Dangerous corner, Kerinchi Link

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Tho those guys above. My Bad. I apologize for those remarks.
I guess, I was being (the Malay word is) Sombong :hmmph: .

Lee, I was just curious to get some comments from those of you that have, you know, push the limits of their driving skills and vehicle. I'm sure there are a handful of us that do that. (you guys know who you are).
Please don't condemn me for asking. No harm No Foul, right?
I know you're a moderator, but this forum should be open to all comments... I'm not violating anything correct? :rolleyes:

Jules, you right. I'm itching to get into a kart. But somehow, finding the time is difficult. Trust me when I say I love karting, I just need to allocated my funds towards that.

And eau-rouge, why would I want to enjoy the scenery. Dude. There is nothing to see on that highway. And I would rather be conscious about my braking points and apex for a faster exit.
Originally posted by RedZ4@May 11 2006, 10:45 AM
And eau-rouge, why would I want to enjoy the scenery. Dude. There is nothing to see on that highway. And I would rather be conscious about my braking points and apex for a faster exit.
my point is,go easy on the road..better to loose a few minutes rather then ending up in a tragedy ;)
Kerinchi Link outcome when u goes fast!!


ouch!!! :blink:
but dat is a very resounding warning! :getyourfactsright: thanks zoakies!
And who said 4WD drive is VERY good in attacking corner....hehehehe... :D

Too bad the Evo 8 Turbo is already R.I.P :(
the one i saw turn 180 degrees was a fiat coupe.
i also know someone's golf got smashed there.
Actually, the signages on the kerinchi link also causes lots of problems. The road leading to the fed hway splits into a fork, one leading to KL and the other leading to PJ. The overhead signs cannot be seen around the blind corner and if you are not familiar with the route, you'll take awhile to decide which fork to take and slow down causing traffic behind to slow down. Now if some drivers are screaming down towards fed hway, and coming around the blind corner, a car slowing down to check for directions will definately cause an accident.

Additionally, they put heaps of info on the signboards and if you are concentrating on the road, it takes some time to register what is written on the signboards and decide the right path. I too have seen lots of cars spin at the fork while avoiding slow cars or deciding at the last moment which fork to take.

Lee i have to admit i use love to wack the kerinchi link especially from fed hway to sri-hartamas (from uni hospital entrance) but have seen too may accidents there to indulge in such foolish thrills anymore.
A big THANK YOU for the posts above which brings the thread back to topic... be AWARE of the dangers of going fast on the Kerinchi Link.

The 4WD Evo pics are an excellent reminder, as Zoakies' comment is especially on point :

"And who said 4WD drive is VERY good in attacking corner...."

If 4WD cars can run to grief at that stretch, what more RWD, tail-happy models...
Thanks lee for the reminder.

That is why the speed detector is there ACTUALLY. to warn you all
of the danger.

You know.., for me, i use the speed detector to check whether my
e30 speedo is correct or not.. you know lar, with all those tyre
size that we simply hantam to make our ride looks cool..
You're welcome.

And you got a point there. Imagine how many more cars will climb the sidewalls if the speed detectors and electronic warnings were NOT installed.

Recently some of them (from Federal Highway toward PJ) seem to be out of order. Be careful.
4wd cars like the evo have very high grip limits, and are also quite easy for normal drivers to go fast in. But an idiot behind the wheel, is still an idiot regardless of the car they drive right?

I just think there are too many people out there today with high-powered cars, who are not disciplined, or suitably trained, or have the knowledge to handle their cars safely on a public road, which is quite a scary thought actually.
Originally posted by 1+2=3@May 11 2006, 06:16 PM
4wd cars like the evo have very high grip limits, and are also quite easy for normal drivers to go fast in. But an idiot behind the wheel, is still an idiot regardless of the car they drive right?

I just think there are too many people out there today with high-powered cars, who are not disciplined, or suitably trained, or have the knowledge to handle their cars safely on a public road, which is quite a scary thought actually.
EVOs are bound to be tail-happy

Drove Evo4 quite some time (not mine, friend borrow for 5 months because he dont want to see the car anymore b4 selling it) when approaching corners at abt 80kmh, just turn the steering more than the actual turning radius, and you will have to rally your way to the corner.

But, I must say it does have precise power sliding capability without losing speed at stock condition (Never ever go out of pace in 5 months driving)

btw, Im a safe driver B)
Originally posted by naharnms@May 11 2006, 06:01 PM
You know.., for me, i use the speed detector to check whether my
e30 speedo is correct or not.. you know lar, with all those tyre
size that we simply hantam to make our ride looks cool..
Offtopic but an advice....

That's not the most accurate actually but hey it's your RM1.50....

Since the NKVE/Elite/Kesas highways has so much distance signage on the side of the armco barrier...check this against your ODOMETER reading when you drive along it.......and the best is you can do between any sections at a sane speed.

If the same - your speedo is accurate. Why? they all run off the same tyres your car has....
:blink: i use that road everyday all the way from my house le. :blink:
i drove slow there and that corner scared my dad once during cornering.
well guys, not only kerinchi link has its dangerous stretches... wanna share some stretches with you guys and gals... :D

1) Penchala link from Damansara Perdana and LDP before tunnel.
2) Penchala link from Mont Kiara after toll exiting tunnel (dangerous left hander when wet, seen a brand new rexton turn turtle) - inside tunnel and outside tunnel air density different, raining makes it worst like hitting cushion of air plus water, moreover rexton stock stand lagi centre of gravity high and worbly..) correct me if i'm wrong... ;)
3) Penchala link from Mont Kiara towards Mutiara Damansara and Damansara Perdana. (same situation like the one in Kerinchi link-it splits at a blind spot) :yes:
4) Jalan damansara towards jalan duta from jalan semantan-big left turn-many big accident too. :beaten:

ehhh.... many other spot ler... can't really recalled. lazy to type dy.. :D
and the big slippery corner after the muzium le... :nyehehe:

pakistan,that corner made me changed four new wheels!C!p3K.
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