well it doesnt matter what ur wheels r:- ff, fr, full-time x4, d point is 2 know d limits of ur own ride, unlike d ignorant driver (yeah it might happen 2 anyone). But if u guys take a close look at d pics d driver must have rammed into d concrete sidewall since there r no visible dents or even scratches on sides & rear part of d evo. Im not sure it may have caused by tail-offs. Furthermore incidents as such frequently happen when u know...kereta pinjam due 2 inexperience drivers, jakuns, wannabees, "i dont care, its not mine" attitutes. I bet non of d proud BM owners here wanna abuse their rides 2 d extreme, right guys? samor u dont wanna get urselves wasted in a split second when u got a whole life, wife(ves), kids, karaokes infront of u, or even 2 c d coming so many series & prototypes coming out later on la brader. Sure we dont wanna miss that!!
Our kerajaan oso spent alot of 'our-tax-money' on multimedia clips, service reminders that SPEED KILLS, sayangilah keluarga anda, & if u guys remember: "I love my brother" advertisement, so all of d road users should play roles here, b more considerate & dont give other ppl headaches (if d other ppl r still alive la), pakcik Polis oso peningla.
A big chippy-cheer 2 lee36328 4 starting this post!