !!!

Love Always From Me,

Alby325i :):)


I tried calling tapi tak dapat . Was just thinking if you are free to drop by for a while
and hand over some stocks for me tonight at KL tt in Tugu View Cafe. But if you are not busy
stay longer lagi elok!!! Hehehe....:)

Please do let me know...


Alby325i :):)
Hello guys..

1. Tugu cafe is d one at d tugu negara ker?

2. Previous posts mentioned about jacket..etc..what is dat?

3. Anything dat i shud do as newbie like me in d tt session?

zero one;818414 said:
Hello guys..

1. Tugu cafe is d one at d tugu negara ker?

2. Previous posts mentioned about jacket..etc..what is dat?

3. Anything dat i shud do as newbie like me in d tt session?


Yes it is near the Tugu, just drive about 200 meters from the Tugu along the small road you will see a cafe with lots of lights. See you
zero one;818414 said:
Hello guys..

1. Tugu cafe is d one at d tugu negara ker?

2. Previous posts mentioned about jacket..etc..what is dat?

3. Anything dat i shud do as newbie like me in d tt session?


Hello ...Zero One,

You are most Welcome plus all the Newbies who happened to be in KL area do drop by.

Do worry , Zero One , just come , relax enjoy the company...:)

See you later ..

Alby325i :):)
Alby325i;818421 said:
Hello ...Zero One,

You are most Welcome plus all the Newbies who happened to be in KL area do drop by.

Do worry , Zero One , just come , relax enjoy the company...:)

Good mng alby..

Was ready to leave home to tugu yesterday evening..suddenly received call of duty due to today's nomination process...

What to do..duty comes first as it is the periuk nasi..

Will b joining u guys in next tt


See you later ..
hai alby,thanks for the dinner ,hope more members will joni u for your meet ups,sori to c alot of food wasted,tq
Yes...Zero One :)

Please . don't worry my friend, perhaps next Friday we all will meet up...ya!!!
Indeed it would be great.

Hope everything went well on yourside and all the best to you. :)

Take care and have a good weekend...


Alby325i :):)
Alby, thanks so much for the birthday cake and gift! Love it so much that I will wear it on monday.
harbhajan;818550 said:
hai alby,thanks for the dinner ,hope more members will joni u for your meet ups,sori to c alot of food wasted,tq

SAA...SERI ...KHAR...Harbhajan..:)

Tqvm much for for everything , truly it was nice having you around.

Well as for the food , please don't worry as i managed pack some for

Fleming, Anaksarawak, and some for Anakin and Family..

Do take care as and when you are on the road my friend cum brother.

As for the rest if you happen to to be Raub do look for our brother

OM Harbhajan as he is a very good brother plus knows a lot about BMW Cars..!!!

One day pethaps we all will visit you in Raub meet your family speaks Punjabi...!!!

Makan Durian...

And proceed to Temerloh jumpa pula Harris for ikan patin..!!!! Hehehe..

Have a good weekend to you and All. :)


anaksarawak;818584 said:
Alby, thanks so much for the birthday cake and gift! Love it so much that I will wear it on monday.

Hello and Good Morning....AS and All :)

You are most Welcome my brother cum Good Friend indeed. :)

Truly hope your wish be granted just as you placed ...3 candles

On the cake....!!! Hehehe jangan lupa kita semua ya...

Yes...please do wear them on Monday and may you look good

Too!!!! Hehehe..

Have a good weekend to you and all our brothers too...:)

Love Always From Me..

Alby325i :):)
With a Humble Heart May I say

TQVM, to all who came , Walaulpun tak ramai but it was

Nice to celebrate Our Good Friend Anaksarawak 's Birthday.
Seeing him smile makes me very happy indeed..:) And I am sure
all feels the same too...

It was nice of Fleming to make his way to Tugu View Cafe
all the way from His Office in Serdang and had dinner with us.

We all were very happy Meeting with Anakin for the first time
with his wonderful wife and two amazing childrean. Plus was
happy too able to pass Anakin's And His wife Renewal Jacket
Yesterday...( i will pass the RM 100.00 to OM Affan66 for the
additional Jacket..)

To our brother cum Good Friend OM Harbhajan. Tqvm for everything
Plus willing to spend your time with all of us before leaving for Raub...

To Soulfood tqvm also for coming here with ehmm ehmm!!!

Tqvm again to all who came and for all the Good Info,
Good Laugh. Good Jokes...and the Makan, Minum Lepas tu Makan
Dan Minum Lagi...!!! Hehehe. :)

To who sunddenly cannot make it , its okay as there will always
another time....ya , same place..

Nightswan and soulfood kali ini Linda minta tolong AS ambik
Plastic lagi sebab lupa ....lagi..Nanti Linda kena jumpa kakak tu
and bayar sikitlah sebab ambik plastic!!!! Hahaha...

Take Care And Have A Good Weekend to All ..

Love Always From Me..

Alby325i :):)
Salam....And A Very Good Day To All Beloved Friends... :)

We will have a KL TT this Fiday at Tugu View Cafe .

All are Welcome ....CMs , OMs , CGs , New Members, Newbies ,
Future Members Too... :)

Since there will be no tt in Ampang this week as Soulfood said ,
all brothers from Ampang TT are most welcome to joint us overhere.

Venue: KL TT Tugu View Cafe in Lake Garden
Date : 26/4/2013
Time : 9.00 pm onwards
All food are Halal.

Contact : Alby325i do call me if you can't find the location
019 3328008 or to let me know if you wish to attend.

By the way may I have the list of names who wish to joint in please

1) Kojak

Tqvm and have a good day to All

Alby325i :):)
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