Global danger.. Any relation ??

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nikazwaa said:
How worst can it get? My eyes are drying up like nobody's business out here!!!

well bro, ur eyes are definately gonna dry up with all the shite thats floating around. It can get worst if u ask me, I mean Klang had only 600 meters visibility today... I believe that it can get soo bad that when u park ur beloved UMD's long enough in an open carpark, you will see a layer of soot on it.
Hell Boyz said:
But guys, do u all remember before Tsunami hit us, the Haze was this bad too...

Will it be a warning for us to be prepared for something bad to be happen???

Thats a very scary thought. It indeed seems like another warning of somesort to me. Then again we all are mortals and minute in the universe context. If only everyone unites and work together to bring pollution to a slow down. Stopping it is impossible. Its like telling the sun not to shine.

Well we all beeter be prepared for the big whatever thats gonna hit us. Fire from below, earthquake, another tsunami or even a plague. Mother nature sure aint happy bout us f**cking up her backyard obviously.

Put on ur thinking caps or better still go see a fortune teller or read what Nostradamus' predictions. Might give us a sign or 2. Then find the sifu and buy lots and lots of 4D and Toto!!!!:D :D
sithwarrior said:
well bro, ur eyes are definately gonna dry up with all the shite thats floating around. It can get worst if u ask me, I mean Klang had only 600 meters visibility today... I believe that it can get soo bad that when u park ur beloved UMD's long enough in an open carpark, you will see a layer of soot on it.

Maybe if u stand at a bus stop long enuff u might even put on a quarter pound to ur body weight from the crap thats floating around.:D :D

I park my car outside my shop the whole day and by gosh the amount of dust or whatever its is can be seen clearly when blow a puff of air. Jeez. That aint good for our lungs. Better use masks of respirators. Stop carrying backpacks with notebooks innit. An oxygen bottle sounds better.:D
About the pollution and global warming. It's already unstoppable. With my fingers i think we can count how many years left before the ARMAGEDDON.
as much as i hate to say this, aren't we contributing wif our mass gatherings, convoys and refusal to car pool?

pls tell me im wrong :rolleyes:
Hell Boyz said:
Flash, which part of Shanghai (Pudong or Pu shi) :confused:

From downstream moving upstream on the river.... can see the haze over Shanghai from afar.:cool:
xtracooljustin said:
as much as i hate to say this, aren't we contributing wif our mass gatherings, convoys and refusal to car pool?

pls tell me im wrong :rolleyes:

Erhhh, you got a point there.:eek: I won't mind to tumpang your red E34 or ur dad's gold E32..
Well bro Sith ..our enlightened leaders seem to have taken the oath of elegant silence when it comes to this yearly scourge from our breathren across the straits..I was much surprised to know we even had a minister of environment..why are the Indons so hell bent to pollute the air? makes you wonder whether they were ever grateful for the help we gave after the Tsunami

Well its about time to ship their illegals back home pronto and let them breathe their own $%^#&* haze !!!!
Indonesia is big brother.....must kowtow to them. What's new! We have been suffering since the EL Nino days...every year also the same old soot. And didnt the PM promised that it will never occur again last year??
sithwarrior said:
yes many factors contribute to global warming and heads of nations are very well aware of it, but refuse to budge as they seem to be more worried about an economy collapse more than the destruction of the human race... what can you ?? Say prayer everyday lah I guess...

Bro, i agree with u coz nowdays the market are moving forward 2 steps everytime so everyone is moving fast too, that's the reason they are building a lot of buildings, houses, platforms, condos, factories and etc..... this will lead to more building compare to GREEN! :(

I hope the government & the world will look into this seriously otherwise there's nothing more to be witness by our next 2 generations :eek:
aDrIaN said:
Thats a very scary thought. It indeed seems like another warning of somesort to me. Then again we all are mortals and minute in the universe context. If only everyone unites and work together to bring pollution to a slow down. Stopping it is impossible. Its like telling the sun not to shine.

Well we all beeter be prepared for the big whatever thats gonna hit us. Fire from below, earthquake, another tsunami or even a plague. Mother nature sure aint happy bout us f**cking up her backyard obviously.

Put on ur thinking caps or better still go see a fortune teller or read what Nostradamus' predictions. Might give us a sign or 2. Then find the sifu and buy lots and lots of 4D and Toto!!!!:D :D

Adrian, this is a BAD SIGNS! again the pollution are getting from worse to worst so be prepared for the day of the worst (End Of The Day) :(
flash said:
From downstream moving upstream on the river.... can see the haze over Shanghai from afar.:cool:

That's bad flash, besides everyone there is wearing a mask now (almost compulsary) sigh........ :(
Hell Boyz said:
Adrian, this is a BAD SIGNS! again the pollution are getting from worse to worst so be prepared for the day of the worst (End Of The Day) :(

Maybe we should give Arnie a call........:D :D :D

Repent! The end is near! Have mercy!!!
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