BMW M5 | HAMANN Full Edition Race

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AzamDatoMohd;284905 said:
Roger Notiguy...

I didn't said my E60 is The Full Edition Race E60... Mine is not full skirt like yours... But i shows the Attachment File of The BMW M5 | HAMANN Full Edition Race (Silver BMW) on 1st page ( for open discussion for someone like me and others to be part of the Team to learn more bout HARMANN.

By the way your CAR look gorges & horny... ( I belief it's your rite...? )

I just want to get started in Car Passion since long time concentrate on business... Last time xde time... Now bolehlah ader masa lari from ofiz workload buat make-up my CAR... Sikit2 jer... Saperlah kite... Hehehehe....

Guess i got the wrong drift of your message you were trying to convey as I didn't understand if you were trying to say your ride was an Edition Race or wasn't. It was a little vague to me. Anyway, no worries upon that. I didn't notice you had another thread on the E60 column, so pardon my ignorence. Anyway, that was also an E92.

Sad to say, I am a poser. The pic I posted is not my ride, by a very close buddy of mine. I only assisted him in obtaining the parts. Dont even have enough dough for those 21" tyres!!!!
notiguy;284957 said:
Guess i got the wrong drift of your message you were trying to convey as I didn't understand if you were trying to say your ride was an Edition Race or wasn't. It was a little vague to me. Anyway, no worries upon that. I didn't notice you had another thread on the E60 column, so pardon my ignorence. Anyway, that was also an E92.

Sad to say, I am a poser. The pic I posted is not my ride, by a very close buddy of mine. I only assisted him in obtaining the parts. Dont even have enough dough for those 21" tyres!!!!

Hu La La...

No worrie Bro!!! Yes... E92 really have the class but i actualy want the 20" or 21" but hard on speeding (Berat), so i just use the 19", but tengoklah if in few month if i rasa perhaps i'll change to 20" pulak... (GERAM)
Coz i nie memang suka tukar sport rims yg berkenan di hati... every 3 to 6 month. By the way I've a few set of sport rims that i use b4 masih kat Tyres Workshop is mine yang x di jual lagi...
I figure that you also LOVE HARMANN rite...? We can share some passion together perhaps.
Bailey;284259 said:
ok bro, my old car is using 18" M5 rims as seen in my signature but i got to know u from my best fren aminuddin (like jejak kasih plak hehehe) and ive opened & traded thru yr rapid fxcm

welcome to BMWCM bro, hope you cld join us for tis friday TT at aman suria yeah & then we cld view yr new 20" ride yeah

Just spoke to Aminuddin few days a go... Ok... small world yar... He bought The BMW 525i from the trade that he gain from Trading Forex i heard laaa... He also bought new car... He told me... He likes 38 number... Hehehe...

C u when i c TT (Movie Ocean 13)

BJM7978;284247 said:
walllaaaa.....scary maaaa...takuttttssss.....

Aper nak takutss... Biasa laa... simple2 jer... Kene la buat2 garang sikit... Baru kerete pun nampak garang... Hehehe.... (HARMANN tuh...)
Jangan marah laa... Brothers in the Club...


Anyone in the Club who converts their car to HARMANN... Please attach picture of your ride in this thread... Coz i nak convert my car to HARMANN laa...
Help me laa... coz looking in the website x gal laa... Want to c our own Malaysian nyer HARMANN yg on the road in Malaysia jer.... ( Coz Malaysia xde HARMANN Club ) So kita nak buat BMW HARMANN SubClub to BMWCM in this Forums...
Hope BMWCM Committees & Members x marah... Minta IZIN yer... (SubClub HARMANN jer...)
AzamDatoMohd;285056 said:
Just spoke to Aminuddin few days a go... Ok... small world yar... He bought The BMW 525i from the trade that he gain from Trading Forex i heard laaa... He also bought new car... He told me... He likes 38 number... Hehehe...

