BMWCM BimmerFest 2013 - November

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tIANcI;852151 said:
Eh Ramsing ... You unhappy is it? Go and participate ok. Dun just come in here and ask ask ... Go take on some position la.

I already 'retire' you want to bring up my name ...

i wanted to join bimmerpark, but my car was in the shop la. last i heard, if you tow your bmw there, it's not qualified to enter. :( e30m3 also not what more my old unker car.

tIANcI;852152 said:
If BimmerFest not part of the club then who does it belong to la? It's BMWCM wat ...

dunno, many pages back it was stated it two separate things. dont ask so many questions la, if u think u can do better, then become prez la.

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Ramsing ... Who the heck talking about your old car. Got mismatched colour seats summore. Even if your car can go for BimmerFest, it should not be allowed. Who in the right mind got one set of BROWN seats and other set BLACK, in the same car? (but I seen white car with a black door before la ... Hehehe)

What you mean separate ... How can be when BMWCM is the only official BMW club in Malaysia and the event was mooted by the club?

Why you want to talk about being Prez? Stick to the point ok. Dun off topic here, later Judge Dredd hantam you.

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Ramsing ... Who the heck talking about your old car. Got mismatched colour seats summore. Even if your car can go for BimmerFest, it should not be allowed. Who in the right mind got one set of BROWN seats and other set BLACK, in the same car? (but I seen white car with a black door before la ... Hehehe)

What you mean separate ... How can be when BMWCM is the only official BMW club in Malaysia and the event was mooted by the club?

Why you want to talk about being Prez? Stick to the point ok. Dun off topic here, later Judge Dredd hantam you.
So u r saying that we PAID to participate so that BMWCLUBMALAYSIA gets to be in the MBOR? lol... Last i checked, I went there coz it's a BIMMERFEST, not BMWCLUBMALAYSIA FEST. There were lots of other clubs there too, if u put up statements like - BMWCLUBMALAYSIA is the only official club, then don't bring in other clubs to form up the numbers - use your own members only then. Question is - will the numbers add up.

There's a cantonese saying - don't use people's butt cheeks to form your face
Alim ... Okay it's like this. You paid to participate in an event called BimmerFest 2013. You paid so you can park your car in an area to enjoy gathering with other enthusiasts who all decided to pay so they can park their cars in an area to enjoy gathering with other enthisiasts too la.

If you did not pay, then you cannot park your car in that area, you have to park in one of the public car parks only mah.

So you paid, you went, you got to park your car in the event area, you got to gather with other enthusiasts who went, also paid and parked their cars in the event area. That means you got what you bargained for mah.

BimmerFest as an event must be owned by someone or some corporation or some unincorporated association. You know why? It's like this:

- if not next year someone decides to hold a BimmerFest then who has the intellectual property rights to the name la? What if because it's successful this year and then someone steals it for their benefit next year, calling it BimmerFest, thus confusing this year's participant that it's the same organiser and the participants are keen to join in because the BimmerFest 2013 was a good event? Cetak Rompak nie!

- when you apply for the event permits (council, police, MACP, PPM, etc) you need to put a name to the event organisers. It cannot be called 'A group of BMW enthusiasts who decided to gather and pay a fee to park their car in a certain area and enjoy with other enthusiasts'. Where got borang with that much space for you to fill up such a name?

- also if you do not attribute the event to a single organiser how to go to court when a mishap happens la? Example, during the event say a tent falls over and injures perhaps Ramsing. He will want to sue someone for negligence. He cannot say sue 'A group of BMW enthusiasts who decided to gather and pay a fee to park their car in a certain area and enjoy with other enthusiasts'. That will be nuts la, very vague. Then it may also legally mean that he's suing himself if he was one of the kind souls who volunteered since its a collective thing. But more importantly, when suing the borang also dun have so much space to fill in 'A group of BMW enthusiasts who decided to gather and pay a fee to park their car in a certain area and enjoy with other enthusiasts'.

