Dear Committee

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Juan Powerblow

Club Guest
Dec 4, 2004
Dear Committee,Just want to share a recent disturbing conversation I had while chatting about the Club with some outside friends. It seems that some outsiders have heard or regard this Club as a vehicle for soliciting personal gains by some people. I was quite disturbed by this notion and tried to rebut by alluding to the rotational election of our Committee i.e. held religiously once a year since our formation with changes in key positions and material participation of members in running key events especially this year. I also wondered what we could have done to give this negative perception and how widespread this has become? Further, how do we resolve it or whether it's any big hairy deal to begin with. The friends I spoke to are BMW owners and quite prominent in their circle of business. I tried to encourage them to join the Club for its activities and the great fellowship but sadly, any suspicion of being taken "for a ride" can be overbearing. I don't think this merits a Royal Commission or any strong reaction since it could just be rumours but I guess we should be wary of this issue and clear the air whenever we can by promoting the camaderie between members especially now that we're experiencing a nice peaceful spell.
hi mate,

not very clear about your message that you are trying to convey. don't mind can you please eleborate a little.

thanks buddy...

We in the forum know what this forum represents and how it is conducted. Unless I am naive or is oblivious to the goings on, I do not share their perception. I certainly have not seen any evidence of soliciting personal gains.

I also feel that the power to shape the forum into whatever it is lies in the hands of the members. If the members feel that it is a vehicle for self-enrichment, so be it. If I don’t like it, I move out or shape it the other way. A forum is a community of people coming together sharing the view and a common interest. Its form is dictated by the majority. Forum rules can be changed by majority vote.

But more importantly, I feel your outside friends need to clarify which forum are they referring to. Is it THIS forum or another that is also for BMW owners?

The second thing to do is to establish why they have that perception. Is it because they were influenced by other individuals that may have hidden agenda? Or, is it because they are just giving your an excuse for their lack of interest to "join"?

If it is a problem of one of perception, then we need to correct the wrong perception by visibly showing that we are enforcing the rules.

My 2 cents.
Well, there will always be the accusations and etc. All I can say, after being in the committee for close to a year, there is nothing to be made out of it, and most of the committee members have real jobs that is sufficient for us to live comfortably. We are not talking about having big $$$ in our club's account (if there is any!). I don't know what JPB's friends are talking about, perhaps using the club's reputation and recognition to gain monetary rewards? I don't know and if that's the case, I am definitely not one :yes:
JPB, you might a point there about the personal gain but can your friends can be a bit more specific about it. For, if I post a ad in the classify to sell somethings and I make a profit out of it, can this be considered as the matter that your friend is referring to as there is a personal gain.

It will interesting to know the things that your friends are concerned about.

regarding the annual election, I thinks it a premature to change "hands" pending the approval from ROS. This is avoid any complications that might aries if the present comittee are call up for an interview by ROS.

Let be specific... I am sure our beloved committe members have nothing to hide.
Originally posted by saat@May 18 2005, 06:49 AM

We in the forum know what this forum represents and how it is conducted. Unless I am naive or is oblivious to the goings on, I do not share their perception. I certainly have not seen any evidence of soliciting personal gains.

I also feel that the power to shape the forum into whatever it is lies in the hands of the members. If the members feel that it is a vehicle for self-enrichment, so be it. If I don’t like it, I move out or shape it the other way. A forum is a community of people coming together sharing the view and a common interest. Its form is dictated by the majority. Forum rules can be changed by majority vote.

But more importantly, I feel your outside friends need to clarify which forum are they referring to. Is it THIS forum or another that is also for BMW owners?

The second thing to do is to establish why they have that perception. Is it because they were influenced by other individuals that may have hidden agenda? Or, is it because they are just giving your an excuse for their lack of interest to "join"?

If it is a problem of one of perception, then we need to correct the wrong perception by visibly showing that we are enforcing the rules.

My 2 cents.
I share your sentiments too and becoz I feel I'm part of this community, I tried my best without being too defensive (cos I don't know everything) to clear the air. Regretably, I was given to understand that the ultimate source of this disconcerting notion was from within the forum but I rather not go into specifics here. The important thing is as long as we know and understand each other and respect the majority, this goes a long way in dispelling the insidious acts of the few (i.e. those inclined to use the Club's name for personal benefit), if any. Hope I haven't ruffled any feathers which is not my intention but I think it's good to be aware.
i personally think that this is an inherrent dilemma amongst all...wat they don't know they are suspicious or fearful of. They fear they would be taken advantage of etc...

