Checking Tyre Pressure

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Mar 25, 2009
Hi All, I'm rather new to my E90, as such, I would like to ask for some advise. I have a 323i. How regularly, should I check the tyre pressure. And if I have pumped the tyres, what should I do on the iDrive? I'm uncertain. Would appreciate some help, please.Thank You
I am driving a E90. Usually after you pump the air. You have to reset it. I dont have an i-drive , not sure how it works on your car.
bsoosay;441495 said:
Hi All, I'm rather new to my E90, as such, I would like to ask for some advise. I have a 323i. How regularly, should I check the tyre pressure. And if I have pumped the tyres, what should I do on the iDrive? I'm uncertain. Would appreciate some help, please.

Thank You

Go to the Settings menu (just click on the i-drive home page, with the cursor in the middle). There is section under settings for tires, and the TPM function is here. There is a button to reset. You need to reset immediately after you have changed the pressure - the car needs to be turned on, but not moving. I normally try and check once a month.

Hi CK and etquah, thanks for the replies.

CK, when you say that you normally check once a month, I assume you mean that you would pump your tyres once a month and then reset the settings? Correct?
Sounds like you haven't explored your iDrive if you've never seen the RFI (Run Flat Indicator) reset before. You should, because you're missing a lot of user-defined settings for your car that you probably don't even know you have. :wink:

Tyre pressures should be checked weekly or once a fortnight with a tyre pressure guage, regardless of having the RFI. It doesn't pick up every loss of pressure incident. I've lost 5 psi on one tyre before, and the RFI didn't pip up. But it did, when i had a total loss of air recently while on the road. :top:
bsoosay;441893 said:
CK, when you say that you normally check once a month, I assume you mean that you would pump your tyres once a month and then reset the settings? Correct?

Yup - I'm using nitrogen in my tyres, so there is very minimal loss. Once a month is sufficient.
Our RFT indicator is constantly measuring the revolution per minute of each wheel with comparison to other wheels. The logic is simple, if tyre loss pressure, the circumference will reduce thus quite easy to pick up by the DSC sensor. So no worries unless u suffer all 4 wheel deflation at the same rate... which is very unlikely.

Losing 5 psi and yet the RFI alarm didn't pick it up, that's because the 5 psi only have minimal impact on rolling circumference, that's why the RFI indicator didn't pick it up.

And I forgot when was the last time I measure my tyre pressure, but I do monitor my tyre wear weekly.. :wink:
Well the 5 psi represented a slow leak from a nail. You can't see underinflation in RFTs and I could have easily driven on, damaging my expensive RFT as the air leaked out slowly. I've had 2 punctures in my E90 now, and the RFI only picked up 1.
I beg to differ. If the rolling circumference remain, tyre shall not suffer. The 5 psi difference in a normal tubeless steel belted radial tyre is big deal but with the super thick side walled RFT... no problem wan.. :D :D Common! have faith in technology! We pay for it and deserve to put our worries behind.. :wink:

And again I stress, monitor your tyre wear regularly because it will not lie.
Well, the technology proved to me that it failed to detect my 1st puncture last year and allowed me to drive around with a nail in my rear tyre. :wink:
i regret not checking my tyre pressure on a regular basis. the Idrive will not be able to pick up if there is slight lost.. IN FACT only substantial lost the idrive would be able to pick it up **i think ithink*
so check weekly is best.
Rachel, have u check ur alignment? Your front right tyres outer wear is pretty serious. Don't push too hard in the wet.. :D

Please update us.. :wink:

U people are starting to worry me, I think think... better check my blood pressure too.. :(

*Can't beat them, join them*:damnmate:
Went to MPS Auto as recommended by T2ribena & Yazid, dll. Need to do alignment and balancing. Manji said the "service" would last for 3 months. Once 3 months up, I will need to change all 4 tyres. At current oni the front driver side tyre is very very bad. So no speeding, n caution on wet roads.
He gave a few reasons:
- didnt check tyre pressure regularly
- driving style
- wear n tear on tyre , n road conditions

funnily, i check on the idrive today and it says "OK". so sometimes must trust own instincts also...
Only those reasons? He didn't say that the wear was due to alignment or camber being out, Rachel? The 'service' that he did must have been an adjustment of some sort, did he tell you what adjustment?
So was your front alignment okay? or out? Which wheel out? By how many degree?

Since "Manji" only mentioned 3 possible causes which result to your front right tyre wear, seem nothing wrong with your front alignment wor?!?!!

Were u underinflated? What was the pressure when u reach "Manji's place? and what pressure u running now?

Driving style? Lots of left turn braking in the corner?! :eek: We don't brake in the corner girl, we brake before the corner, and accelerate or balance the throttle in the corner.. :D

When I go to tyre shop, I will want to know exactly what measurement was set to my car so if I don't like it, I can up or down the setting by couple of notches.. :wink:

The measurement for camber degree and toe-in degree is the most important to jot down.

Like this (B4):

Was told my front is within spec while my rear was out. My front tyre wear confirm the spec is within. You will notice before my rear camber adjustment the rear left camber was -1.30 but in green color which denotes within spec, however, I suffer serious inner wear with the tyre, so I ask the forement to set -1.10 for me. This is what I call "personalised" set-up, based on my driving style.. :D

And Rachel, what was your fuel tank capacity when u did the alignment job? and what is your usual fuel tank balance? or in other words, when did u refill? Refill when low fuel warning lighted or at quarter tank? What I'm trying to say is if you did your alignment with a little fuel in the tank while u normally maintain 3 quarter tank of fuel, than the alignment setting is too aggressive for u which again, promote inner tyre wear for especially the rear.
charm lor...suddenly so much details... i trust my car to the hands of manji. i dont hv the luxury to wait 2 hours there. let me see if i can get a report (screen shot)
Ya lor! Astro also made my head spin with all those red and green numbers... :43: Don't bother to ask for a report - they don't save the screen. The only question to ask is whether your uneven tyre wear was due ONLY to the 3 reasons he gave you, or also that the alignment or camber was out too.
Haha... I very good at confusing others.. sometimes me also the victim of my own act.. :hmmmm:

So Rachel, does the car go straight now? Should be a simple thing to tell ya?! You told us it was pulling one side earlier...
dear astroboy and schwepps....

Now I am really confused.....since I got my car, I have never checked my tyre pressure but I do sent it for alignment every 8-10k. I am using the idrive function and since it says the tyre is ok, i dont bother checking
If i do check it, and I have to pump some air, then do I need to reset anything in the idrive ?
That's why I only pump my tyre once despite owning it for over 21 months. It is better to reset the RFT after every tyre refill because the RFT rely on tyre circumference to measure the relative revolution for each and every wheel. And change in air pressure after refill affects the sensor reading.

The problem in resetting the RFT sensor is you need to ensure car is on a level ground to reset the RFT and there's no "level" ground in KL.. :p :eek: So I rather don't bother to pump.. :p
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