Cat in love with my E46

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will you kill the cat ..please...!! Then fried the cat...

Char Meow Fan....

"Park elsewhere" mean parking by the roadside for me. Instead of scratches, I may find car gone for good.
Originally posted by Niterider@Apr 1 2006, 09:59 AM

"Park elsewhere" mean parking by the roadside for me. Instead of scratches, I may find car gone for good.
:p :p yalah...ur house iz like rumah teres aah??? if so, y izzit that the cat only likes ur car???? hmmmmmmm.
You can also try spraying insecticide around your car... They hate that smell too!!

Good luck!

I have tried Ridsect, aerosol with the strongest smell. It works
as long as the smell last. Problem is the smell does not last.

Also can be costly in the long term. One can last me about 10days.
And cost about RM7:50.

Cat love to sleep at the Hood because its warm (warm from heat of the engine).I have the same problem too before, the only solution, i just lift the hood open for few hours to let the heat from the engine gone, then i close it works
put out a bowl of milk where the cat can get at it. dissolve 2-3 panadols into the milk. its poison to them. she'll die a slow lingering death.

then string up the carcass to warn other cats not to come near ur place. also helps keep direct sellers and in-laws away.

Originally posted by Redd@Apr 16 2006, 01:52 PM
put out a bowl of milk where the cat can get at it. dissolve 2-3 panadols into the milk. its poison to them. she'll die a slow lingering death.

then string up the carcass to warn other cats not to come near ur place. also helps keep direct sellers and in-laws away.

:rofl: you are good dude..... :p :rofl:
This had me in stitches.

I have the same problem. Cat/s sleep on my car and jeez... sometimes after I wash my car. Always happens at night.

So, grandma told me that cats do not like clorox. Therefore, just pour clorox on the floor of your driveway. I usually pour it around the skirting of my driveway. Do it every 2 weeks or so.

It's an old topic I know but as a newbie I'v been trying to come up to speed :p .....

Try this. Get a toy snake and leave it on the car. It's got to look realistic and have bright colours. This was suggested by an Aussie mate and apparently that's their solution over there. And guess what it actualy works! I just left mine on the bonnet (where the dam*ed cat likes to settle down) and it worked like a charm!

Interesting. Friend of mine got pbm w cats claw marks on his black car as well.

You mean you put a snake on your bonnet everynight?
That's the thing, and this is how I know it's effective. I leave it on for a couple of days then forget. But it must scare the bejeezus out of the cats :D because it takes them a couple of weeks to work up the nerve to get back on the car. I then stick it back on a again and then forget after awhile..... The gaps between when I forget and when the cats get back on again kept getting longer and longer.... I haven't had that toy snake on the car for six months now and it's been cat free :yahoo:


It's been 2 months now since I raise the cat problem.

Moth balls work! And it is a cheap and practical solution.

Credit goes to Kevster30 who provided the solution. I did as
he suggested, put some moth balls in some old socks and
leave it on the car roof, bonnet and boot.
Originally posted by Niterider@May 30 2006, 02:20 PM

It's been 2 months now since I raise the cat problem.

Moth balls work! And it is a cheap and practical solution.

Credit goes to Kevster30 who provided the solution. I did as
he suggested, put some moth balls in some old socks and
leave it on the car roof, bonnet and boot.

even if moth balls work, the cat might come back when it is "biasa" with the smell!! i tell you what..... i had the same problem but the cat likes to sleep on my door mat. go to the hawker center, buy 1 cheap fried fish (i think ikan kembung) then go buy rat poison, stuff some into the fish. leave it by the door mat (car bonnet, in your case) and.................. THE CAT WILL NEVER DISTURB YOU AGAIN!!!! don't worry, it will not die on your car. it will definitely feel stomach problem and want go shit and DIE on the way!!!! :)
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