I've had personal experience in the very same as i do belong to another community whose agenda was least by outsiders...lots of bad comments were made about us, totally unjustified and unreasonable...but nevertheless it happens. We were even investigated, but eventually found to be guiltless on all allegations and suspicions.

Back to our club, the way i see it, is the only way to dispel such unfounded views is to ensure the public are made aware of the agendas of this club and its activities and actions. No point dealing with the dissidents...they exist everywhere like viruses...

I got to know this club from the VP...and was enthralled by what i found out...and the best part is...I still am. I guess in the ideal world people wouldn't pre judge something they have little or no knowledge about.

A community is when many people meet and get together. Just like golf clubs, social clubs, neighbourhood associations et al, in the process of getting together, one member will meet another, finds something of mutual benefit and ends up doing business together. Or one member uses his presence and activity in the club to land a good job or contract. Heck, one might even fall in love with another and get married and start a family......... oops too far...........

I say SO BE IT. What wrong with that?

The difference between us and the other type of clubs is just the area of common interest and the medium through which we interact i.e. the Online Forum.
everyones opnion is pretty much acceptable and no one is at wrong or fault. it is fairly normal for people (outsiders) to feel that way because they do not know what is actually going on. the best was what i feel in dealing with this kind of issues is to just discuss and talk among us openly. i guess we are all adults here and we should be able to handle critics or even handle politics for the matter. it is unavoidable but then how we talk it out and the end result is more important. there is no point of getting upset or angry with anyones comments. comments will be there forever for everything but end of the day getting a proper solution is the best method.

just my suggestion...
"Satu jenis beras can bela ratus jenis orangmahhhh"....Who care what outside said as long as we feel comfortable with the club........We can't stop others ppl mulut....right?????
I agree completely with en. saat's very well-expressed views. JPB, this kind of perception is unfortunately inevitable. Perhaps if your friends took the opportunity to spend some time here, they would understand that we are (by and large) a mature and conciliatory lot, with no hidden agenda.

Another mistaken notion I get all the time (esp. from my "educated" colleagues) is that we're all a bunch of stuck-up yuppie ar##holes, whose only purpose of getting a BMW is to get laid quicker.

While that's the case for some (myself included, if I was lucky enough to get an E46 cab immediately after graduation - just an example, not targeting anyone i.e. Marco hahaaha!), we all now that's not the truth. And that's enough for me.
So the moral of the story is :

1. There is no money to be made from BMW Club
2. Worse, cannot get laid too (after getting no $$$)

Originally posted by OSFlanker@May 18 2005, 08:47 PM
So the moral of the story is :

1. There is no money to be made from BMW Club
2. Worse, cannot get laid too (after getting no $$$)


So lots of soliciting but no personal gains.......personal loss, maybe
Originally posted by saat@May 18 2005, 04:11 AM
A community is when many people meet and get together. Just like golf clubs, social clubs, neighbourhood associations et al, in the process of getting together, one member will meet another, finds something of mutual benefit and ends up doing business together. Or one member uses his presence and activity in the club to land a good job or contract. Heck, one might even fall in love with another and get married and start a family......... oops too far...........

I say SO BE IT. What wrong with that?

The difference between us and the other type of clubs is just the area of common interest and the medium through which we interact i.e. the Online Forum.
yes, saat i ehco what you say....

other people will say what you do is right, what you do is wrong, do this right, do this wrong..

everyone wants' to rule :huh: the club's ours

the club, for one thing i would say, is that.. has help me... no words can describe it..

Yes, JPB, you did the right thing upholding the Club which we belong, the club's ours... others can TALK and say anything :getyourfactsright:

so i don't care what they say, i would just walk away...wasting my time..or my life..

Originally posted by wkwoo69@May 18 2005, 06:57 PM
I agree completely with en. saat's very well-expressed views. JPB, this kind of perception is unfortunately inevitable. Perhaps if your friends took the opportunity to spend some time here, they would understand that we are (by and large) a mature and conciliatory lot, with no hidden agenda.

Another mistaken notion I get all the time (esp. from my "educated" colleagues) is that we're all a bunch of stuck-up yuppie ar##holes, whose only purpose of getting a BMW is to get laid quicker.

While that's the case for some (myself included, if I was lucky enough to get an E46 cab immediately after graduation - just an example, not targeting anyone i.e. Marco hahaaha!), we all now that's not the truth. And that's enough for me.
Get laid quicker??? :eek:


How come this function does not work in my udm???? :angry:

Must complain to AB... manufacturing defect.... hee hee hee... :D :D :D
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