Dear Committee

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Originally posted by Lee36328@May 19 2005, 11:14 AM

".....malfunctioning VANOS (V@g!na Attractn N Orgsm System... i.e. getting laid.. cos it's NOT WORKING!)..."

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That is the best explanation of the VANOS acronym I ever heard. A really good one bro.
Originally posted by Lee36328@May 19 2005, 10:14 AM

So, conclusion, no worries mate! Now, I gotta get back to the AB customer complaints department about my malfunctioning VANOS (V@g!na Attractn N Orgsm System... i.e. getting laid QUICKER.. cos it's NOT WORKING!... Am just getting laid at regular rate, same as always... ;) )
Lee, I like your definition of VANOS..... lol :rofl: :rofl:
Originally posted by Lee36328@May 19 2005, 03:00 AM


How come this function does not work in my udm???? :angry:

Must complain to AB... manufacturing defect.... hee hee hee... :D :D :D

I think your car doesnt have this option le :rofl: :rofl:
Thk you forgot to tick this option when you got it! :p
Mine also no have le! :cry:

Can retrofit or not ar?
Guys I think we are getting a bit off topic. Sorry Juan..

Let stick to the topic.... :getyourfactsright:
My opinion is...

to dispel all rumours and false accusation, we as a community of this club, not just putting the burden on the committees, can put together a great club that helps all members...

If the members are benefitted from the club's initiatives, why should anyone complain?

This club is for the members.

Saying that, I also must accept the fact that the club cannot please every single member, to their wishes and whims. There will be some events that some members will love to take part, but some will not.

Just continue to do what triggers our interests in UDM, and trust me, after 5 years we will look back and be glad that each one of us has made an impact in the club. One way or another. Committee will come and go, but the members are the fibre of this living club.

Let's support the committee on this one.
Originally posted by chrischy@May 24 2005, 04:17 PM
My opinion is...

to dispel all rumours and false accusation, we as a community of this club, not just putting the burden on the committees, can put together a great club that helps all members...

If the members are benefitted from the club's initiatives, why should anyone complain?

This club is for the members.

Saying that, I also must accept the fact that the club cannot please every single member, to their wishes and whims. There will be some events that some members will love to take part, but some will not.

Just continue to do what triggers our interests in UDM, and trust me, after 5 years we will look back and be glad that each one of us has made an impact in the club. One way or another. Committee will come and go, but the members are the fibre of this living club.

Let's support the committee on this one.
If ignorant people don't wanna crawl out from under their shells and seek the truth then ignorance is bliss.......

There's no pleasing everyone and no one in this forum is trying to. We are a community of car entusiasts with no time nor qualification to help individuals deal with their insecurity issues.

INSECURITY leads to IGNORANCE leads to (random) FOOLISH OPINIONS.........

Let them be.....they can still enjoy the coffee and sandwiches at authorized BMW service centers................ekekekeke
Originally posted by chrischy@May 24 2005, 08:17 AM
My opinion is...

to dispel all rumours and false accusation, we as a community of this club, not just putting the burden on the committees, can put together a great club that helps all members...

If the members are benefitted from the club's initiatives, why should anyone complain?

This club is for the members.

Saying that, I also must accept the fact that the club cannot please every single member, to their wishes and whims. There will be some events that some members will love to take part, but some will not.

Just continue to do what triggers our interests in UDM, and trust me, after 5 years we will look back and be glad that each one of us has made an impact in the club. One way or another. Committee will come and go, but the members are the fibre of this living club.

Let's support the committee on this one.
Thanks for your rational view. I'm glad from the opinions here that I have stuck my neck out for a just cause, voicing the consensus of many. That was the crux of my rebuttal of the negative perception i.e. that the Club is essentially by members and for members. We do have a Committee but these are elected from members, by members and for members every year. What's even more "nice" is Committee and members are all friends to begins with and there's a fantastic working relationship. Hence, if anyone is not clear about anything or aggrieved, there's now an avenue for this to be highlighted and discussed in a civil manner. If this works as it is intended, then it will reflect good maturity of the membership here.

Your passion and concern for the club is commendable as ever.....keep the fire burning bro.....
Originally posted by kevster30@May 25 2005, 12:06 PM
If ignorant people don't wanna crawl out from under their shells and seek the truth then ignorance is bliss.......

There's no pleasing everyone and no one in this forum is trying to. We are a community of car entusiasts with no time nor qualification to help individuals deal with their insecurity issues.

INSECURITY leads to IGNORANCE leads to (random) FOOLISH OPINIONS.........

Let them be.....they can still enjoy the coffee and sandwiches at authorized BMW service centers................ekekekeke
Well said Mr VP.

This club is great regardless what anyone says. I strongly believe that if anyone has anything to say about the club, its best for then to come and join us at least for a TT. Perhaps then they will see the kind of fellowship that is being brewed there. In anycase, way to go JPB for defending the club. I personally know of a few who have made unfair remarks about the club and its agenda. They drive UDM's too. Its really stupid ( sorry for my rudeness ) for them to judge the club without personally checking the club out first. :aggressive: I just tell them off and change the subject leaving them feeling really dumb for misjudging in the first place.

Just my 5 cents worth..
Sith :wink:
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