sachseelan;590001 said:Hi guys,
since we at the do i remove key from the little pouch?
i want to change new one but dunno how to remove it...
Prinze;592297 said:Hi All,
Riding on this thread as well. I think I have the famous melting rubber key. Mine is a 318CI Jap Spec yr 2000. The key is similar to the type C ones. Presume that is battery operated? Anyone knows where I can get a new set of those remote? The remote is in quite a bad shape now. If anyone knows there to get, please let me know.
jarance;578865 said:haywire, some BMW key are cut on the outside like type "C". This can be done any locksmith shop.
Type "D" required laser cutting, I was told. Try PM Alex5522. I know he have duplicate a key before.
kokwei9035;592325 said:bro jarance,
mine's Japan spec (photo A), and wants to change to (photo D)...
any place in KL can change the key & set the frequency so that "diamond shape" workable for all aspects (lock/unlock/open rear boot)?
thank you.
bmw7833;592317 said:U can just changing the rubber. Ebay is a good place to source the rubber or key shell.
haywire;592330 said:Ask bro Pussy, I think he changed his key cover to look close to the diamond shape key.
Dexter;806076 said:hi guys,
I just need a third FOB . my diamond key looks like this one
any leads? thanks