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Checked with my HU installer, he suspected remote dimmer connection could be loose! will get him to rectify one of these days as it only happen occasionally and I am trying to avoid dismantling the dashboard trim cos each time you dismantle, more scratches will be added on !
Off topic,

Is the performance of the 9815 similar to the newer 9833?? I mean it has similar gizmos like TA, X-over adjustment, electronic EQ and etc.

How bout the sound quality?? Is it comparable?


The Alpine 983x series are essentially the successor to the popular 981x series. I have attached the product sheet for both units here for your reference. Feature wise they are almost the same with the 9833 having a slightly better and more flexible electronic x-over and real 4V preouts. Also, the 9833 has a better multi color display with upto 512 different illumination colors and probably looks more contemporary too.

The 9815 though, fights back with a better MediaXpander menu and sound ( for you MP3 freaks out there ) and is slightly more natural sounding along the line of the ol school pure Alpine decks. Thought in terms of specs they are almost alike, it's in the sound quality where the 9815 comes out just a bit ahead of the 9833. The 4V rated pre-outs on the 9815 especially the sub-out are not as strong as those on the 9833 ... hence you amps may have to work just a wee bit harder. Small issue really as we've seen so many times how high volt pre-out is not enough when the rest of the system is up to par.

Product spec sheet - CDA9815

Product spec sheet - CDA9833

Which one to choose ? I shall leave that to your ears and wallet to decide.

Bundy, b4 u blow $$ away. Follow me when I drop my car for tuning after running in the setup for a few weeks now. You can listen and drop me back too (hee hee). Can share with you how to get good sound without blowing loads of $$.
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