So based on the above few things I said, the event has an owner and since there is an owner, the MBOR decided to hand the cert to the organiser rather than stating on the cert 'A group of BMW enthusiasts who decided to gather and pay a fee to park their car in a certain area and enjoy with other enthusiasts'. See the cert got not enuff space for that long name also ...

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Alim ... Okay it's like this. You paid to participate in an event called BimmerFest 2013. You paid so you can park your car in an area to enjoy gathering with other enthusiasts who all decided to pay so they can park their cars in an area to enjoy gathering with other enthisiasts too la.

If you did not pay, then you cannot park your car in that area, you have to park in one of the public car parks only mah.

So you paid, you went, you got to park your car in the event area, you got to gather with other enthusiasts who went, also paid and parked their cars in the event area. That means you got what you bargained for mah.

BimmerFest as an event must be owned by someone or some corporation or some unincorporated association. You know why? It's like this:

- if not next year someone decides to hold a BimmerFest then who has the intellectual property rights to the name la? What if because it's successful this year and then someone steals it for their benefit next year, calling it BimmerFest, thus confusing this year's participant that it's the same organiser and the participants are keen to join in because the BimmerFest 2013 was a good event? Cetak Rompak nie!

- when you apply for the event permits (council, police, MACP, PPM, etc) you need to put a name to the event organisers. It cannot be called 'A group of BMW enthusiasts who decided to gather and pay a fee to park their car in a certain area and enjoy with other enthusiasts'. Where got borang with that much space for you to fill up such a name?

- also if you do not attribute the event to a single organiser how to go to court when a mishap happens la? Example, during the event say a tent falls over and injures perhaps Ramsing. He will want to sue someone for negligence. He cannot say sue 'A group of BMW enthusiasts who decided to gather and pay a fee to park their car in a certain area and enjoy with other enthusiasts'. That will be nuts la, very vague. Then it may also legally mean that he's suing himself if he was one of the kind souls who volunteered since its a collective thing. But more importantly, when suing the borang also dun have so much space to fill in 'A group of BMW enthusiasts who decided to gather and pay a fee to park their car in a certain area and enjoy with other enthusiasts'.

So based on the above few things I said, the event has an owner and since there is an owner, the MBOR decided to hand the cert to the organiser rather than stating on the cert 'A group of BMW enthusiasts who decided to gather and pay a fee to park their car in a certain area and enjoy with other enthusiasts'. See the cert got not enuff space for that long name also ...
wah susah lah coca cola and popcorn very expensive here in UK. All in Sterling Pounds. Need to go to Tesco or Sainsburys Supermarket to stock up.

Ramsing and Tianci all your fault that I have to spend extra hehe
Lamoo ... Can you please pop by Marks n Sparks for me? I miss the pork pies .... How's the weather there la?
Lamoo you prefer hot sticky and wet right

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
wahh the aftermath of this event had even made Tianci popped out here from down under ...
No la ... its all that Ramsing, for nothing he wants to mention my name. That Bangla is a trouble maker I am telling you. He mesti bertaubat!
wow tainci...since you mentioned his name,i wonder if that trouble maker bangla is the one who mooted the idea of having cover charge on BF to subsidize his seats ..
Iceman ... that Bangla dun do that one ok. He is a real entrepreneur with great insight on making money. You see from 9-6 he works for someone, steady income mah. Then from say around 10 pm to 2 am he goes out to work at night again. That is extra income for him. He's not the sort who will moot cover charge for BF'13 la. But if you need Hacks, he can supply you with it.
It was a pleasure to participate in BIMMERFEST!!




the pictures speak for themselves as captured by Mavik, M and Raytech ..must have been a tremendous effort
to stage given the scale of the event..well done everyone especially so the organizing committee

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the pictures speak for themselves as captured by Mavik, M and Raytech ..must have been a tremendous effort
to stage given the scale of the event..well done everyone especially so the organizing committee
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