Buzzing ICE

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Mar 28, 2005
Sifus, Recently i upgraded my stock system on my E46 to the following: - Focal slim components+crossover (Front) - Focal subwoffer in the trunk- Audison SRX4 amp driving the front and sub (under the front passenger seat) Trouble is my front component speakers seem to have this low level "buzz"ing noise coming even when the radio is off. Ive reduced the gain setting on my amp to the min setting to reduce this, but theres still a faint buzz heard, especially, when the car is idle. Its darn irritating... A noise suppressor was installed, this did reduce the buzz, but it still there...faintly, but I just cant get rid of it :( Feel like ripping it all out sometimes ...:mad: The installer (KF Audio) said that "nothing" can be done as some BMWs with stock radios BMW Business) do have this this true? Or is this guy is just lazy... I dont believe its true, as the rear speakers do not have this "buzz" if i disconnect the front to amp.. Any input will be appreciated
sounds like a wire isn't grounded correctly and he's too lazy to search through to find which wire.
Yup, thats my guess...Will find some time to revisit this shop and ask them to recheck
Hi there Bruce_Z, just my wild guess to your audio problems, seems tat if your radio is off, your amp should go off too, and so do the buzzing sound. Try re-locate your Focal front passive x-over... I think it's too close to some electric components in your car. Cheers! Hope this will help you.
Yup, its definitely not coming as an output out of the Amp. The buzz is coming somewhere between the stock headunit to the input to the Amp.
Hi Bruce,

What Casanova said is right. Check your grounding and source wire. It has to do with the wiring. Guess what you are facing is called the "airplane sound".

Try not to use the noise suppressor. If the wiring job is good, you may need to avoid this.

I am running on the original Head Unit with the following:
MB Quart Mid range x 4
MB Quart Tweeters x 2
Kenwood Amp
American Sound Amp
12 " MTX Woofer in a sealed box
Mohawk Active Crossover

and so hissing nor buzzing sound.

Thanks for the inputs. Had my front focal x-over and the hi-lo adapter relocated by KF Audio. Buzzing noise is now gone...the sound seem to be cleaner too.

Now Im a happy bunny :)
Good, at least now you can enjoy some soft music without the buzzing noise. Good work.
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