Guy's i might have a bad new's..players from TERMELOH might not come due to bad weather..i will have to reshuffle the squad. Will finalised it by tomorrow.
:top: :top: head count...we had 2 flights in the end...the pro flight: Iceman63, Alvin, JoeTan; Ekse... the qualifying school flight: Pucwei, Thsaw99, Karate70; Ramoura:rock: :rock: for me? back to school
hmmmm.....the FFKs...we wait for them to come out....
The weather was perfect, the company was great, the greens were fast, some scores were low, some of us got more than we paid for and the photographer was excellent.
sorry guys as explained by redbaron (FFK .....SAKIT BADAN, GOD KNOWS WAT I WAS DOING)
hope i will turn up when the next meet up be held, bravo to u alvin coz demam pun still can play..............luckily won 2 prizes during my company's badminton tournament on saturday yeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa