Dangerous corner, Kerinchi Link

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Originally posted by vinceLIEW@May 12 2006, 02:18 AM
....inside tunnel and outside tunnel air density different, raining makes it worst like hitting cushion of air ....
wow...that's a new one!

more likely aquaplanned when outside tunnel...roads are wetter and 4WD tyres & high CG makes it tricky to recover!
To get an idea of what happens when you lose a tail, check this out.

Stig Loses Tail

If you catch your tail back with opposite lock, unless it is carefully balanced and not overdone, it will whip back like a pendulum because the side-to-side momentum of the tail has to go somewhere (just like the pendulum of a grandfather clock.)

If you look at the replay and focus on the front wheels, you'll see The Stig trying to counter steer to the right, and as it whips back, steering to the left to catch it again, but front grip is totally overwhelmed by the pace of the car and he runs out of road...

If this can happen to the Stig on a dry day... what about us?
well it doesnt matter what ur wheels r:- ff, fr, full-time x4, d point is 2 know d limits of ur own ride, unlike d ignorant driver (yeah it might happen 2 anyone). But if u guys take a close look at d pics d driver must have rammed into d concrete sidewall since there r no visible dents or even scratches on sides & rear part of d evo. Im not sure it may have caused by tail-offs. Furthermore incidents as such frequently happen when u know...kereta pinjam due 2 inexperience drivers, jakuns, wannabees, "i dont care, its not mine" attitutes. I bet non of d proud BM owners here wanna abuse their rides 2 d extreme, right guys? samor u dont wanna get urselves wasted in a split second when u got a whole life, wife(ves), kids, karaokes infront of u, or even 2 c d coming so many series & prototypes coming out later on la brader. Sure we dont wanna miss that!!
Our kerajaan oso spent alot of 'our-tax-money' on multimedia clips, service reminders that SPEED KILLS, sayangilah keluarga anda, & if u guys remember: "I love my brother" advertisement, so all of d road users should play roles here, b more considerate & dont give other ppl headaches (if d other ppl r still alive la), pakcik Polis oso peningla.
A big chippy-cheer 2 lee36328 4 starting this post!
Jules - use that road daily after sending kids to school, hence the RM1.50, not that i want to, but since oredi paid, why not use the
detector right.. anyway the detector serve no purpose coz i see a lot of cars still drive fast.

I think some of them are correct, because the signage and my speedo tally when i drive my plotong SAWI there..
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