C u when i c TT (Movie Ocean 13)

yep true he has jes got his new estima last week & in fact he told me tat uve jes bought tis car also

anyway i'll see tonite yeah azam cheers
AzamDatoMohd;285059 said:

Anyone in the Club who converts their car to HARMANN... Please attach picture of your ride in this thread... Coz i nak convert my car to HARMANN laa...
Help me laa... coz looking in the website x gal laa... Want to c our own Malaysian nyer HARMANN yg on the road in Malaysia jer.... ( Coz Malaysia xde HARMANN Club ) So kita nak buat BMW HARMANN SubClub to BMWCM in this Forums...
Hope BMWCM Committees & Members x marah... Minta IZIN yer... (SubClub HARMANN jer...)

hehehehe boleh buat kawan nih .....
in tat case form a HERMANN club better wat hehehehe
AzamDatoMohd;285050 said:
Hu La La...

No worrie Bro!!! Yes... E92 really have the class but i actualy want the 20" or 21" but hard on speeding (Berat), so i just use the 19", but tengoklah if in few month if i rasa perhaps i'll change to 20" pulak... (GERAM)
Coz i nie memang suka tukar sport rims yg berkenan di hati... every 3 to 6 month. By the way I've a few set of sport rims that i use b4 masih kat Tyres Workshop is mine yang x di jual lagi...
I figure that you also LOVE HARMANN rite...? We can share some passion together perhaps.

If you are swapping your rims again, do make sure its a Hamann. Its a little funny that you're ride its a Hamann kitted E60, but with ACS rims, it does look a little weird though.

What are the rims that you still have with you? Replicas or Authentic? I've got various friends that are into it. Do let me know.


mmmmmmmmmmmm if tis is the rims u hav as in the above pic........alamak we shld discuss tonite hehehehe

Guys... I'm glad that we all Eye-Ball to at TT Aman Suria tonight...
Everyone of you guys are Very Good Boy...

Learn a lots from you guys bout The Club... Will be a good start for me to be part to the Geng In Town... (Lama x keluar sarang laa...Takut kene sarang Tebuan)

Semua Members BMWCM memang sayang & setia pada BiNi laa.... Respect Geng...:top:

Uiks... BMW pun boleh convert JAWA kaaa... But jangan convert BMWCM dah laa...:love:

Guys... I'm glad that we all Eye-Ball to at TT Aman Suria tonight...
Everyone of you guys are Very Good Boy...

Learn a lots from you guys bout The Club... Will be a good start for me to be part to the Geng In Town... (Lama x keluar sarang laa...Takut kene sarang Tebuan)

Semua Members BMWCM memang sayang & setia pada BiNi laa.... Respect Geng...:top:
dont worry bro ......................nice meeting u too
what so great about HAMANN?....opps sorry HERMANN:rolleyes:

Mont-o bin Dato Ismail
ok now we have another anak dato' hehehehe HERMANN tino club maaaaaaaa hehehe
Waduh... Waduh...

Anak Dato' lagi ker... Silapla... Pakai Nickname nie... I dah memang selalu pakai Nickname True Name sebenarnya nie dalam forum2 yang ada b4... X sangka lak... Kat sini PEDAS macam Cili Padi...:fight:
Waduh... Waduh... Bapak HAMANN...bisa bantu saya Mas... Uiks... Silap... HERMANN...:eek:

Ps:- Bailey...Which Link that you mention The Round Circle Grouping BMW...?:39:
jes click at gallery and u can find 5 series Drive July 2007
wooo latokkkk...solyyy..anak latokkk...bila mau ajar kitorang pasal forex?cant wait to have the nicest ride like urs...wallaaaaa...
notiguy;285187 said:
If you are swapping your rims again, do make sure its a Hamann. Its a little funny that you're ride its a Hamann kitted E60, but with ACS rims, it does look a little weird though.

What are the rims that you still have with you? Replicas or Authentic? I've got various friends that are into it. Do let me know.

I understand it does look weird to you or others... But I berkenan when the ACS Rims Set been shown to me... That time i'm still using a M Sport BodyKit before i convert it to HARMANN recently... If when i found the HARMANN Rims pulak yang i berkenan in next few month, than i'll change it, Ok!!! On your ride does look GERAM...
Will get it 1 day... Not for long.... :39: :75: :39:

Ofcoz mine is Authentic ORI not Replicas type rims. But the 3 sets that i have in stocks in the Tyres Workshop is Japan Model... (Can't remember the name...will check it out for you soon...Ok!):64:
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