Danger of Buying Recon Cars?

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Dec 9, 2004
Astro Discovery Realtime has a 1/2 hour show from UK called WRECKS TO RICHES. Unlike the US version, the UK version has the presenter buying a newish second hand car which has been written off by the insurer as a result of accident damage from a scrapyard and repair it before selling it off to a buyer. This got me thinking that an importer of recon cars could easily do the same. Are there any controls againts such cases. In UK I understand that a Category D damage is "A damaged vehicle which the insurer has decided not to repair, but which could be repaired and returned to the road.". Such cars could be easily repaired and resold in Msia? see http://www.autocheck.co.uk/write-off-categories-scrapped-import-export.html#categories I am sure cars from Japan pose a similar risk.....esp in Bolehland where anything is possible. What do you guys think? PS You may also be interested in reading a discussion on this programmme and the explaination how it has become uneconomical in UK to repair cars. See http://www.honestjohn.co.uk/forum/post/index.htm?t=39442
Biasalah...., It's been reported numerous times of unscrupulous dealers/importers actually imported in those luxurous cars in halfs so that they can declare it as scarps thus lower duties. After that they will rejoint in back and gave it a coat of new paint and viola.....your new recon car!!!
I will never trust recons not only because of this risk but also the fact that you do not know it's history bro; someone might have killed in that car if it was involved in a major accident to warrant it as not salvagable. Think about that....
i drive a recon car and i dont think anyone has died in my car. Didnt see anyone else in my car during the hungry ghost month...

A happy recon car owner
aramis;253736 said:
i drive a recon car and i dont think anyone has died in my car. Didnt see anyone else in my car during the hungry ghost month...

A happy recon car owner

Then, you're one of the lucky ones.
everyone has their own preference. Recon cars are not always bad. In fact, IMHO, the number of "bad" recon cars is very low and there is a great demand for recon cars. Else how would we explain the number of grey importers of these cars mushrooming everywhere and the number of APs being issued to soo many "qualified" individuals...
Not every body rich like you Mr Mike can buy E60 and W203. By the way is your E60 black colour?
aramis;253736 said:
i drive a recon car and i dont think anyone has died in my car. Didnt see anyone else in my car during the hungry ghost month...

A happy recon car owner

yeah bro!!! mine oso recon one but still very good:top: :top: done d checkup wit my pomen, everything is intact. no "cut n paste"!!!!:biggrin: :biggrin: maybe i'm also the lucky one:proud: :proud:
Not all recon cars are bad. It's just that you can't verify it's background and what's its been through. I guess it's all in the mind. It's an individual thing and for me, I always prefer peace of mind above all. Given the same budget, I would prefer to get a second local unit over recon. At least I get to know the previous owner and be able to get a feel of how or what the car might have been through.
After all, it's just my opinion and you can disregard it if you feel strongly that the car is a good buy. One must always have "the feel" of things and always trust your gut feeling in whatever you do. Cheers
well let's look at it from another point of view.

Naza sells brand new cars right. They are so called grey importers, but their cars are new. Remember a short while back some of their cars were siezed for not having approved APs. Same thing la. Why do you think are are so sucessful.
If I'm considering a recon car which source country is the best? Japan?
Can someone explain the pros and cons of recon car please..
Japan cars mostly have an owner who smokes. So when the car comes in to M'sia, they dealer will take it for a steam clean, but the smell still lingers in the air-con system.

Pros.... Cons.... depends on that is a pro and a con to you.

Japan cars would have their speedo etc in metric where else UK cars would be imperial.
:top: Thanks Daniel...its helps to know more...If anyone has some cools sites to check on this matter do update me..
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